KNEEL, girls.
Good girls!
This is the first year at Bondage University for all of you. You’ll be glad to know that we do encourage Halloween celebrations. In particular, fun costumes for our female students. In fact, you will dress up at on-campus events and for events and trick-or-treating around town.
I’m sure you’ve all noticed the costumes along the far wall, thirty feet away. You will end up choosing from those costumes. You will be sexy, kinky and horny in these costumes, let me assure you. Stay where you are. I will explain what is special about each costume.
First off, while you are in costume, every one of you will have a vibrator and vibrating butt plug. They will vibrate unpredictably, at entirely random intervals and intensities, but never long enough to make you cum. Not only that, but they will all be in perfect sync. Whenever you feel the toys teasing you, you will know every girl around you is feeling the exact same thing at the exact same time.
Now let’s go over the costumes.
See the straitjacket? One of you will end up wearing that. You will be an asylum inmate. Your arms will be wrapped around yourself in a tight hug. The crotch strap will be pulled very, very tight and locked in place. Apart from the straitjacket, you will only wear panties and high heels, and your panties will be on display for all to see. You will also wear leather ankle cuffs with a hobble chain in between, and a leather panel gag, all in white or brown to look more medical in nature. You will also wear a shock collar, or as I prefer to think of it, an “electroshock therapy device”.
This costume requires a partner. Another one of you will be dressed as a sexy scientist. You will wear thick-rimmed glasses, stiletto heels, lingerie and a lab coat. The lab coat will be only partially held shut, ensuring everyone can see the lacy lingerie you wear underneath. You will carry a clipboard… as well as the remote control for the shock collar. Make sure to shock the asylum inmate often in order to ensure she behaves in a very entertaining way at events or when trick-or-treating.
Towards the end of the evening, the asylum inmate will get her revenge. The scientist will be strapped down to a table with medical restraints at one of our halloween parties, and the inmate will be freed, and able to do anything she wishes. Then the scientist will be put in a straitjacket and locked in a padded cell for the night until winners of one of our raffles come to play with her in the morning.
Over there, you can see the classic Slave Leia costume, immortalized in science fiction fandom and an ever-popular cosplay choice. You can see it looks very authentic, with the very revealing top, and the loincloth bottom that could show a bit too much if you aren’t careful. Naturally, a heavy steel collar will be bolted around your neck, with a chain leash to make it easy to control you. You will spend much of your time kneeling on a pillow, or dancing for the leashholder’s pleasure.
This costume also requires a partner. One of the male professors will be dressed as Darth Vader, and will be the one holding your leash. Oh… and at times, he will grip your neck tightly, pulling your little body up on tiptoe, choking you with just one strong hand. Classic Darth Vader move. We have to give the fans what they want, after all.
You can also see some other fan favorite costumes over there, such as an extra-revealing version of the Wonder Woman costume, with a very tiny blue miniskirt and a skin-tight red and gold top. Did you know that Wonder Woman was created by a kinky, dominant man in a polyamorous relationship, who deliberately put the Wonder Woman character in bondage over and over? She’ll be living up to that proud tradition today. The gold-colored rope there will be used to bind your arms tightly into a reverse prayer, as well as hugging your body with a tight breast harness and crotch rope. You’ll make for a lovely decoration, and the leftover end of the rope will be used as your leash.
This is another partner costume. Your partner will be whichever one of you dresses as Catwoman. The Catwoman costume is an extremely tight black latex… well, catsuit, that shows every curve and fold of your body. Black leather high heeled boots as well, naturally. A large, obvious zipper runs down the front of the catsuit, with a huge metal ring fastened to the zipper. It will be unzipped enough to show plenty of skin and threaten to expose your breasts. You will have a riding crop, which you are encouraged to use liberally on your captive Wonder Woman.
Towards the end of the evening, Wonder Woman will have her revenge. At one of our events, she will tie Catwoman with her golden lasso and then force the girl to admit her most embarrassing secrets and sexual fantasies. That should be highly entertaining to watch… and will likely give Wonder Woman fun ideas of what to do with her next.
There’s another superheroine and supervillainess pair of costumes as well. The Supergirl costume has a very short skirt, and the tight, revealing top will definitely show off your breasts and perky little nipples. Your wrists and neck will be locked in a sturdy metal yoke, covered in green glow in the dark paint to look like Kryptonite. You will also have a glow in the dark ballgag locked in your mouth.
Your captor is Harley Quinn. That girl will wear red and blue microshorts, a red and blue sports bra, red and blue fingerless gloves, and a spiked collar. She will have her hair in pigtails. Harley Quinn will carry a large wooden paddle, carved to look like a hammer from the side. She will make sure to give Supergirl frequent paddlings.
At the end of the evening, Supergirl will lock Harley Quinn in the glowing yoke, put the girl over her lap, and give her a hard paddling.
After that, Harley Quinn and Catwoman will be locked in a jail cell together, where they will spend the weekend. They will have nothing to wear except their costumes, and nothing to entertain themselves except each other. Some of our raffle winners will have the opportunity in the course of the weekend to “interrogate” the villains, tie them up and play with them, or just use them for sexual satisfaction.
The next costume actually requires three people. First, we have a sexy magician. She will wear a tight button-up blouse and coat, black panties and bowtie. She’ll be performing the classic “saw a woman in half” trick over and over. Of course, that is performed by having two girls in two separate boxes. Together, the box looks like one person-sized box, with a head sticking out at one end and feet at the other. Then the two can be separated, to make it look like there is one girl in two pieces. On the inside, this means one girl is curled up in a box with only her head sticking out. Oh, and for good measure, she’ll be naked and bound with leather straps. The other girl has it even worse. She will be curled up in a box, naked and bound, with only her ankles sticking out. She won’t be able to see or hear, she will be tightly gagged, and the box will be very, very small. She will wear nothing except high heels and the leather straps binding her tight.
To make things more interesting, there is another twist. Both girls will be trained to be extremely sensitive to being tickled. Then there will be tickle machines in each box that can run feathers and brushes over sensitive and oh-so-ticklish skin. The tickle machines in each box are linked together. Why? Whenever the magician pretends to cut a girl in half and separates the two boxes, she will demonstrate they are one person by tickling one girl’s neck or the other girl’s feet. When she does this, she will press a button activating the tickle machines for both girls. Then both girls will thrash in unison, as if they really are two halves of one person. Clever, right? And it will be a great workout for both “magician’s assistants”. You will get tickled a LOT in the course of the day.
Late that evening, the assistants will come out of the boxes and will get to have fun with the sexy magician. They will test her escape artist skills by binding her in many different ways, over and over again, and tormenting her until she escapes or gives up. Every time she gives up is a random kinky penalty, for her to be tormented in some way the next week, or to provide some sort of sexual service to the assistants or the audience.
Next, we have a different kind of costume. One of you gets to be a mermaid. Your mermaid tail is high-quality, and quite secure. You will be unable to walk. So you will be safely strapped down to a wheelchair. Oh, and naturally, in the story the mermaid gives up her voice, so you will be unable to speak. You will be tightly gagged.
You can also see a sexy genie costume over there. It may remind you of a harem girl or belly dancer costume. Sheer lavender skirts don’t hide your matching panties. The bra is the same color, and the waist of the skirts and the bottom of the bra have many little metal coins to jingle with every movement you make. And since you are a genie, your wrists will naturally be locked in shackles, fastened to your lamp by a chain.
Then there’s another pair costume. Everyone knows what Princess Jasmine wears, but do you remember her red outfit when she was enslaved by Jafar? You’ll be wearing a red harem slave girl costume, accessorized in gold. The top is a very revealing red strapless bra. The bottoms are sheer red harem pants, so your legs and panties can be clearly seen through them. The waist of the pants is a gold band, diving deep towards your pubic region, but not quite showing it. You’ll wear gold earrings, a gold hairband, and a gold collar fastened to a gold chain, connected to Jafar’s snake staff.
As you might guess, you need a partner for this costume. I will be dressed as Jafar. I will have multiple sessions with whoever will be Jasmine to prepare for our roles. I will train her with hypnosis, so that on command I can drop her into trance, give her free will, make her an utterly sex-crazed mindless toy, have her be a living doll, or tease and torment her with different sensations in response to triggers I give her.
Next is our final pair costume. A sexy angel and a sexy devil. The angel will wear white babydoll lingerie, white high heels, a white collar, angel wings and a halo. The devil girl will wear a red and black corset, a red and black leather microskirt, fishnets, red elbow gloves, red stilettos, red stockings, and horns. She will keep the angel captive with a very special kind of rope. It is black and covered in “thorns” - actually, little plastic spikes that won’t break the skin, but will feel torturous to the poor angel girl. The rope will tie her elbows tight behind her back, her palms together, to emphasize her tits. The rope will be tied tight around her breasts to squeeze them out and torture them with the thorns. It will be a shibari-like rope harness, spreading the thorns widely over her body, and naturally there will be a tight crotch rope, terminating in a section of rope the devil girl will use as a leash. The devil girl will also carry a pitchfork that she can use to poke the angel in sensitive areas.
Don’t worry, the devil girl will get what’s coming to her. At the end of the night, the angel girl will tie the devil girl’s wrists and make her write on a whiteboard. She will write, fifty times, with her hands bound, that she will be a good girl. Then that weekend, still in her devil costume, with her wrists bound, she will go out around town to “do good deeds.” She will have to find ways to make people happy, whether it’s by picking up trash or sucking cock. The angel girl, also in costume, will be with her to help out and to see if she has a good attitude or needs further discipline.
You can also be a jungle girl if you like. The costume consists of a little bikini top and loincloth made of fur, a leather armband, leather headband, and a necklace made of what looks like animal teeth. Oh, and one more thing. We have a fake constrictor snake. It will be wrapped tightly around your body and neck, keeping your arms pinned tightly to your sides. Occasionally it will tighten even more for brief periods, making you feel squeezed and unable to breath until it slightly relaxes. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
Then there’s a sexy mummy. This girl will be restrained with white vet wrap. Her legs will be wrapped separately so she can walk, but her thighs will be wrapped together to ensure her steps are small. She will be gagged under the wrap covering her head. Her arms will be wrapped up over her chest. She will not be able to see or speak, so she may need some help getting around, as she will be quite helpless. At least it’s an easy part to play. All you need to do is moan and shuffle around. Oh, but the wrap coverage won’t be complete. A lot of skin will be exposed between sections of the vet wrap, especially for her cleavage.
Then we have a cat girl costume. Who doesn’t want to be a cat girl? You’ll wear a skimpy fur bikini, a big leather collar with a jingling bell on it, cat ears, a cat tail, booties… and oh yes, fur mitts that will be locked onto your hands, making it impossible for you to effectively use your hands. You will be required to purr and make kitty noises. Be a flirtatious catgirl.
The final costume is a bitchsuit. This leather garment forces you to walk on elbows and knees. Your arms and legs are doubled up, strapped tightly so you can’t escape. Your butt plug is actually a plugtail, and you are expected to wag it. You will wear a dog collar, a dog mask, and you will be “muzzled”... that is, you will be securely gagged and unable to speak. You may not walk unless someone picks up your leash and leads you. You must follow anyone who picks up your leash. For trick-or-treating, we’ll make sure someone has your leash so you follow along with the group. At events we’ll just drop your leash and whoever wants to lead you can command you as they wish.
Those are all the costumes! I’ll also note that, of course, any girl in a submissive costume is expected to provide sexual service to any man or woman who wishes it. Those with a dominant partner will be told by their partner when and who to service.
Doesn’t this all sound like fun? I’m sure you are all excited to dress up! I hope you’ve thought carefully about which costume you do and do not want. Remember, there are 19 costumes and 19 of you.
Now listen carefully. When I say “go,” you are going to race to the costume you want. On hands and knees. No walking allowed. The first girl to touch a costume claims it, whether she wants to or not. If you aren’t fast enough, you’ll be stuck in whatever is left. GO!124Please respect copyright.PENANAyRoZ7mAFKq
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