“Hi, I’m, uh, here for the coffin challenge?” Cleo asked, nervously adjusting her pillow under one arm.
The employee - his name badge said “Carter” - nodded, looking at his clipboard instead of at her. “Mmhm… you Cleo?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good good, you’re right on time, Cleo. Right this way - “ he finally looked up at her and paused, raising his eyebrows. “Uh, Cleo, are you sure that’s how you want to dress? We generally recommend pajamas or other soft, comfortable clothes.”
She blushed slightly. She knew what he must be thinking. Her stiletto boots, long black skirt, corset and black leather dog collar were not normally what someone planning to spend 24 hours in a box would wear. “It’s my… costume?” she said weakly, her heart pounding.
He looked her up and down slowly, in a fashion that suggested he wasn’t just thinking about her comfort. Then he shrugged. “Whatever floats your boat, Cleo. Come right this way.”
She followed him into a room with 13 black coffins laying on the ground. A fog machine was running, and fake spider webs were hung everywhere. All of the coffins were open. Some already had people, mostly young people, sitting or laying in the coffins, talking on their phones or otherwise occupying themselves. They mostly dressed with comfort in mind, but she was relieved to see a young woman in a full vampire costume, complete with cape and fangs. Good, now her outfit would be less suspicious.
Carter spoke with the air of someone reciting words they had grown weary of saying over and over. “The contest lasts 24 hours. For every hour you spend in the coffin, you receive an entry in the prize drawing. In addition, if you spend at least 22 hours in the coffin, you get to keep the coffin. It doesn’t matter when you take your breaks, only how much time total you spend inside the coffin with the lid shut. Push the glowing button on the inside whenever you want to be let out. There is a power outlet in the coffin, and we do have Wi-Fi. Do you have any questions?”
Cleo bit her lip and shook her head. Carter shrugged and waved to one of the open coffins. “Your carriage awaits, milady Cleo.” She giggled shyly, not trusting herself to be able to speak.
He went out to greet another contestant and give them the same spiel. Cleo settled into the coffin and made herself comfortable.
“Love your outfit!” the girl in the vampire costume, her plastic fangs making her slightly less intelligible, said. “This is so exciting! I hope I can make it all the way.” She smiled and slipped into one of the open coffins.
It wasn’t long after that when Carter came back over, reminded them of the rules, and closed their coffins one by one. Cleo lay down, staring at the ceiling, simultaneously nervous and impatient. 24 hours was a long time to spend in a small, dark box - even with breaks.
She saw Carter’s face appear over hers. He gave her a wink and lowered the coffin lid. The bright lights of the room became a rapidly narrowing slit. Sudden, primal fear gripped her. She had an impulse to scream out at him to stop, to say she had changed her mind. But she stayed quiet. This was what she had wanted, after all.
The lid latched closed. She was in complete darkness except for a dimly glowing red button on the side of the coffin.
Now it was time to finish her setup.
Most of it was hidden under her clothes. Underneath her long skirt, she had leather cuffs padlocked on her legs, connected by a hobble strap. She had been forced to take small, delicate steps while walking around that day, and wondered if anyone had noticed. In the confined space, she struggled to pull her long skirt up to her hips so she could reach the cuffs - god, it would be so embarrassing if someone opened the coffin and saw her like that!
Cleo tightened the hobble strap between her leg cuffs, locking her legs together. That was better. It also made her more aware of the vibrator nestled within her pussy.
She awkwardly put her skirt back down, concealing the leg bondage. She put in her ear buds and started her playlist. It had a mixture of kinky audio stories, erotic hypnosis, and white noise tracks of various lengths. She shuffled it, so she would have no way to know what would come next, or how long each delay would be. It happened to start off with white noise.
Then Cleo started a program for her vibrator. It would turn on and off at completely random intervals. Not only that, but the way it ran was random as well - it might have a consistent level, or might start out at one level and then gradually change to another level before shutting off again. The vibrator immediately started buzzing madly. She gasped, stopped the program, and added a five minute delay before restarting it again.
She pulled velcro cuffs out from her purse, struggling to avoid banging her elbows on the walls of the enclosed space. She placed them underneath her before pulling out a sleeping blindfold and slipping it on. There. Now she couldn’t even see the glowing button. Her world was blackness.
Heart hammering and mouth dry, Cleo slipped her wrists underneath her back. She wrapped the cuffs around each wrist, making sure the velcro was fastened firmly. At least this way she could shift around to lay on her left side or her other side and keep her arms from falling asleep. She really wished she could do something more secure, something that would make her feel more trapped… but that was too risky. She needed to make sure she could get out safely, and her coffin was in a public place. Too bad. She also wished she could be gagged, but that would be risky for similar reasons, and this bondage session would be far too long for a gag.
She relaxed. White noise played in her ears. The blindfold covered her eyes. She couldn’t see anything. She couldn’t hear anything. She tried to imagine the situation. The display room was decorated for Halloween. Her coffin was just one of thirteen boxes. She was practically an object, a toy put away to be played with later. She was laying there in her sexy boots with the stiletto heels. Her legs were secretly bound under the skirt. She wore a tack bra under her corset, and had tightened the corset as much as she could manage. The sharp little points were poking painfully into her tits, and she could do nothing about it. The corset was delightfully tight, like a firm hug.
She was also collared. Collared like a dog, like a pet, like a slave girl. And her wrists were bound behind her back.
Twenty four hours of bondage to go… trapped in a little box, the walls inches away from her on any side. She had been imagining this day for weeks, ever since she heard about the contest. She squeezed her thighs together. She wanted to touch herself, to rub her greedy little pussy and cum over and over, feeling like a trapped toy in the dark little box…
…well, that was why she had cuffed her wrists behind her back. That way she couldn’t touch herself. She squirmed and rolled around, immediately bumping into the sides of the coffin. There was nowhere to go. She was well and truly trapped.
Then the vibrator came to life. Yes! It buzzed madly, giving her the intense stimulation she craved. She lifted her hips, biting her lip and moaning softly. Maybe she should have considered a gag after all. Hopefully the walls of the coffin would help to muffle any noise she made.
Oh god, it felt so good. This was exactly what she had needed! She had edged all week in preparation for this moment - fantasizing about being bound and helpless in the little box, saving up her orgasms for when she would cum again and again in her bondage, having to try to bite back her screams so nobody outside would hear!
The vibrator gradually slowed. No, no, no! She had been so close! Cleo squirmed helplessly, rubbing her thighs together as much as she could, limited by her leg restraints. She bucked her hips and banged her knees against the lid of the coffin. Crap, hopefully nobody outside heard that. She made herself lay still and wait quietly in case anyone checked on her.
Of course, if anyone checked on her, she wouldn’t know. She was blindfolded, and her earbuds made sure she wouldn’t hear anyone talking to her. Someone could be looking at her right now. Would they be able to guess she had cuffs on, or the tack bra? She bit her lip and did her best to hold still, as the vibrator merrily buzzed away on a lower setting.
And her 24 hours was just beginning.
Her earbuds started playing audio. She recognized the beginning of an erotic audio recording - and then her mind was blank.
She woke up to the vibrator buzzing away on its highest setting. She moaned loudly. She tried to move and realized her legs were bound together, and so were her arms. She had a moment of confused panic. Then she remembered where she was - and that she had to be quiet.
She was so incredibly turned on! The week of edging made her sensitive to the slightest stimulation. Being bound in the box was an incredibly hot fantasy come true. And the hypnosis recording she had listened to made sure her sleep was filled with perverted, kinky wet dreams. She was going to cum!
Cleo squirmed around as quickly as she could to lay on her front. That just made the tack bra press more painfully into her breasts, but she didn’t care. She pressed her face down into the pillow and screamed out her orgasm.
Cleo rode the crashing waves of her climax, struggling against her bonds and relishing in the feeling of restraint and helplessness. God, she had needed that. That should relieve some of her aroused frustration for a while.
Then she realized the vibrator wasn’t stopping. It was running longer than expected - still at maximum intensity. She had no choice in the matter. There was no rest for her. She was completely at the mercy of the randomness of the program, and had no say in when she could cum.
She came twice more, screaming into the pillow each time, starting to get desperate for a chance to let her sore body relax. Only then did the vibrator cut off abruptly. Cleo rolled onto her side, gasping for breath.
That. Was. Intense.
An erotic audio story was playing in her earbuds - one of her favorites, about a girl tied up and put in a suitcase. Even tighter confinement than she was experiencing right now. Cleo listened, slowly rubbing her thighs together. Then the recording ended and white noise played again.
Cleo groaned. She was tired. She was sweaty. And she really needed to pee.
It took some minutes for her to get ready to leave the coffin. Every task was made more complicated by maneuvering within the coffin. She got her wrist cuffs and blindfold stowed in the purse, and loosened the strap between her leg cuffs so she would be able to walk again - but only short steps, of course. Too much freedom would just be cheating. Then she pressed the red glowing button.
She waited. Nothing happened. Well, she should have expected that. Maybe Carter was helping one of her fellow contestants. She waited. How long had she been waiting? It felt like forever. But it couldn’t be more than a few minutes. Or was it seconds? She had no sense of the passing of time. Being trapped in this little dark box had thrown off her senses. What was taking him so long? Was he playing a prank, deliberately keeping her waiting in order to make her worry? That would be a Halloween kind of scare, right? Oh god! What if he had a heart attack, or had quit or something? What if there was nobody to let her out? She pressed against the lid of the coffin experimentally. And then she pressed harder. What if there was no way out, and she was trapped in this little dark box?
There was a click and the lid opened. Cleo put her arm over her face, blocking out the blinding light. “Sorry about that,” Carter’s reassuring voice said. “I was busy helping Evie, and didn’t realize you had pushed your button.”
After a few moments to adjust to the light, she realized he was holding out a hand to help her out of the coffin. She accepted it gratefully. “Wow, you’re sweaty! There is ventilation in the coffins - you might want to change to something more breathable though.”
Cleo blushed a little. “Oh no, I’ll be fine, thanks.”
In the bathroom, Cleo decided to take off the tack bra and put it in her purse. It had been a little much… but maybe she would put it back on later. Then she headed to a little break room with vending machines. The girl in the vampire costume was there, sipping on a Gatorade. Cleo grabbed something to eat and drink, and then realized how upset the other girl looked. “Hey, are you ok?”
Evie shivered. “I know we’re doing this because it’s hard, but I didn’t think it was THAT hard! I held out as long as I could, but I just couldn’t stand being in that little box any longer.”
Cleo nodded sympathetically. “It can be scary. But that can make it exciting, too, like going to a haunted house. Or,” she added, “you can think of it as relaxing.”
Evie gave her a confused stare. “Relaxing? It’s supposed to be scary!”
Cleo shrugged. “Think of all the people who meditate. Then there are people who pay big money for sensory deprivation tanks. Haven’t there been times you’ve felt overwhelmed by everything going on and just wanted it to stop so you could take a break without having to worry about everything happening?”
Evie nodded. “I guess…”
“Look. Let me send you some links - there are some audios that could help you relax and enjoy the experience. What’s your number?”
The two exchanged names and numbers. Cleo sent links to some lists of recordings she thought Evie might like - meditation, hypnosis, stories.
“I don’t know if I can go back into that box. I think I’m going to leave for a bit,” Evie said.
Cleo smiled. “Whatever is right for you. But I’m going back in. I’m looking forward to getting some more… relaxation,” she said, wiggling her legs so she could enjoy the sensation of the hobble band secretly keeping her from pulling them apart.
Evie was thoughtful as Cleo went back to the coffin room.
“Ready to go back in already? That wasn’t a very long break,” Carter said with a smile.
Cleo grinned back. “Yeah… I’m going to make the most of this.”
She settled back into the coffin. This time she felt a sense of anticipation as she watched the lid being closed. Then she eagerly put her bondage back in place.
This time she was awake for some hours. At first she wondered if Evie would end up getting back into her own coffin or not. It wasn’t long before she drifted into a sort of trance, enjoying the sensation of losing herself in the sensory deprivation and bondage.
She was just a tied up and teased toy in a box, waiting to be played with…
She was just a tied up and teased toy, waiting to be played with…
She was just a tied up and teased toy…
She was just a tied up toy…
She was just a toy.
The hours passed slowly. She enjoyed listening to the stories. Some were old favorites, others were new ones she had been saving up for this experience. The vibrator ran according to its evil program, teasing her, leaving her alone, and only rarely running strong enough and long enough for her to cum. She took breaks every few hours, but kept them brief - she didn’t care so much about the raffle, but she did care about living up to the challenge she had set for herself. She was going to make the most of this experience, no matter how hard it was.
Evie’s coffin was open the first few times Cleo took breaks. But then she had a wide grin on one of her breaks, when she saw it was closed again. Carter saw her looking and nodded. “Evie was away for quite a while, but she came back. She said you had given her something to think about and she wanted to try again!” He smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. “Thanks, Cleo.”
She didn’t understand why she was blushing, and hurried off to the break room.
For the last few hours, she put on her tack bra again. Her tits immediately remembered how sore they still were, but the torment was delicious. She also took off her panties in the restroom, damp with sweat and the results of a half dozen orgasms. She wanted to kick things up a notch for the home stretch.
Once in the coffin, she pressed the panties to her face and inhaled her musk. God, it was so naughty! She was such a filthy little pervert for enjoying this. She stuffed the panties in her mouth, vowing to keep them in until it was time to get ready to leave.
She ran a different vibrator program. 10 minutes on high, 10 minutes on low, over and over again. Then it would turn off an hour before the contest ended. She hesitated. This seemed like a really bad idea. She was certain she would regret it.
Screw it. She pushed the button. The vibrator switched on low, and she got her bondage back in place.
Yep. She regretted it. She moaned and squealed into her panties every time the program ran on the highest setting. After the first five orgasms, she started silently begging for it to stop. She felt like her pussy would fall off.
But the intensity just kept coming. And so did she.
She was a mindless, drooling mess by the time the vibrator finally turned off. She needed some minutes to catch her breath and compose herself. She nearly fell asleep, but started awake - she did NOT want Carter to open the lid and find her with her panties in her mouth!
She put the blindfold and wrist cuffs away, and loosened her leg cuffs again. Then she decided on a different challenge for herself for this final part. She stopped her playlist and put her ear buds away. She lay down on her back, legs together, arms crossed over her chest. She imagined that she was a helpless doll waiting to be played with. She imagined that she had a master, and he had ordered her to not move a muscle until he said otherwise. She imagined being on display at a party for people to admire, having to be perfectly motionless.
She was not allowed to move an inch. She would be a good dolly. A good decoration.
The minutes blurred into each other. She focused on her task. Just a good doll, waiting to be played with.
It was with both relief and disappointment that she heard the lid crack open and saw light pour in. “Contest is over!” Carter called out to her, letting her eyes adjust and helping her up. “22 hours and 48 minutes - impressive job, Cleo! You were the only one to win a coffin. That’s going to be quite the statement piece in your living room!” He laughed, and she laughed as well.
The other contestants were milling around. Evie came over. She had changed out of her vampire costume at some point and into a tank top and hot pink short shorts. She gave Cleo a hug. “Thanks for encouraging me!” she said. “I wouldn’t have come back if it wasn’t for you - even if I only managed about 7 hours total. I appreciated the audio recommendations.” She leaned in close and whispered in Cleo’s ear, “even if some were… spicier than I expected. Guess it really was exciting for you!” She pulled away, gave Cleo a wink, and was gone.
Cleo’s stomach plummeted. She must have accidentally included a link to some kinky content! Embarrassment was burning on her cheeks and down her neck. Thank goodness Evie didn’t seem upset!
Carter returned, holding a clipboard. “Just need you to fill out this form so we can deliver the coffin to your place. I hope you’ll make good use of it!”
Cleo grinned shyly, thinking of the fun she could have being locked in it at home. “Oh, I will!”53Please respect copyright.PENANAHozhzb6y51
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