Avnish Kumar is an Author and works in a government department (MP CM Office). He was born on 29 February 2000 to Dr. Mansingh Ahirwar and Geeta Ahirwar in the city of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He completed his education at Govt. MVM College, Bhopal, where he pursued an M.Sc. in Military Science. His deep interest and expertise in this field have motivated him to make significant contributions to Indian military science.
Currently, Avnish Kumar works at the Chief Minister's Office of the Government of Madhya Pradesh.
In the field of writing, his book "Flight 143: Khaufnak Pal" has established him as an emerging author. This book presents an impactful story that offers readers a unique experience. His writing style, combining reality and imagination, reflects his distinctive approach.
Avnish Kumar enjoys traveling to new places and deeply studies the cultures and traditions of various locations. This travel enriches his writing, bringing diversity and depth to his work.
His personal and professional journey showcases his commitment, knowledge, and dedication, making him a notable and inspiring figure.