"Carter, would you like to explain to the class how this formula is done?" Mr. Leonard asked. I vigorously shook my head. He sighed disappointedly. "Carter...were you even listening to me?" he asked with a frown. A crooked smile appeared on my lips and everyone snickered.
"Jesus" he whispered to himself. He should really get it by now that 'whispering' and 'moaning out loud' are different. "Alright then, just study up page fifty-four and listen next time, alright?" he suggested. I nodded.
"Good job there Carter, you made Mr. Leonard mad again." my best friend, Leila, snickered at me. I glared at her but couldn't help the smile on my lips. "Hey bud, maybe you should turn this as your job or something." Joe, Leila's boyfriend, smirked. I grinned at his remark.
"You know, I read somewhere that stress makes people bald. So basically your the reason he's bald now." Louise, my childhood friend, chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him. That is so not true! He already had about five strands of hair to begin with! So what if I might've made him lose them all? That's literally only five.
"Cut it out Louise, besides why do you even search stuff like that?" Leila giggled. He shrugged. "Just wanted to." "You wanted to know why people go bald?" Everyone snickered at that. "Yes actually, because I come from a long line of bald males you know? Can't help but be anxious." he fought back.
everyone facepanned at this. Wow, he cut off our joke so naturally that it scared me. "Your no fun, you know that Lou?" Joe groaned. "Is that anyway to talk to your best friend?" he remarked back. Joe rolled his eyes and ruffled Lou's already dishevelled brown locks. "Hey! I take time fixing that!" he claimed. I don't know why he bothers, we all knew he doesn't.
The first time Louise introduced Joe to me, I had thought they were dating from the way they acted, but then he got together with Leila which I didn't get. They never talked much before. I don't think they hang out without us a lot either. So why were they dating?
The bell rang.
"Aw man, lunch's over already?" Joe moaned. Leila giggled at his boyfriend. "Alright then, we'll see you two later." She waved and clutched her boyfriend's hand in hers. A moment later, they disappeared into a classroom.
"Alright, they're gone. Are you gonna speak now?" Lou sighed. I breathed out a breathe I've been holding. "Yea..." I trailed. My voice was squeakier than I remembered. I hated that.
"I don't get why you don't just dark deeper." he arched a brow. I followed him as he walked to class. Thankfully we had the same one. I gave him a weird look. "Do you hear me right now? Do you honestly think I can speak to them with this super girly voice of mine?" I snarled.
"But it's so cute." he cooed. I glared at him. He knew I didn't like people telling me I was cute. Boys aren't suppose to like being called cute. "Shut up Louise." I snapped. He chuckled.
"Ok Bessie." he teased. "You know I hate it when yo-Opfh." I puffed as I hit something hard. I glared at the person in front of me only to blush deeply.
"Oh, sorry about that." he apologised in a rough voice. I blushed even more. I nodded meekly and he carried on his way. "W-who's that?" I stammered. He was new.
Beside me Louise smirked. "Aw, does little Cartie have a crush on the new guy?" he chuckled. I punched his guts nonchalantly and he wheezed in pain.
"You know, for a boy turned girl, your punches are top-notch." he wheezed. I still looked blankly at the spot the boy had stood on. "Shut up Louise."