I sat with me friend the next day , I was later on that i realised that the guy who was yash's friend sat on the next seat , my friend teased him about how a girl in this liked yash and he desperately wanted to know to set thin together by the end of the day we even told him and asked him to ask yash.
When I arrived home I was laughing like a fool in love even tho after the teacher's day event I thought i didn't have feelings for yash but I guess deep down I did.
The next day i came to class and was called over by my friend and the guy said that yash had said that I was just like him sister. I told the guy to just tell yash it was just a prank .I went back to seat to sit.
I thought I was going to be very upset and on the verge of tears but I was okay with it and even laughed with my friends. I think deep down I was excited that I could leave him in the past even tho the time i experience was great , he was just now for me and I had to move on while it wasn't easy he had exams so we didn't see eachother that often because of his preparation leave and all .