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Nica rapped on her roommate’s door. “Hey Betsy!” she called cheerfully. There was no reply. She waited briefly, then opened the door.
Betsy was on her bed, watching something on her phone, cat ear headphones covering her ears. She was dressed in ugly pajama pants and a baggy t-shirt. Nica sighed. Clearly Betsy hadn’t gotten dressed today.
Nica walked over to the bed and waved. Nothing. Then she pulled off Betsy’s headphones.
“Hey! I was watching that!” Betsy tapped her phone and then blinked up at her roommate. “Hey Nica, what’s up?” her momentary irritation faded quickly - the innocent little blonde was cheerful by nature.
Nica made sure to smile broadly, trying to look friendly and not at all like a circling shark. “I have the best surprise for you, Betsy!” She paused for a moment to build suspense, but the blonde just glanced at her phone, clearly wanting to get back to whatever she was watching. “I set up a blind date for you!”
“Wh-what?” Betsy squeaked, dropping her phone on the bed. She was adorable, in a shy way.
“Yup! There’s a guy who really, really wants to meet you. He’s wealthy and powerful and thinks you’re super cute!” Nica eyed the little blonde carefully. She had her hand on her heart and seemed to be practically hyperventilating. “I know you don’t have any family and that you haven’t made many friends since you moved to the big city. You need to get out more!”
“Oh g-golly-” the poor girl was just stammering and unable to get a coherent thought out.
“You’re going to have to hurry so you won’t be late! Where’s your hot date outfit?” Nica stepped over to Betsy’s closet and quickly rummaged through it. Jeans, sweat pants, t-shirts… all so incredibly basic.
Betsy shifted awkwardly on the bed and picked at her pajama pants, as if suddenly realizing she hadn’t even gotten dressed for the day. “I, uh, don’t really have a hot date outfit,” she muttered, embarrassed.
Nica spun around to her roommate, trying her best to look shocked. “What? You don’t have a hot date outfit? But this is such a hot date! And you’ll be late if you don’t get ready now!” The other girl looked flustered - even panicked. Perfect. “Don’t worry, girl. I got you.” she grabbed the other girl’s hand and pulled her up from her bed, eliciting a squeak. She forcefully guided Betsy to her own room and shoved the smaller girl on the bed. “We only have a matter of minutes! Hurry up, we have to get you changed!” she turned to her closet and quickly pulled out some items, then turned and tossed them on the bed.
Nica then frowned and put her hands on her hips. Betsy was still sitting on the bed, looking confused. “Betsy! Get undressed, we need to dress you up for your big date!”
“Huh? Here? Now? Oh my goodness!” Betsy let out a protest and weakly struggled as Nica grabbed her t-shirt and pulled it up.
“Arms up, girl! Come on, hurry up, there’s no time!” Nica relentlessly bullied the girl into confused compliance, pulling off the shirt. Mm the skinny little blonde had some pretty nice tits under her baggy tops - and she wasn’t wearing a bra. Nica then shoved her back onto the bed roughly, grabbed the waistband of her pajama pants and yanked them down, exposing her panties. They seemed to have Nezuko from Demon Slayer on them. Nica let out a little giggle of amusement. Her nerdy roommate was really into anime.
“I-I can take it off myself!” Betsy protested as Nica crouched down, pulling the pajama pants off her roommate’s ankles. She leaned in close, taking a quick sniff. Betsy should have showered today - but that was ok. Nica kind of liked her natural scent.
Nica stood up, raising her eyebrows. “Is that so? Fine, get the rest off. And hurry up!” she made a point of checking the time. “You don’t want to be late for your hot date, we got to get you dressed!”
Betsy stood up. At first she crossed her arms over her chest shyly. Nica picked up the clothes she had taken from the closet and gave her roommate an impatient look. Betsy slowly lowered her hands to the waistband of her panties. She paused and gave Nica an uncertain look. Nica nodded firmly. She watched hungrily as the cute little blonde slowly tugged her panties downwards. Interesting - she was a natural blonde. Too bad she hadn’t shaved or waxed. Oh well, that would just have to be fixed later.
“Great, let’s get these on you.” With a flourish, Nica held up a sheer lacy bra and panty set.
“What? I’ve never worn anything like that! I don’t really need that, do I? I can just wear my normal underwear!”
“Don’t be silly, Betsy! You need a hot. Date. Outfit. Every girl knows to wear her best lingerie as part of her hot date outfit. It makes you look and feel your best! You simply CAN’T wear a hot date outfit with everyday underwear. Even if you’re the only one that knows, it will throw your whole game off! That makes sense, right?”
“I-I guess?” Betsy didn’t resist as Nica worked the bra onto her and fastened it. The poor girl seemed overwhelmed.
Nica took advantage of the opportunity to gently cup and squeeze her roommate’s breasts. “You have great boobs! You really need to dress to show these off more, you’re the whole package!”
“Eek! I mean, uh, thanks?”
“Lift your foot!” Nica commanded. Betsy obeyed, and Nica tugged the lacy little panties up her legs, tugging them up into place more firmly than necessary, making Betsy let out another little squeal.
“We need to pick up the pace, Betsy! Let’s work on getting your hot date outfit on.” Nica pulled a shiny fake leather pencil skirt onto her roommate and zipped it tight. It hit just above the knee.
“Gee! I’ve never worn anything this tight… I’m not sure I can even walk in this…” Betsy trailed off.
Nica ignored her and ran her hands along the fabric, smoothing it. It was quite tight, and would limit her roommate to short steps.
“Now for the top! Lift your arms!” Betsy let out a little squeal as Nica grabbed the girl’s arms and pulled them up over her head. She paused for a moment. The naive girl looked just so darn cute like that, flustered and shy and with her arms stuck over her head. But she only paused for a moment. “Keep those arms up!” Nica tugged the top down over her head and arms and pulled it into position. It was also a tight fit, practically a second skin, fitting her perfectly. “Isn’t that cute? I love the sleeves, they’re like what Princess Jasmine wore in Aladdin, but in pink!”
Betsy tried to look down at the top she was wearing and moved her arms experimentally. “Well, gee, those little sleeves on my upper arms are cute, but they’re tighter than expected. Wow, I can’t even lift my arms very much, they make me feel like I’m tied up!”
“You have to suffer for beauty, babygirl! You look amazing! Now for the corset!” Betsy tried to splutter out a protest, but Nica was already wrapping the corset around her roommate’s torso. She swiftly closed the clasps on the front, before grabbing Betsy’s shoulders and spinning her around face down on the bed. The smaller girl squealed as Nica put a knee on her back and pulled on the corset laces - TIGHT.
“Heavens to me! You don’t have to be so rough - ohhh!” Betsy gasped and struggled for breath as Nica pulled the laces as tight as she could, using her knee on Betsy’s back for leverage, and then tied off the laces securely. “I can hardly breathe! It’s so tight!”
“Try not to exert yourself, honey,” Nica advised. “Take small steps. Don’t talk too much. Now let’s get your coll- I mean, your necklace on you.”
“My what?”
Nica pulled a wide black leather choker with a pink gemstone on the front tightly around Betsy’s neck, and buckled it in place.
“Too tight!” Betsy wheezed.
“Sorry babe, it can’t fit any looser than that,” Nica lied. “Besides, hon, it looks amazing on you! You’re going to knock his socks off! Speaking of, you need some killer shoes!” She rolled Betsy onto her back on the bed again and scrambled to get the pair of shoes.
“Nica, I’m not…” Betsy paused for breath “not sure these clothes are right for me.” She tried to sit up. But with the stiffly boned corset, and with the sleeves of the blouse mostly pinning her arms to her sides, she struggled to find leverage.
Nica moved quickly, pulling one of the high heels onto Betsy’s foot. “There’s no time for anything else, you don’t want to be late! Besides, I’m letting you borrow my BEST hot date outfit, babygirl, isn’t that nice of me?”
Betsy hesitated and nodded slowly. “Golly, it is really nice of you…” she paused for breath again “to let me use your best clothes.”
Nica finished putting the high heels on Betsy’s feet. “So just wear the outfit and rock the look! It would be rude to refuse, baby. Here, let me take a look at you.” She grabbed Betsy’s hands and pulled the girl up to her feet, then eyed her critically. “Oh you look SO hot!” she pulled her roommate over in front of the mirror.
The high heels were six inches tall, with straps that wound up around the shorter girl’s legs. She would have to struggle just to avoid falling. The black skirt was very tight from hips to knees, perfectly accentuating her perfectly curved butt. She couldn’t have walked easily even if she weren’t in heels. The corset squeezed her waist and emphasized her sizable bust, giving her an incredible hourglass figure. The low-cut pink top contrasted beautifully with the corset, and the three-inch tall sleeves on her upper arms kept them pinned to her sides. The black choker was high and probably a little too tight, but at least the pink piece of costume jewelry matched the blouse.
Betsy gasped. Well, she tried to gasp. It was a tiny, adorable sound, as the girl struggled to breath against the extra-tight corset. “Golly!”
Nica smiled. “I know, right? You are so freaking sexy! I could just about eat you up myself.” The other girl just blinked in confusion. “You could use some hair and makeup work… but we’re out of time, the car is here! Come on!” She grabbed the girl’s hand and pulled her along. Off they went, Betsy teetering to the front door. She very likely would have fallen over without Nica supporting her.
Then they were outside. An Uber was already waiting. Nica helped her roommate into the car, buckling her in as if she were a helpless child. The girl’s overly restrictive clothing would have made even buckling her seatbelt into a complicated chore.
Betsy protested, “wait, my phone! My purse!”
Nica smiled. “No time, sorry, baby! Have fun with your date!” She gave Betsy a quick kiss on the cheek, then shut the car door. She momentarily saw a look of confusion on Betsy’s face. That might have been her wondering how she would get home without her phone, or because Nica had never been so affectionate before.
Nica waved cheerfully as the car drove out of sight, her grin growing wider and wider. Once the car was well and truly gone, she ran back into the apartment, and into Betsy’s room. Once there, she stripped off her own clothes, dumping them by the door.
She ran around Betsy’s room completely naked, checking drawers and the closet. She snorted once she opened the nightstand. “One little vibrator? That’s it? No porn, no lingerie, no kinky toys? Girl, you are SUCH an innocent little princess!” She set the vibrator on the bed, then rummaged through some dirty laundry on the floor. “Ahh, these will do nicely.”
Nica held up the Nezuko panties that Betsy had been wearing all day. She held them up to her nose and inhaled deeply. They had her roommate’s flowery, musky scent. She eagerly pulled them over her head, so she could look through the eyeholes. Now every breath smelled like Betsy.
Nica groaned softly. Oh, how she would have liked to have eaten that little naive slut’s pussy! It would have been so much fun to have the little tease tied spreadeagled down to this very bed as Nica slowly touched and teased her all over. A shame she was too innocent for such games.
Nica unlocked her phone and browsed through pictures of Betsy on social media. The girl tended to wear drab, unflattering outfits, but there was a picture of her in a cute little yellow string bikini. Perfect. She set the phone against the headboard so she could easily see the screen.
If she had had her way, she would have made Betsy dress like that every day. Tiny little bikinis around the apartment. Maybe a cute french maid outfit, very low cut so Betsy’s large tits were really shown off - god, that was such a hot idea!
Nica grabbed the vibrator and inserted it. Her own pussy was already slick with the juices of her lust, so she needed no extra lubrication. She turned it on and shuddered as the buzzing shook through her. She let out a too-loud moan. This vibrator was much better than she expected! How on earth had she never heard Betsy moaning when she used it?
Nica eyed the laundry for a moment, debating. Then with determination she balled up one of Betsy’s socks. It definitely smelled of sweat. Then she shoved it deep in her own mouth, lifting the Nezuko panties briefly to make way for them, then tugging them back down into place.
This time she allowed herself to moan with more feeling. There. That was better. There was something really, really hot about a woman’s horny moans being muffled with a gag… even if it was herself being muffled.
Betsy should be arriving at the party in a few minutes. It wasn’t that far. Boy, wouldn’t she be surprised by her “hot date!”
Nica grabbed Betsy’s pillow and positioned it between her legs. She ground into it, pressing the vibrator deeper into her. She shuddered. Very, very nice. A little too nice. She adjusted the vibrator’s control, slowing it down. She didn’t want to cum yet. She wanted to savor this.
Nica slowly rubbed her wet, needy pussy along the pillow, biting down on Betsy’s sock, taking in every breath through the Nezuko panties. She luxuriated in smelling the girl’s scent as she admired how yummy the short, large-breasted girl looked in that little yellow bikini.
Her hand crept up to squeeze her breast. Not nearly as large as Betsy’s, but still nice, she thought. She would have loved to grip Betsy’s hair tightly and pull the girl’s mouth down on her breast. Mmm, that would be so nice! Put that slut’s cute lips to work!
She continued to grind against the pillow. Faster at first, and then she slowed down. Any time she got close to orgasm, she slowed down until the tide of arousal subsided slightly. Then she’d work herself up again. She kept edging herself. It felt so very good to play with herself this way, to be naked and horny in Betsy’s room, on Betsy’s bed, with Betsy’s panties over her head. It was so deliciously naughty. She was such a bad girl for doing all of this. Such a bad, bad girl.
She imagined someone coming into the room. A man. Someone who would grab her by the hair and sternly demand to know what was going on. Someone who would tell her that she should be ashamed of herself. Someone who would tell her she was a very naughty girl and needed to be punished… harshly.
What would he do to her? Maybe he would pull her over his knee and spank her. Spank her hard, leaving red handprints on her tight little butt.
Nica used the vibrator controls and flicked the vibrator off. She no longer needed the assistance. It was challenging to keep herself from cumming, right there on her roommate’s pillow.
Maybe he would say that since she liked being naked so much, that she would be naked all the time at home. Maybe he would take all of her clothes away, lock them up, make her have to beg for clothes before leaving the apartment. Oh god, that would be so naughty!
Maybe he would say that if she liked the taste and smell of other girls so much, that he could make good use of her with other girls he brought home. Maybe he would tie her up and make her watch as he had his way with another girl, and then he would make her lick his cum out of her pussy. And if she didn’t work hard enough, maybe he would take a riding crop to her tits. She grabbed her nipples and pulled on them hard. She whimpered into her sock gag. Yes. Her tits needed to be punished, hard and often.
This was such a bad thing she was doing. He would tell her she clearly didn’t care about Betsy. She looked again at the bikini picture of Betsy. Oh, how she wanted to rip that little string bikini off that slut. Maybe he would lock her naked in a small cage in the living room. He would say she would have to stay there until she learned her lesson. Or maybe he would use a shock collar on her, telling her that very, very bad girls like her needed to be punished over and over until they learned to be good girls.
She kept edging herself in a blissful, erotic haze, her mind filled with dark perverted fantasies. Both about what she wanted to do to Betsy, and about what she wished would happen to her.
Then her phone chimed. Finally! She grabbed it, so impatient and hurried that she nearly dropped it. She had a text message. It showed Betsy, in the so-called “hot date outfit.” She was standing on a stage. High heels, tight skirt, corset, that Princess Jasmine top, the choker. But there were a few other additions. Her hands were cuffed behind her back. A ball gag was tightly strapped into her mouth. The sweet, innocent, stupid girl’s eyes were wide with shock.89Please respect copyright.PENANAPC5T5xQ1lK
Apart from the picture, the text had only one word. “SOLD.”
Nica flew into action. She grabbed the vibrator controls and turned them ALL the way up. Then she pinched her nipples as hard as she could and humped the pillow for all she was worth. She came almost instantly and screamed into the sock in her mouth, her climax seeming to take an eternity. She barely managed to keep herself from falling over.
She let go of her nipples and slapped her breasts hard, first the left, and then the right. It didn’t take long for her second orgasm to tear through her.
Then she picked up the phone and stared at that incredibly hot picture of Betsy, dolled up, bound and gagged, auctioned off to the highest bidder. It only took a few more minutes for her to cum again, and this time she did collapse onto the bed.
It took a little while before she managed to reach the vibrator’s controls and turn off the vibrator. She lay there for some minutes, trying to catch her breath, exhausted from the extended edging session and the sensation overload.
When she recovered, she took off the panties and tossed them on the floor, then pulled the soggy socks from her mouth. Wow, her mouth was really dry now.
She realized she had another text message, from the same person. “Love the capture costume. She had no chance of running away. Just cute, helpless prey. What sizes should the next capture costume be?”
She smirked and replied. “I haven’t even sold her stuff yet, let alone found a new mark. Give me a few days.”
Now she needed a drink of water and a shower. She’d pack up Betsy’s things and sell them off, and post online for a roommate for a sudden vacancy. Hopefully she’d find someone as cute as Betsy.
Nica was a bad, bad girl, and she had no intention of stopping. Not until and unless she found the right man to make her stop. But in the meantime… hm, maybe she could find a redhead for her next roommate.89Please respect copyright.PENANADZTcoMOHNJ
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