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Nova slammed the door to her apartment behind her. The violence caused a precariously stacked pile of books - self-improvement books she was absolutely, totally going to read someday soon - to fall to the floor. She groaned and considered stripping off the white button-up blouse and black miniskirt she wore for waitressing and taking a shower. Not like she would need those clothes anymore, and she could at least wash the awfulness of the day away. Then she remembered her crappy apartment hadn’t had hot water in several days. The landlord kept saying it would be fixed “tomorrow,” even as tomorrow after tomorrow slipped by. Tomorrow would be a brand-new year, and there was still no sign anything would get fixed. Ugh. This was not what she hoped her New Year’s Eve would be like.
She settled for collapsing on the old stained couch. It didn’t look like much, but hey, it still held her up. What more could you ask for from something found for free on the side of the road?
Her gaze fell on her vision board. Pictures of sunny beaches, nice cars, beautiful homes and tanned, fit, bikini bodies. Six inch high pink glitter letters at the top spelled out “NEW YEAR, NEW ME.”
Suddenly it was the last thing she wanted to look at right now. She pulled out her phone and started watching videos to distract herself from the crushing gloom she was feeling.
Several cat videos and makeup tips later, she was watching a woman ecstatically talking about a service that had changed everything for her and made her goals come true. She showed before and after pictures. She had a nicer chest, a whiter smile, dazzling clothes, more confidence. She had previously been a cashier at a retail store. Now she was a successful businesswoman. All thanks to a place called Hand Up. The logo was a cute little monkey extending its monkey’s paw out to the viewer. And Hand Up was right in her city! They even had some kind of special promotion for people wanting help achieving their resolutions in the new year.
Nova looked up the information for Hand Up. It wasn’t too far. She could get there on the bus. And they were open right now. She could walk in and get her consultation today.
She looked around the apartment. Or… she could add to her vision board. Read those self-help books. Write her “new year, new me” affirmation another hundred times. Wash dishes with the ice-cold water. Or look through the stack of unpaid bills on the counter.
She got up and grabbed her purse. No time like the present!
An hour later, Nova was sitting across the desk from the beautiful consultation specialist. At least, that’s what the name plate on her desk said she was: Krissa Lis, Consultation Specialist. Nova was envious. They actually wore similar outfits, but they looked completely different. Nova was never happy with her butt or thighs, but Krissa’s short black business skirt looked like it was painted on, and flattered her toned body immensely. Nova’s blouse felt like a loose sack, but Krissa’s shining satin, form-fitting blouse strained under the weight of her impressive breasts - the layers of expensive and shiny necklaces she wore just drew more attention to them. She looked like she should be a model or actress. Nova, on the other hand, was just a plain girl trying to make ends meet.
“There,” said Krissa, pressing something on her computer. “Now let’s get to your goals. What would you like to improve, Miss Annum?”
Nova beamed. At last, something she was happy to talk about. “I’ve been thinking about this for so long! Just like every year, I’ve determined this is going to be a new year, new me - for real, this time! I’ve made goals and resolutions and vision boards year after year. I’ve made bullet journals and hierarchical lists of goals and have tried six different to-do systems and have been manifesting super hard every day - right,” she said, catching the slightly impatient look Krissa had. “Ok! I want to live in a nice home. I want to enjoy my job every day. I want to never need to worry about money or bills again. I want to be healthy and fit and look super pretty with nice ti-” she caught herself again. “Ummm I mean I’d like larger breasts,” she said, blushing and trying not to look at Krissa’s own huge tits. “And I want to wear cute outfits that people love seeing me in! And I want to have reasons to smile and laugh every day. Oh, and I want to be with a man, a guy who knows what he wants, who gives me physical affection but is confident and in charge.”
Krissa raised her eyebrows, absorbing the whirlwind of demands and typing furiously on her computer. “Is that all?” she asked in a mild, overly polite tone.
Nova thought for a moment, then smiled and nodded. “Yes! I’ve been thinking about my goals over and over for years. I know what I want! But it’s never happened, no matter how many astrologers or psychics or ministers I’ve gone to.”
“Well, you’re in luck, MIss Annum. You’re in the right place. Hand Up can absolutely help you with all of your goals.” With a dazzling smile whiter than snowfall on Christmas Eve - seriously, how was she so pretty - Krissa spun her monitor around to show Nova the price.
Nova gaped, seeing the number of digits. Her eyes grew wide and for a moment she thought the room was spinning. “I can’t afford that!” she gasped. “I’m a waitress! I mean, I was a waitress. I made hardly any money despite working fifty hours a week. My apartment is falling apart. Then my car broke down and I can’t afford to fix it and I lost my job because I was late to work because of the car, on New Year’s Eve! And… and…” she couldn’t help it. She started crying. Straight up ugly crying. Bawling, even. She resentfully thought for a moment that if Krissa Lis ever cried, she would look stunning doing it.
Krissa sat quietly, unperturbed. She offered Nova some tissues and waited another minute as Nova tried to get her tears under control. “I can tell you’re in a rough spot, Miss Annum. Let me speak to my manager and see if there’s anything we can do.” Without another word, she gracefully rose to her feet and strode down the hall. Her picture-perfect butt swayed with every step, each foot falling right in front of the previous. She looked like a model going down a catwalk. Geeze. Some women got all the luck. And style. And grace. Nova felt her tears flowing again.
It wasn’t long before a man popped his head out of an office door. He looked Nova up and down carefully, then muttered something Nova couldn’t hear. He strode over to Nova as Krissa returned to her seat - every step an example of picture-perfect grace.
“Hello, Miss Annum. I’m Mr. Faust, CEO here at Hand Up. You’re in luck! I’ve authorized you for a very special program. You’re one of the few qualified for it. It’s for those… experiencing certain hardships, let us say. I’m about to run out for an appointment, but I can squeeze you in if you sign right now.” He held out a tablet to Nova.
She smiled gratefully and took the tablet in shaking hands. It seemed to show a lot of legalese. Complex words in a small font. She swiped through it, and realized it was a very, very long document. “What does all this mean?”
Mr. Faust glanced at his watch meaningfully. “Standard clauses,” he said vaguely. “Limiting us from liability. You saying you really do want to make changes in your life - you DO want to make changes, right, Miss Annum?”
“More than anything!” Nova breathed. She should probably read all of this… but it was way too long. Nobody ever read terms of service anyway. Mr. Faust was clearly getting impatient. If she hesitated, she could lose this opportunity forever. She tapped the “sign” button, signed “Nova Annum” with her fingertip and registered her fingerprint on the appropriate sensor.
Mr. Faust gazed down at her with a proud smile that made Nova feel oddly flushed. “Glad to have you on board, Miss Annum! I’ll see you soon!” And then he was gone, off to some important appointment or other.
Krissa took the tablet and tapped a few buttons. “Hand Up welcomes you. Now let’s go ahead and get started. Come to the back with me, please.”
Nova was excited and a little anxious as they passed through several hallways and doorways with increasingly stringent levels of security clearance. Finally they emerged into what looked like a mad scientist’s laboratory. There were computer displays, lights and levers everywhere. One wall seemed to be full of… cabinets? Some kind of compartments, each with a little glass wall or door in front of it.
Krissa tapped a few buttons on a panel, and one of the glass doors opened up. “Please enter the chamber, Miss Annum.”
Nova eyed the compartment nervously. “Um… what is that?” she asked.
“It’s like a sensory deprivation chamber,” Krissa lied. “It’s very relaxing.”
“Isn’t it kind of small?”
“Not at all. Just crouch down and you’ll fit just fine. Remember all the measures you’ve taken to try to achieve your goals, Miss Annum. All the things you’ve tried, some crazier than this. Are you going to let yourself be defeated by a pane of glass? Will that keep you from all those important goals you’ve been reciting for years?”
“No, no, you’re right. I can do this!” Heart pounding, Nova walked over to the open compartment. She crouched down, blushing a bit and wishing she wasn’t wearing a miniskirt. Then she sat down on the floor inside the compartment, looking at Krissa. “Ok… what do I do now?”
“Nothing at all, Miss Annum,” the consultation specialist replied, pushing a button and causing the glass door to swing closed again. Just before it closed, she said “I’ll take care of everything.” Her smile looked a little evil, but maybe that was just Nova’s nerves talking.
Nova started to feel a little claustrophobic. There wasn’t enough room to stand up in the compartment, and certainly not to walk around. Did it even have ventilation? She felt a little better seeing small holes in the wall, presumably for air. So how was this supposed to work as a sensory deprivation chamber? That didn’t even really make sense.
Then Nova smelled something strange. She couldn’t quite describe it. Vaguely floral, vaguely spicy, and something else. Then she felt a strange, almost painful tingle all over her body.
“Hey!” Nova yelled. She moved from sitting on her butt to sitting up on her feet, although she had little room to move around in. She hit the study glass door with her fist. “Hey! Something feels weird! Is that supposed to happen?”
Krissa just smiled at her and gave her a thumbs-up. Nova realized they probably couldn’t hear each other. That made her even more worried. If something was wrong, would Krissa even notice? Would she stop whatever was happening and let her out?
Then Nova was distracted by the feeling of her clothes tightening. Or at least her blouse tightening. Her once-baggy blouse was now straining, its buttons barely holding. Nova’s modest B-cups had grown to G-cups, at least! She gasped in shock and her hands flew to her breasts, feeling, squeezing. They felt absolutely real. Fleshy, jiggly, and with full sensation. Ooh… maybe they were even more sensitive than before, in the best of ways. Nova had never been the kind of girl to play with her tits much when masturbating, but now it suddenly felt really, really good. Mm her massive tits loved being squeezed hard. She ran her fingertips in slow circles over her nipples through the fabric. God, that felt amazing. She wondered if she could cum from this.
Then she remembered she wasn’t alone. She blushed, looking at Krissa through the glass. The woman seemed unperturbed, although a bit of a smirk played on her lips.
Something else felt funny. Nova reached to her hair. Her scraggly brown locks had never played nicely, always seeming to want to fly in every direction at once. Now she had lustrous, thick black hair cascading in a gorgeous waterfall down her back, all the way to her butt. Nova found herself tearing up. She wanted to look in a mirror. This was amazing! She felt pretty in a way she never really had before. She ran her hands up and down her body. Overall she was tighter, slimmer, toned. She felt like she could run a marathon or put an expert yogi to shame. This was incredible! She wanted to put her new body through its paces - but she was still stuck in this glass box. And that weird smell was just getting stronger.
Then there was a click and she heard Krissa’s voice over a speaker. “You are feeling relaxed and happy.”
Immediately all of Nova’s anxiety flew away. She sank back down on her butt, smiling, not caring that Krissa could see right up her skirt. She leaned against the back of the compartment. She just felt so cozy.
“Service makes you happy. You love to serve and please.”
That’s right. Why hadn’t Nova ever thought of that before? Gratitude attitude and all that. People who volunteered were happier. Perhaps true happiness came from trying to make other people happy.
“You trust and obey me. You trust and obey Mr. Faust. You do anything we tell you without question. And you love doing it. Obeying us feels so very, very good. You are always eager to obey us.”
Yes, of course. She was so grateful to both of them. They were making her dreams come true. Who could she trust more than the two people who were doing everything for her? She owed them everything.
“You love being pretty. You love being sexy. You love being on display - a beautiful doll for Mr. Faust’s pleasure.”
What woman doesn’t like to feel pretty? Of course. Nova realized she respected Mr. Faust, and she was grateful to him. Naturally she would try to look her best for him.
“Serving turns you on. Obedience makes you horny. Being told what to do makes your pussy dripping wet - DO NOT MOVE!”
Nova had started to squeeze one of her massive breasts with one hand and rub her pussy under her skirt with the other. At that command, she froze, no longer able to move a muscle. She felt petrified, her body no longer under her own command. What was worse - she felt intensely aroused. Her body cried out to be touched. Her nipples were so stiff it felt like they could cut through her blouse. Her needy pussy desperately wanted to be caressed, and her fingers were right there… unmoving. Just a slight motion would feel so very, very good, but she couldn’t move a millimeter. She just remained motionless as Krissa continued.
“You are a slave. You were born to be owned property. Your greatest fulfillment is from being owned. That’s what was missing from your life this whole time. You were alone, lacking structure, lacking a place to belong. Now you belong. You belong to Mr. Faust. You are his slave, now and forever, and that gives you joy. Nothing makes you happier than being an owned slave girl.”
Nova just listened, unable to so much as twitch. Her thoughts slowed as well. She was no longer considering what she was told. It just sank into her, right into the depths of her subconscious. She could feel every statement Krissa uttered sinking into her, being woven permanently into the fiber of her being. And she happily absorbed every word as Krissa kept talking, the words practically turning into a blur. It seemed to be similar things said again and again, but at the same time every instruction felt fresh and new. She felt lucky to be programmed this way. For a moment she questioned it. It felt strange to be so happy about giving up control of her life, her mind, her personality to another… but wasn’t that what she had been doing for years? Turning to books and self-appointed experts of all stripes, hoping one of them would have the answer, would take care of things for her. All this time she had needed someone to take control and tell her who to be.
The last vestige of Nova’s free will slipped away, and she was wholly, permanently, owned.56Please respect copyright.PENANAOfDF9ufzWp
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