Chapter 30: Questions For Artificial Intelligence 109Please respect copyright.PENANA1zIAYz5ODG
I asked Artificial Intelligence some questions about The Bible, A Course In Miracles and Disappearance Of The Universe. I used the Microsoft Bing Search Engine. You’ll find the answers very interesting. I know I have.
Q.Who wrote the Bible and why?
A.The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by multiple authors over a period of time. The Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, narrates the history of the people of Israel over about a millennium, beginning with God’s creation of the world and humankind. It contains the stories, laws, and moral lessons that form the basis of religious life for both Jews and Christians. For at least 1,000 years, both Jewish and Christian traditions held that a single author wrote the first five books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, which together are known as the Torah (Hebrew for “instruction”) and the Pentateuch (Greek for “five scrolls”). That single author was believed to be Moses, the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt and guided them across the Red Sea toward the Promised Land. However, there are things in these books that Moses himself could not possibly have witnessed: His own death, for example, occurs near the end of Deuteronomy. A volume of the Talmud dealt with this inconsistency by explaining that Joshua (Moses’ successor as leader of the Israelites) likely wrote the verses about Moses’ death.
The New Testament was written by multiple authors including Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, Peter, and Jude. These books were written to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ and to provide guidance to early Christian communities. The Bible is considered to be divinely inspired by many believers. Some believe that God wrote the Bible through human authors. They actually held the quill that moved across the parchment, but what they wrote was ultimately what God wanted to be written.
Q.Who wrote ACIM and why?
A.A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a 1976 book that was scribed by Helen Schucman between 1965 and 1972 through a process of inner dictation. Schucman said that the book had been dictated to her, word for word, via a process of “inner dictation” from Jesus Christ. The underlying premise of the book is that the greatest “miracle” is the act of simply gaining a full “awareness of love’s presence” in a person’s life.
Q.Is The Bible all true?
A. Whether the Bible is all true is a complex one, and opinions on the matter vary. Some people believe that the Bible is the literal word of God and that everything in it is true. Others believe that while the Bible contains important spiritual truths, it should not be taken as a literal historical or scientific account. Still, others believe that the Bible is a human creation and that its contents are not necessarily true.
Q. Is ACIM all true?
A.Whether ACIM is all true is a complex one, and opinions on the matter vary. ACIM is a 1976 book by Helen Schucman. The underlying premise is that the greatest “miracle” is the act of simply gaining a full “awareness of love’s presence” in a person’s life. Schucman said that the book had been dictated to her, word for word, via a process of “inner dictation” from Jesus Christ. Some people believe that ACIM contains essential spiritual truths.
Q. What is the difference between the God of the Bible and the God of ACIM?
A.The God of the Bible and the God of ACIM are understood differently by different people. ACIM is a book by Helen Schucman that was published in 1976. According to her testimony, Schucman began having “highly symbolic dreams” and experiencing “strange images.” As she began to write, she was surprised to see “This is ACIM” appear on the paper. She went on to say that this was her introduction to the “Voice.” This voice began to give her rapid inner dictation that she took down in shorthand. According to the dictated material, the voice of The Course was Jesus. On the other hand, the God of the Bible is understood by many as the creator of the universe and everything in it. The Bible contains accounts of God’s interactions with humanity, including His miracles, commandments, and promises.
Q. According to the Bible, can God be jealous, vindictive, and cruel?
A.According to the Bible, God is described as having a range of emotions, including jealousy. In Exodus 20:5, God says, “You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God.” However, it’s significant to note that the concept of jealousy in this context is different from the human emotion of jealousy. God’s jealousy is often understood as righteous jealousy for His people, whom He loves and wants to protect from harm. The Bible also contains passages where God is described as punishing those who disobey Him. However, many people believe that these actions are not vindictive or cruel, but rather are just and necessary consequences for disobedience. It’s essential to note that interpretations of the Bible can vary, and different people may have different understandings of these passages.
Q.According to ACIM can God be jealous, vindictive, and cruel?
A. According to ACIM, God is not capable of being jealous, vindictive, or cruel. ACIM teaches that God is Love and that His nature is only loving. The book presents a view of God as a loving creator who does not punish or condemn His creations. Instead, ACIM teaches that any perception of punishment or cruelty is a result of our own mistaken beliefs and not a reflection of God’s true nature.
Q.Does the Bible mention Satan and Hell?
A.Yes, the Bible does mention Satan and Hell. According to the Bible, Hell was originally designed for Satan and his demons. The Bible also states that Hell will punish the sin of those who reject Christ. Hell is described as a place of conscious torment, with references such as “furnace of fire, weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:50), “where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:48), and “he will be tormented with fire and brimstone” (Revelation 14:10)1. The Bible also refers to Hell as a place of everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. However, it does not state that the Devil will reign over Hell, just that he will eventually be banished there.
Q.If Hell is real, how can the Bible state that God is Love?
A.This is a complex question that has been debated by theologians and scholars for centuries. There are many interpretations and opinions on this topic. Some people believe that God’s love and the existence of Hell are not contradictory. They argue that God is loving, but also just, and that Hell is a place of punishment for those who reject God’s love and choose to live in sin. Others believe that the idea of eternal torment is repugnant to God and contrary to the Bible’s teaching that “God is love”. There are also those who believe that Hell is simply the final result of a human being saying to God throughout life, “Go away and leave me alone.” Hell is God’s answer, ”You may have your wish.” In that sense, hell is the ultimate testament to human freedom.
Q.Do some Biblical scholars say hell was made up to scare society, keep them in line, and have them give money to the church?
A.Yes, some Biblical scholars and historians argue that the concept of Hell as a place of eternal punishment was created by the early Christian church to scare people into obedience and to increase the church’s power and wealth. They believe that the idea of Hell as a place of eternal torment was not part of the original teachings of Jesus or the early Christian church, but was added later as a means of control.
Q.According to ACIM do Satan and Hell exist?
A. ACIM asserts that there is no hell. It considers hell to be a projection of our own guilt and a figment of our tormented imagination. Essentially, it challenges the traditional concept of hell. ACIM does not want us to believe in Satan. Instead, it encourages a personal relationship with God and views Jesus as the way to the Father. It does not promote idolatry or false worship.
Q.According to the Bible, what is ego?
A.The term ego is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. However, the concept of ego, or the self, is addressed in various passages. In the Bible, the self is often portrayed as something that needs to be denied or put to death in order to follow Christ and live a life pleasing to God. For example, in Matthew 16:24, Jesus says “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me”. In Galatians 2:20, Paul writes “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me”.
Q.According to ACIM, what is ego?
A.According to ACIM, the ego is the idea of separation from God, and it is the source of all fear and guilt. The ego is described as a false self, created by the mind as a defense against the fear of losing its identity. The ego is seen as the cause of all conflict and suffering, and its thought system is based on attack and defense. The Course teaches that the ego can be undone by recognizing its unreality and choosing to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit instead, which leads to the experience of peace and love.
Q. According to the Bible, why did God make Christ?
A. According to the Bible, God sent Jesus, his one and only Son, to live as a man for several reasons. One reason is to demonstrate God’s love for humanity. In Romans 5:6-8, Paul writes, “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person, though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die, but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Another reason is to restore the fullness of God’s image in humanity. Because of our sin, we have fallen short of reflecting God’s glory as we should (Rom :). Therefore, God sent his son Jesus as “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation” (Col:5). Through his life of perfect obedience, his sacrificial death on the cross for our sins, and his resurrection from the dead, Jesus begins to restore the fullness of God’s image in us.
Q.According to ACIM why did God make Christ?
A.According to ACIM, God created Christ as an extension of His very nature. ACIM teaches that God is Love and that His creations, including Christ, are created in His likeness, thus extending His nature of Love.
Q.According to the Bible, is it possible to sin against God?
A.Yes, most certainly it is very possible. According to the Bible, sin is a transgression of God’s law. It involves violating God’s prohibitive commands or omitting to practice His positive commands. Since God’s law reflects His holy nature, any act of sin is ultimately against Him personally. In other words, sin is an offense directed toward God, whether through disobedience, rebellion, or other wrongful actions.
Q.According to ACIM is it possible to sin against God?
A.In ACIM, sin is described as insanity, a means by which the mind becomes mad and seeks to replace truth with illusions. It perceives illusions where truth should be. Sin gave rise to the body’s senses, but the sinless have no need for sights, sounds, or touch. To sense is not to know; truth is filled with knowledge alone. Illusions, born from untrue thoughts, serve as “proof” that what lacks reality is real. Sin falsely claims that God’s Son is evil, that timelessness must end, and eternal life can die. Yet, God’s love remains unchanging, even amidst our pretenses. So, how long will we maintain this game of sin?
Q.Jesus explains in ACIM that God sees no sin in us because we’re merely dreaming. Is this true?
A.In ACIM the concept of sin is indeed approached from a unique perspective. According to ACIM, our earthly existence is like a dream, a projection of illusions that veil our true nature. In this dream, we perceive separation, guilt, and fear, leading to what we call “sin.” However, God, being all-knowing and loving, sees beyond the dream. To Him, our perceived sins are like fleeting shadows in a play. They hold no ultimate reality because our true essence remains sinless and eternal. So, yes, from the perspective of divine truth, sin is an illusion, a temporary distortion of our inherent holiness.
Q.According to The Bible, who is Jesus?
A.According to the Bible, Jesus is the Son of God, equal with God, and with authority from the Father. In Luke 22:70, it is written, “Then they all said, ‘Are You then the Son of God?’ So He said to them, ‘You rightly say that I am’”. In Matthew 28:18, Jesus says, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth”. In John 5:17, it is written “Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him because He not only broke the Sabbath but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God”. Jesus is also referred to as the Christ, the Messiah, and the Anointed One.
Q.According to ACIM, who is Jesus?
A.According to ACIM, Jesus is the name of one who was a man but saw the face of Christ in all his brothers and remembered God. So he became identified with Christ, a man no longer, but at one with God. The man was an illusion, for he seemed to be a separate being, walking by himself, within a body that appeared to hold himself from Self, as all illusions do. Yet who can save unless he sees illusions and then identifies them for what they are? Jesus remains a Savior because he saw the false without accepting it as true. And Christ needed his form so that He might appear to men and save them from their own illusions.
Q.According to the Bible, who is the Holy Spirit?
A.According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, along with God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ). The Holy Spirit is a person, not an impersonal force or influence. He has personal attributes such as intelligence, emotions, and will. He teaches, commands, and intercedes for us in prayer. The Holy Spirit is also referred to as the Advocate, the Spirit of truth, and the Comforter.
Q.According to ACIM who is the Holy Spirit?
A.According to ACIM, the Holy Spirit is a mediator between illusions and the truth. He must bridge the gap between reality and dreams, and perception leads to knowledge through the grace that God has given Him, to be His gift to everyone who turns to Him for truth. Across the bridge that He provides, dreams are carried to the truth, to be dispelled before the light of knowledge. The goal of the Holy Spirit’s teaching is just this end of dreams. For sights and sounds must be translated from the witnesses of fear to those of love. And when this is entirely accomplished, learning has achieved the only goal it has in truth. For learning, as the Holy Spirit guides it to the outcome He perceives for it, becomes the means to go beyond itself, to be replaced by the Eternal Truth.
Q.According to the Bible, did God create the universe?
A.According to the Bible, God created the universe. In the Book of Genesis, it says, “In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate.” The process of creation unfolds over several days, with God separating light from darkness, creating the sky, land, plants, animals, and finally, human beings. Additionally, Colossians 1:16 affirms that all things were created through God and for Him.
Q. According to ACIM did God create the universe?
A.According to ACIM, the physical universe (including the body) was not created by God, and in fact, came about as an attempt to hide from God due to intense fear.
Q.According to ACIM can our perfect God make anything or anyone imperfect?
A.ACIM presents a unique perspective on God and creation. It suggests that God is perfect and unchanging, and therefore cannot create imperfection. In ACIM, the material world, including our bodies and egos, is considered illusory, a projection of the ego’s fear and separation from God. From this viewpoint, imperfections arise from our misperceptions and identification with the ego, not from any inherent flaw in God’s creation. ACIM teaches that our true nature is beyond the physical realm, and our journey involves awakening to this truth and releasing illusions.
Q.ACIM says we're dreaming, and this universe is not real, why did we start dreaming?
A.According to ACIM, the dream of separation and the physical universe came about as a result of a tiny, mad idea that seemed to enter the mind of the Son of God. This idea was the thought of separation from God, and it seemed to cause a split in the mind of the Son of God, leading to the projection of a world of multiplicity and separation. The Course teaches that this dream is not real and has no effect on our true reality, which is eternal and changeless. We can awaken from this dream by practicing forgiveness and changing our perception of the world.
Q.In Disappearance Of The Universe by Gary Renard it claims that God was asked a question by Christ that was not answered. What was the question?
A. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find any specific information about a question that Christ asked God that was not answered.
Q.In Disappearance Of The Universe, what does pg.123 state?
A.I’m sorry, but I don’t have the ability to access specific pages of books. I can only provide general information about the book and its contents.
Q. Pg.123 states for a nanosecond a small aspect of Christ appears to have an idea that was not shared by God. The question was like, “What would it be like to go off and play on my own?” Which unfortunately is followed by an apparent answer. What was God’s Answer?
A.I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find any specific information about God’s answer to the question, “What would it be like to go off and play on my own?”
Q. In Disappearance Of The Universe, it says God did not answer the question because the idea was not of God. Therefore, was God’s answer not answering?
A. According to The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, it is stated that God did not answer the question because the idea was not of God. In this context, it could be interpreted that God’s answer was not answering.
Q. Were there Sons of God before the dream of separation?
A. According to ACIM, before the dream of separation, there was only the Son of God, who is one with God and is an extension of God’s perfect Love and Oneness. The Son of God is often referred to in the plural as the “Sons of God” to represent the idea that all of us are part of the one Son ship. Before the dream of separation, the Sons of God existed in a state of perfect Oneness with God and with each other.
Q.I’m confused again, you said before the dream of separation, there was only the Son of God, then you say the Sons of God existed in a state of perfect Oneness. Please clarify.
A.I apologize for any confusion. According to ACIM, before the dream of separation, there was only the Son of God, who is one with God and is an extension of God’s perfect Love and Oneness. The Son of God is typically referred to in the plural as the “Sons of God” to represent the idea that all of us are part of the one Son ship. Before the dream of separation, the Sons of God existed in a state of perfect Oneness with God and with each other. In other words, the terms “Son of God” and “Sons of God” refer to the same concept, the one Son ship that is an extension of God’s perfect Love and Oneness.
Q.Therefore, before the dream of separation there were separate personalities of the One Christ Mind?
A.According to ACIM, before the dream of separation, there was only the Son of God, who is one with God and is an extension of God’s perfect Love and Oneness. Before the dream of separation, the Sons of God existed in a state of perfect Oneness with God and with each other. In this state, there were no separate personalities or individual identities, but rather a perfect unity and harmony within the one Christ Mind.
Q.So therefore the Sons of God occurred inside the dream of separation?
A.According to ACIM, the dream of separation is an illusion that seems to have occurred within the mind of the Son of God. In this dream, the one Son ship appears to have fragmented into many individuals, or “Sons of God,” each with their own separate identity and personality. However, the Course teaches that this separation is not real and has no effect on our true reality, which is eternal and changeless.
Q. Clarify the statement the dream of separation is an illusion that seems to have occurred within the mind of the Son of God.
A.This means that the separation from God and the fragmentation of the one Son ship into many individuals is not real, but rather an illusory dream that seems to have taken place within the mind of the Son of God.
Q. According to both books, will we see and know our loved ones who died in our dream when we awaken in Heaven?
A. According to ACIM, when we awaken from the dream of separation and return to the awareness of our oneness with God, we will experience a state of perfect love and unity with all beings. In this state, the individual personalities and identities that we associate with our loved ones will no longer be relevant, as we will all be united in the one Christ Mind. However, the love that we share with our loved ones will continue to exist and will be experienced in a more profound and complete way.
Q. So therefore in Heaven we will retain the different personalities and memories we developed in our dream, but all will be purified because we realize we are all one in the Mind Of Christ?
A.The memories and experiences that we have accumulated in the dream of separation will be seen in a new light, as we realize that they were part of an illusory dream and have no effect on our true reality. In this sense, our personalities and memories will be purified as we awaken to the truth of our oneness with God and with each other.
Q.So therefore the love we share with our loved ones means our loved ones are there as we remember them from our dream?
A.While the specific details of our individual personalities and identities may no longer be relevant in this state of perfect unity, the love that we share with our loved ones will continue to exist. It will be experienced in a deeper and more meaningful way. The focus shifts from the individual details of our personalities to the underlying love and connection that we share with all beings. So, while we may not remember our loved ones exactly as they were in our dream of separation, the essence of our connection with them, the love we share, will continue to exist in a more profound and complete way.
Q.When we awaken from our dream of separation, will we retain our memories?
A.The question whether we will retain our memories when we awaken from our dream of separation is a complex one, and opinions on the matter vary. According to ACIM it’s possible that our memories and experiences in the dream of separation may be transformed or transcended as we awaken to a greater awareness of our true nature as spiritual beings.
Q.According to ACIM and Disappearance, were all animals and sea creatures created in Heaven or in our dream?
A.According to ACIM and Disappearance, the idea of separation from God is an illusion. ACIM teaches that the physical world, including all animals and sea creatures, is part of this illusion and not real in the ultimate sense.
Q.Since we retain our memories in Heaven and will be co-creators with God, is it possible that we’ll be able to create all animals and sea creatures to inhabit Heaven?
A.The question whether we will be able to create all animals and sea creatures to inhabit Heaven is a complex one, and opinions on the matter vary. It’s possible that our understanding of creation and our role as co-creators with God may be transformed or transcended as we awaken to a greater awareness of our true nature as spiritual beings.
Q.In ACIM or Disappearance does it say when we wake up that we will know all God knows, being that we are One with Christ and Christ is One with God?
A.Neither ACIM nor Disappearance specifically addresses the question whether we will know all that God knows when we awaken from the dream of separation.
Q. In Disappearance which is in alignment with ACIM how could Arten and Pursha just appear and disappear? Is it possible they learned this in Heaven?
A.It’s possible that Arten and Pursah's ability to appear and disappear is a reflection of their spiritual nature and their understanding of the illusory nature of the physical world.
Q.Jesus states in ACIM that every action we performed in our dream due to love will be purified by him and offered as gifts. What does this mean?
A.This statement reflects a profound spiritual perspective. Let’s break it down. Dream and Reality: ACIM teaches that our earthly existence is like a dream, an illusion. Our actions within this dream are not ultimately real. Love, however, is considered a higher truth, a reflection of our divine nature. Purification: When we act from a place of love, genuine compassion, kindness, and selflessness, those actions are seen as pure. Jesus, as a symbol of divine love and forgiveness in ACIM, purifies these loving actions. This means he transforms them beyond their illusory nature. Offering as Gifts: The purified actions are then offered as gifts to God or the higher Self. In this context, God represents the ultimate reality, beyond the dream. These gifts symbolize our willingness to transcend ego-based actions and align with love. Transcending Illusion: By recognizing the illusory nature of our actions and choosing love, we move closer to awakening from the dream. The gifts we offer become a pathway to awakening, a way to remember our true identity. ACIM invites us to question our perceptions, release grievances, and select love over fear. Ultimately, it encourages us to awaken from the dream of separation and recognize our oneness with God.
Q.Is it possible the term Christ is a state of being? ACIM declares the extreme importance of forgiving. In other words, if we obtain perfection in forgiveness, we will awaken to the truth that we are a Christ Being and not a human being.
A.In ACIM the term Christ holds a profound and transformative meaning. Let’s explore it further: The Christ State of Being: According to ACIM, the Christ is not merely a historical figure (such as Jesus) but a universal state of consciousness.It represents our true identity beyond the limitations of the ego and the physical body. The Christ state of being is characterized by love, forgiveness, and oneness with God. It transcends the illusion of separation and recognizes the divine essence in all beings. It’s the living expression of Light within us, a recognition that we are interconnected, eternal, and part of a greater whole. Forgiveness and Awakening: ACIM emphasizes forgiveness as a central practice. By forgiving ourselves and others, we release the ego’s grip on our minds and open ourselves to the Christ consciousness. When we forgive, we let go of grievances, judgments, and illusions. In this process, we awaken to our true nature, the Christ within us. Forgiveness is not about condoning harmful actions; it’s about recognizing that everyone is worthy of love and redemption, regardless of their past behavior. Beyond Human Identity: As you mentioned, when we attain perfection in forgiveness, we move beyond the limited perception of being a mere human being. We recognize our divine origin. The Christ within us is not bound by time, space, or physical form. It is eternal, unchanging, and connected to the Source. In this state, we see through the illusion of separateness and experience unity with all creation. Remember that ACIM invites us to practice forgiveness daily, allowing the Christ consciousness to shine through our interactions and perceptions. It’s a journey toward awakening, a shift from human identity to divine realization.
In summary, I feel this is Divine Truth from Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In Heaven, we will no longer be burdened by our ego. Our minds will be 100% active, like Scarlette Johnson in the movie Lucy. However, I know “Knock and the door shall be opened, ask and ye shall receive.” is Eternal Truth. I don’t feel we’ll instantly know all God knows when we awaken. Eventually, if one wants to know how to create a universe, they’ll be taught. We will all arrive at the magnificent and beautiful truth that we are Co-creators with God. This is so very true because God’s very nature is to share His very Being with His/Her creation.
I feel it is critical for us to understand that we are not Human Beings, we are Christ Beings. I believe God receives enormous joy and pleasure from watching His Children learn the perfection of their Being. Forever. 109Please respect copyright.PENANAEO1F2BUB52
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