Episode 29 - The White Rabbit
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Sebastian,” I warned, “no.”
He just smiled, shoving me back down onto my vanity chair. “You must if you want to enjoy the party, master.”
I glared forward when he adjusted the collar of my shirt more over my neck.
“Is all this necessary?” I questioned as he tied the bow just under the front of my collar.
“It is a very small ball, my lord, yes, but you need social interaction.”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” I glared up at him. “I’m asking why you’re dressing me up like fucking Alice in Wonderland.”
He just gazed down, adjusting my head band. “You don’t like the rabbit ears, master?”
“Why would I like wearing a headband with obnoxious, large, animal-like ears?” I snapped.
“They’re not obnoxious,” he said, chuckling. “You look absolutely adorable in them, honestly. You’re already look so young despite your age…” he said in a dreamy voice, “you look so innocent in these.”
“I hate you,” I muttered in annoyance.
He just smiled. “Master, I am being kind. I allowed you to say no to the make-up.”
“I’m NOT having you put whiskers on me, and paint my nose pink,” I retorted. “But I’m not fond of the ears, either, and… can’t you make this dress more comfortable?”
“The ball is only for an hour,” he said, eyes softening with his smile. “You can manage, I’m sure.”
I grumbled in annoyance.
He stepped around me to catch some other stuff, and I fiddled with my thumbs before looking fully at him.
He stuffed some of my belongings into a bag. “Yes, master?”
“I had a query about you and Ciel,” I said then.
A small smile peeked on his lips, and he zipped up the bag. “Whatever’s on your mind, my lord?”
I gazed over at the mirror then, staring at myself. “Did you two ever…? You know.”
He stood up fully and gazed over at me, but I avoided eye contact. “I’m afraid I do not understand.”
“Yes, you do,” I snapped. “You understand plenty.”
“I actually do not,” he said then, smiling a little. “Although… judging by your reddened cheeks, I’d say you’re asking something embarrassing.”
I just growled low and stood, catching my cloak and storming to the door. “Whatever.”
Sebastian just caught my arm, reeling me to face him.
I pulled out of his grip. “Hey! What did I say about grabbing me like that?”
“My apologies, master,” he said then, bowing slightly before standing up. “But I really must urge you to complete your thought processes.” He smiled. “You claim to never feel fear, but I assure you keeping secrets is a clear sign of it.”
I gritted my teeth. “What? So you’re questioning me now?”
“I’m merely requesting that you observe your morals,” he stated then, lashes lowering. “And check them.”
I just gritted my teeth.
He’s pushing my self-confidence so I’ll cave. This demon.
I just stood up straight. “Are you manipulating me?”
“No, of course not.” He closed his eyes kindly. “The definition of manipulation is controlling or influencing a person or situation cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.” He parted his lashes. “You are the leader, master, the king who controls her pawns. I am merely the knight awaiting command. How must I control a situation without my master’s consent?”
“You’re controlling the situation right now,” I growled.
“I am merely testing your patience and slightly enabling your self-doubt,” he stated then, smile widening. “I am not controlling the situation or you in any manner. Every prospect of what comes next is up to you.”
I just sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “You really know how to smooth talk your way out of everything, don’t you?”
“I am merely a butler,” he said then, “one hell of a butler.”
I just shook my head. “You always talk about the butler aesthetic but what kind of butler touches and plays with his master?” I pointed an accusing finger at him. “And don’t ask me what I’m talking about, because you should know I mean something very explicit.”
He just chuckled, clearing his throat to hide it. “Master… if I might be frank.”
I just dropped my arm. “What now?”
“Do you understand the amount of… servant and master romances there are? Not necessarily the dominating and submissive type, but the forbidden romance aspect that everyone falls in love with?”
I just glared. “Your point?”
“There are many ‘master’ and ‘butler’ romances out there,” Sebastian stated then. “Many… many. So… I’d say that this might be a part of the butler aesthetic? Just a tad.”
I rolled my eyes and brushed off my sleeves. “You are exhausting.”
“Master,” Sebastian pressed then, lashes lowering, “your question from earlier?”
I glared over at him. “I said to drop it.”
He arched a brow.
I just sighed and turned away from him. “Fine. I was just asking… if you and Ciel ever had sex before.”
He was silent then, but I felt his eyes burn into my back. “Are you curious about the amount of times or how I did it?”
“The amount of times, you idiot!” I said then, glaring over at him. “Seriously, I’m not a pervert.”
He just smiled. “As to an estimate I’d say almost fifteen thousand times.”
I gazed over at him, eyes widened in horror. “What?”
“Well,” he closed his eyes kindly, “the first time I had with Ciel was when he was nineteen. He died at seventy-seven almost, and we did it almost every night. And if you do the calculations as an estimate, seventy-seven minus nineteen is fifty-eight, and there are three hundred sixty-five days in a year. If you divide the amount of days in a year by one point five—the small number of times in a year that we didn’t—it would equal about fourteen thousand one hundred thirteen point three repeating.”
I stared at him for a long moment. “You did all that… in your head just now?”
He gazed up at me, eyes glowing a dark red. “Master, I’ve told you many times not to underestimate me. I am a demon. You said yourself my level of intellect is higher than the smartest computer.”
I just blinked and looked back at the mirror, finding my cheeks shaded a light red. “So… did… did he…?”
“Did he what?” Sebastian pressed.
“Did he… like it?” I said quietly.
He chuckled a little. “My, master. You’re always so confident and now you’re blushing like you just caught a fever.”
“Just answer the question!” I said, shooting him a look. “I don’t need your additional torment. I get that enough as is.”
He gazed up, lashes lowering. “He did.”
I parted my lips and looked away.
“Why, if I may ask, do you want to know?”
“Because… he’s a boy.”
“Uh—huh. Is there a problem with that?”
“No, I’m not being homophobic,” I said then, shooting him another look. “Boys don’t have a… hole like us girls. They have a… smaller hole. If I might add. Girls already state that it hurts with ours, but… with a smaller one….”
Sebastian just clasped his hands on front of him. “Master, may I press forward and ask what your worries are?”
I just sighed and closed my eyes tightly. “Will… will it hurt?”
“Did it hurt before?” he said then, smiling slightly. “The first time I used my fingers?”
I nodded slightly.
“Did it hurt the second time?”
I shook my head.
“Then, no,” he said, lashes lowering, “if I ease you in more, it won’t.”
I blinked and gazed up at him. “Ease me in…? You mean… this whole time…?”
His smile curled further. “I don’t like the idea of causing my master immense pain.”
I blinked and stared at him for a moment, but I just gazed down and rubbed my arm nervously. “You did that with Ciel, too?”
“Yes, master.”
“So… did it hurt him?”
“I eased him in,” Sebastian said, “it did not.”
I just held myself, getting a sudden fluttery feeling. “Sebastian, I must ask you of something.”
He raised his head curiously. “My lord?”
“I know I told you to stay hidden in the shadows,” I said then, gazing up. “But this task… I just… something’s off about it.”
He tipped his head to the side.
“Do you know the task off the top of your head?” I said then.
Sebastian nodded. “There’s been a series of murders around London recently. The police cannot find the culprit because they keep escaping. The king wants you to find them.”
I looked toward my bed. “The murder is of Count Damien the third. A very rich and powerful man whose businesses almost rival mine. He is the suspected murderer. And, you see…” I looked back over at him, “the police always find a lead on the killings that run cold, so the king suspects that Damien is tapping them off in a way.”
Sebastian’s lashes lowered. “I see.”
I nodded. “Yes. A very dark manner, indeed. But,” I just sighed, “I was analyzing the victims and their resemblances. It seems as if the murderer’s gender of choosing is women of brunette hairstyle. They’re young, ages ranging from sixteen to thirty-four, and they all suffered sexual implantation from before death and after death. Although he used protection, so no DNA was found.”
“But the police know it’s him,” Sebastian stated.
“They cannot convict what isn’t there, which is the perpetrator of a rich man who has massive manipulation skills,” I said then, shaking my head. “That is why I came into the situation. The king knows very well that I take care of these problems under the radar and make things disappear. He does not ask or question my ways.”
Sebastian watched me. “What is your concern, my lord?”
“I am not a hundred percent sure if Damien is the real villain,” I said then, lashes lowering. “So I must play grifter.”
Sebastian’s lips parted. “Master….”
“I must,” I said then, raising my voice slightly to urge him, “I must. I am eighteen, within the age range. I have black hair, matching the description of his victims. So… in order to rid of the culprit, I must be caught by them first.”
“Master,” Sebastian said then, eyes glowing slightly, “I do not like the idea of this.”
“I don’t either, okay?” I said then, lips thinning. “Do you think I would go with this heinous plan and play the kind little slut-girl to turn some prude on? I wouldn’t! It’s ridiculous. I am Yumi Phantomhive, protector of the underground! I do not fall into such category as those weaklings.”
“Then why must you go with this plan?” Sebastian said then.
I sighed then, shaking my head. “I owe King Charles a favor after killing those teens. I told him they were already braindead, but he still was not pleased.”
Sebastian just lowered his lashes. “Why didn’t you lie to him?”
I laughed. “Like Ciel did when he killed all those children? How well did that end up?”
“Learning from your past souls,” Sebastian said then, smiling as his eyes closed. “How very bright of you, master.”
I just watched him. “Sebastian, my request.”
He gazed up then, smiling. “What would you like me to do, my young lord?”
My eyes flickered up to him. “Remember. You owe me.”
“Your soul is in my hands, and I can do with it as I please,” he said then, smiling still. “I haven’t forgotten that I owe you, master. That is why I’m your butler, is it not?”
“Good,” I said then, “I told you before to stay in the shadows. Now I need you.”
“You need me?” he echoed.
“Shut up,” I said, annoyed, “I didn’t finish my sentence. Don’t get cocky.”
He just chuckled.
“As I said, Sebastian,” I continued, voice tinted with irritation, “I told you before that I want you to watch me closely and make sure I’m alright. Now, I don’t think that is the best idea. We have a task, and we must finish it to full completion as per the king’s wishes. And this task specifically is putting my life in immediate danger.”
“I’m sorry, master, but I must ask,” he bowed in apology and stood, “you’ve handled murders before. Why are you so uptight and nervous about Count Damien?”
My lashes lowered, and I just stepped over to my vanity and picked up a small file I left there from last night. I picked it up and tossed it to Sebastian.
He caught it.
“Look at his number-one guard’s picture,” I said then, “clearly. Inspect it.”
He opened the file and shuffled through its contents before making it to the guard’s image. He scanned it for only a second before his eyes widened just a smidge.
He then set the files on my bed and gazed over at me. “Now I am very against this task, master.”
“Did you see his eye color?” I demanded.
“Indeed, I did. Which proves my point.”
“His eyes are red,” I explained sternly. “Red. Did you see?”
“I saw,” Sebastian assured me.
“Are they contacts?” I demanded.
“They are not.”
“Then what is he?” I pressed.
Sebastian gazed down at me then, lashes lowering. “Demon.”
“Now do you understand why I’m so uptight about this?” I questioned.
“Master, I’m afraid I am going to press further that you do not go through with this.”
“I have to.”
“It impedes on your safety,” he explained, “I cannot allow this.”
“Sebastian,” I said then.
“Standing in the shadows is not good for me,” he stated then. “I cannot risk you being taken.”
“Sebastian, listen,” I snapped then. “That’s an order.”
He gazed down at me, lashes lowered over his angry eyes.
“I do not want you in the shadows anymore,” I explained. “That’s what I’m saying. I was trying to explain why, but apparently, you’re going to freak out like a child.”
He never responded, just watched me carefully.
“You are going to be my escort, and no, not the prostitute kind,” I added before he could make a smart remark. “Damien’s victims are all married or have a boyfriend, at the very least. He does not care about them being single or not. So, naturally, it would be fine if I came in with another man, would it not?”
Sebastian just closed his eyes tightly. “His guard will know that I’m a demon.”
“His guard won’t care,” I said then, making Sebastian’s lips part. “I checked Damien’s files, there are not marks or tattoos on his body at all. He has not signed with the guard.”
Sebastian’s lashes lowered. “Master, I am against this.”
I just watched him fully. “Sebastian, you will protect me. I know it.”
“I will,” he said then, “but I do not like the idea of you being taken by a killer, or by another man.”
I gazed up. “You will serve as my lover at the ball, and that’s final.”
His lips parted then, a look of shock washing over his expression.
He stared at me, as if examining if I was serious.
But then a smile spread across his face. “My, my. You will admit to being my lover in a con against a killer, but not in real life? Why must you tease me so?”
“It’s fun,” I said then. “And this is a themed ball full of Damien’s richest folk. I already know he’s set eyes on me. I made sure to make myself known by staring at him and winking at him from far away.”
“Are you trying to make me jealous?” Sebastian questioned, still smirking.
“That wasn’t the goal,” I stated then, returning the fox smile. “But making you jealous sounds fun. Anyways, as I was saying, he invited me to this for a reason. He’s planning me as his next victim. So… naturally, I am going to attend because this is a wonderous opportunity.”
Sebastian just tipped his head to the side. “Now, I’m curious. Does he know who you are?”
I shook my head, smiling. “A little makeup, putting my hair in pigtails, and dressing me in ball-like attire will make him think I’m entirely different. You have me in pigtails right now, and I have bunny ears and makeup on. He won’t recognize me.”
Sebastian just set his finger on his chin and tipped his head to the side. “You’re very coy, aren’t you? You lure men with your feigned kindness.”
“Everyone but you,” I added.
“Indeed,” he responded, smile widening, “you lured me in with your bite. I love your bite.”
I just ignored him and continued forward. “Anyways, please let me finish, I was saying that this ball is themed Alice in Wonderland. You know, the book and that movie?”
“I know, master,” he said too gently. “I am not that uncultured.”
I continued on. “You dressed me as the white rabbit,” I stated then.
He just lightly poked one of my ears, making me glare. “And you look so adorable, indeed.”
“Well, I think you should be a character, too. You’d fit in better, look less suspicious.”
Sebastian stood fully then, tipping his head to the side. “Oh? What would I be?”
I just smiled and watched him. “I think I’d combine characters for you.” I scanned his form, finding him blinking in confusion. “I think you’d make a great Mad Hatter.”
He smiled then, red eyes glowing dangerously. “Oh? You think so?”
“Yes,” I said then, smile sharpening, “but you’re also going to wear rabbit ears out of payment for my torment today. That’s an order.”
He just gazed up with a dark smirk. “If it’s an order, then I must do it. I shall be the rabbit leading you astray. A maniac.
“Oh, what fun.”
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