Hours had passed by very quickly. Lloyd, who had been in the library for those hours, got up and stretched, arching his back and extending his limbs. He had spent the time pouring over ancient tomes and scrolls, devouring knowledge and taking notes. Now, he was ready to see what his sister was up to. He teleported straight to Cyra's room, materializing in front of her door. He knew that if there was one thing he could count on, it was that Cyra couldn't stay in one place for too long. So if he found her in her room, he'd be lucky.
When he got to her room, he met her exactly how he expected to meet her. In one corner of the room, her white desk stood out against the dark walls, surrounded by scattered scrolls and parchment filled with writings and sketches. The sketches couldn't be identified by Lloyd, but they looked like some sort of arcane symbols. The white-haired Nephalem sat on her black chair, with the seat being white, a contrast to the dark furniture. In her hand, she held a black quill, tapping it continuously on one of the parchments. Lloyd assumed that she was thinking of what to write or 'draw'. He walked closer to the desk, his footsteps quiet on the stone floor.
He chuckled a bit at the drawings and Cyra, who was still lost in thought, hadn't noticed him. He knew that and decided to get her attention the funny way. "Cyra!" He yelled right beside her left ear, making her jump out of her chair. Her scattered white hair was facing every direction, probably from the number of times she'd run her hand through it while thinking. To Lloyd, it resembled what Humans called a bush. He hadn't seen one except in books, as there were no bushes in Hell... at least, no bushes with normal leaves or leaves at all.
"What-?" She asked, still on the floor, before quickly getting back up. She turned around to face Lloyd, who was chuckling.
But before she could yell at him, Lloyd interrupted, "Ahh, you're finally out of your trance." He stopped laughing and grinned, and greeted her enthusiastically, "Hello, sis!"
Cyra glared at him and grumbled, "You interrupted what I was writing."
Lloyd's grin widened, and he said, "If it makes you feel better, Father's already sent for your Angel trainer, and he'll be here soon."
"Wait- really?!" Cyra exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She stared at Lloyd, searching for any signs of falsehood.
Lloyd assured her, "I'll tell you about him-"
Cyra cut him off with a loud "Yes!"
"After you clean up your mess," Lloyd finished, nodding towards her cluttered desk.
Cyra looked around, confused, before spotting the mess. "Oh. I'll do just that."
Lloyd said, "Good," and told her he'd meet her outside. Cyra clapped her hands happily and said, "Sure."
Then, she chased him away with a "Shoo!" Lloyd laughed and said, "I'm going, I'm going." He opened Cyra's black door and left, shutting it behind him.
─── ⋆Time Skip⋆ ───
Cyra finished organizing her parchments and had the thought of just opening the door normally and meeting Lloyd to go see their father... But she then thought of another idea. She could quietly teleport behind him and try to give him a scare. She knew the idea was kinda cliché but she also knew she hadn't done it before. And if it worked, she'd tease him every time she got the chance to. So why not?
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─── ⋆A few minutes later⋆ ───
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That was a bad idea. Cyra was currently on the floor in the middle of one of the palace corridors. With Lloyd in front of her laughing his wings off.
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─── ⋆A few minutes ago⋆ ───
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Cyra teleported outside her door, probably behind Lloyd as she thought he was waiting for her. Well, he was waiting for her. Just not in the position she expected.
Immediately she teleported, she thought he was there and tried to scare him...
"BOO- wait- where is he?"
But he wasn't there.
She muttered to herself that he was probably at the hall, waiting for her.
A shadowy guard, with dark, mist-like tendrils swirling around its body, wearing a suit of twisted, nightmarish armor, greeted her. Cyra hadn't noticed him, so she jumped a little.
"O-oh, hello..." She greeted back, trying to composed herself.
Cyra then asked the shadowy creature if he'd seen her brother by any chance. The guard shook its head.
"... Alright... I'll just go..." She stated, trying to save face.
The guard nodded, bowed slightly, and went back to its roaming. Cyra walked down the corridor, taking a right turn. The corridor was lined with flickering torches, casting eerie shadows on the walls. There were many portraits on the walls of the hall. She liked to gaze at them as she was passing by, using her hands to feel every portrait as she walked. Until she stopped at her favorite - a mysterious portrait of a dark, stormy night, with lightning illuminating a lone tree in the distance. Cyra smiled lightly at it before continuing her way.
After walking for a few minutes, Cyra got completely frustrated and blamed her current predicament on Lloyd. "I swear if I see him, I'm gonna rip his head off." She growled. "Stupid Lloyd, stupid corridors, stupid unnecessarily large cas- AAH!"
Lloyd had teleported behind her, grabbed her by her ankle, and pulled her up. So here she was, dangling in the air with her brother holding her by her ankle, with the danger of him suddenly dropping her and making her hit her head on the floor. She'd teleport, but Lloyd would teleport with her because of the contact. So she decided to do the next best thing in her opinion.
Yell in his face.
"Lloyd Xaren Abaddon! You let me down this instant!" She'd somehow folded her arms whilst upside down, attempting to make herself more intimidating. She even flung her white-gold and black-red wings out a bit. But was failing miserably.
The raven-haired Devil laughed and said, "Oh, Cyra, you're so cute when you're angry."
Cyra glared at him and said, "This isn't funny, Lloyd! Put me down!"
Lloyd chuckled and replied, "No way, sis. You're going to have to do better than that."
Cyra's face turned red with rage. "I'll show you better! Just wait until I get out of this!"
Lloyd grinned and said, "I'm shaking in my boots, Cyra."
Cyra had caught on to the smirk and panicked a bit. "No no- don't- GAH!"
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─── ⋆Presently⋆ ───
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Cyra was giving a death glare to Lloyd, who was laughing at her state on the floor, holding his stomach in pain from laughing so hard.
Lloyd chuckled and said, "That was quite a show, Cyra! I'm surprised you didn't summon a pit of flames to swallow me whole."
He then said, with a grin, "But enough about that, let's focus on the bright side - we get to meet Zelthur!"
"Who in the Afterlife is that?" Cyra asked, confused, as she got herself off the floor, brushing off her clothes.
Lloyd rubbed his head sheepishly and stated, "Oh, right, I forgot to mention him. I guess I was too busy enjoying the... um, entertainment."
He completed the statement, saying, "He's your trainer, and hopefully, he can teach you some new moves, because 'flailing around like a demon-possessed mortal' isn't going to cut it."
"Hmm... Cool name, I guess," Cyra said, her expression unimpressed. "But I'm still not forgiving you for that."
Lloyd stared at her and asked, "That's it? No excitement, no curiosity? Just 'cool name'?"
But before he could continue, Cyra partly yelled at him, "Tell me about him, or I'll show you some real wrath!"
Lloyd laughed for the third time since he got out of his room and said, "Okay, okay, I'll tell you about him. But only if you promise not to summon a horde of imps to torment me."
Cyra crossed her arms and said, "I make no promises."
Lloyd then walked along in the corridor, and Cyra followed after him, still looking annoyed.
»»—————- ♔ —————-««
Lloyd: "No excitement, no curiosity? Just 'cool name'?"
Cyra: "What's there to be excited about? You're just going to embarrass me in front of my trainer again, aren't you?"
Lloyd: "... You know me so well-"
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Cyra: "BOO- wait- where is he?"
Shadowy Guard: "Um, I think you just scared yourself-"
Cyra: "Shut up, I meant to do that."
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[A/N]: I know some of you expected Cyra to start her training in this chapter but this idea suddenly came to me and I just thought, why not?
Thanks for reading! ^^