Jane rushed into her mothers room. It was a mouldy, damp room that smelled so rank from her mothers endless vomit Jane thought she might throw up herself every time she entered. "Jane?" her mother repeated in the same strained whisper. Jane's Mother was once beautiful, with long golden hair and crystal clear kind blue eyes. But the most wonderful thing about her by far was her smile. When Jane's Mother smiled it seemed as if the sun itself would come out from behind the clouds to watch the enchanting scene. But as time went on and the mysterious sickness had spread through Jane's Mother, her hair became dead and flat, her eyes dimmed and sunken, her face ghostly pale. But worst of all the smile which had so often adorned Jane's Mother's face had slowly disappeared and been replaced by a hopeless frown. It was heart breaking. Jane slowly walked over to her mother, propped up in an old, mud encrusted arm chair. "Yes?" She replied. "Jane I need you to listen to me I don't have long left" Jane's Mother said slowly as if each word was a great labour. Tears began to stream from Jane's eyes. Suddenly there was a knocking at the door.