"Beginnings Part II"
105Please respect copyright.PENANApnZneQ0exf
The restaurant is small. People are seated, it’s a full house. RICKY AMELL(27), TIM ROLAND(35), and BRADLEY HUNT(32) are sitting. Other 212 operators are in the restaurant.
BRADLEY105Please respect copyright.PENANAhp6H4nItPX
Did any of you see The Man in Black at Lecter’s Manor the other night?
ROLAND105Please respect copyright.PENANAVy5pM8NCoB
Is that what they’re calling him?
BRADLEY105Please respect copyright.PENANAntqpVgVQ3t
RICKY105Please respect copyright.PENANAAYkPdFXBh4
Sounds stupid.
ROLAND105Please respect copyright.PENANA6OJuQiTB0R
No, I didn’t see him.
RICKY105Please respect copyright.PENANAnTOeIwP3Hn
He did expose Norman for who he was though. He could be useful.
BRADLEY105Please respect copyright.PENANA5YT0GJVCX2
Potentially. We should keep an eye on him.
The Glass shatters with gunfire. Madrazo cartel members fire into the restaurant. 212 Operators draw their guns but are gunned down. Civilians are killed. Ricky, Roland, and Bradley take cover behind a table.
RICKY105Please respect copyright.PENANANhIOkv3vdY
What the fuck?
The shooting stops. Bradley slowly looks over the table. The shooter is gone. Dead bodies fill the restaurant.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAym7aoo4hoQ
Alexis and Jason are asleep. Alexis’ phone vibrates. She wakes up and answers.
ADAM105Please respect copyright.PENANAFUf7kqobYg
(over phone)105Please respect copyright.PENANAytm0YPDoFn
Wake up, you need to get down here to Smitty’s.
Alexis hangs up and drops her head on her pillow.
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANAQs0fLAHMN3
(quietly)105Please respect copyright.PENANA00thYgTV1G
She grabs her gear and leaves. Jason opens his eyes.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAlzMcpaYxJ8
Alexis steps out of a vehicle and walks to Adam.
ROLAND105Please respect copyright.PENANAFUWVlHusKe
I don’t know what happened. One moment it’s quiet, the next, everyone’s dead.
ADAM105Please respect copyright.PENANACuOVtjPPnk
A building full of 212 operators shot to hell. Fuck!
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANAmf441Qge0B
First the bombing, then Norman Lecter, and now this?
ADAM105Please respect copyright.PENANAkMa8L9emgC
What the hell is going on?
Jason is on a rooftop in full gear looking at everything. Jason jumps down. He sticks to the shadows. 212 operators walk by. He climbs to the roof of the restaurant and enters through a skylight.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAX015ALoNls
Jason looks around. He goes up to a computer. He inserts a USB drive and copies the security footage.
REEVES (O.S.)105Please respect copyright.PENANAJUGID8unCk
No. I’ll check it.
Reeves opens the door and sees Jason. He aims his gun, a Glock 17, at him.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAFw3GERxxXP
Turn around.
Jason turns around.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANA83ELXuONJz
Easy, Reeves. We’re on the same side.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANADQJr9xkukN
And what side is that?
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAch4qi7OKeX
The Madrazo cartel is already in the city. This attack proves it.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAM3CEg4xn0A
Nothing we can’t manage.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAqvXfCTdBrO
Then why let them get this close?
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAbrCkUYfQ7T
I ask the questions here. Who are you? Why are you doing this?
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANA4O6sQfvgyH
Because I care about this city.
The computer makes a beeping sound.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAzQJvLkgR8J
I’m not going to sit and watch it die.
Jason pulls the USB and runs to the window. Reeves fires at Jason but misses. Jason jumps out the window. Richard runs in.
RICHARD105Please respect copyright.PENANAQSdZV2sOrP
What the hell happened?
Reeves runs to the window and sees Jason running.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAjbF3fGb2K6
It’s The Man in Black!
Reeves talks into his radio and runs after him.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAhOx03LEJjH
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANA7Jqlaiv6NJ
Got a confirmed sight of The Man in Black. All available callsigns respond.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAO6h74y255F
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAuLrv9BPXXj
(over radio)105Please respect copyright.PENANAi9S7CK6ind
Back alley going west.
Alexis looks at seven 212 operators run. Ricky, Alexis, Adam, Bradley, and Roland stay.
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANAGaXiGer813
Where do they think they’re going?
105Please respect copyright.PENANAQht4ffhk08
Jason climbs the side of a building and gets onto a fire escape. He runs up the stairs. Reeves fires at Jason. Richard stops him.
RICHARD105Please respect copyright.PENANALvk02XKF7Z
Watch your fire, there are civilians in the building!
105Please respect copyright.PENANAzPcq3a2bqc
Jason makes it to the roof. He runs and jumps across buildings. 212 operators are chasing him. A helicopter appears in front of him and shines its light at him.
PILOT105Please respect copyright.PENANAQDPfT7JbpD
(over speaker)105Please respect copyright.PENANAfeCfUm2syS
Got the vigilante in our sights.
Jason turns around. 212 operators are closing in on him. Jason looks back and forth. He jumps off the roof and grabs a ledge. He loses his grip and falls.
105Please respect copyright.PENANA460o7GL9Zb
Jason crash lands into a dumpster. He climbs out of the dumpster and rolls on the ground.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANACjIqWSOmNB
The helicopter’s spotlight searches for him. Jason leaves the area.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAtzV1H2V9cu
Jason is looking at the security footage. It’s from outside the restaurant. He sees a van parked across the street. Six armed men come out. The armed men fire into the restaurant. Jason pauses it. He zooms in on the driver of the van. It’s slightly blurry but enough to see facial details. He runs facial recognition. It comes back as Javier Madrazo.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAOk6zhjzR7c
Reeves is talking to Alexis and the rest of 212.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAYhngQgNp3a
So there’s no news of our mystery attackers.
ADAM105Please respect copyright.PENANAO33RPForEC
Madrazo cartel.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAqj8lZgIh9p
We don’t know that for sure.
ADAM105Please respect copyright.PENANAuU6PXiBtF3
What do you mean?
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAJPC7JP23Ds
We need to look at this from every angle. Our men were killed tonight, and for now, we aren’t sure if it’s the Madrazo cartel or the man in black. We can’t keep letting him interfere with our operations. Yes, he did expose Lecter, but he’s becoming a problem. The security footage is missing, no thanks to him most likely. If you see him call it in and try to apprehend him.
105Please respect copyright.PENANA0cOnGOZok6
Alexis calls Jason. There’s no answer.
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANAzvSod67iUD
Jason, I need you to call me back as soon as you can. Call me as soon as you wake up.
Alexis turns and sees Jason in his gear. He’s on top of the roof of the stairs. An orange light behind him silhouettes him.
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANAgsoxElt4JW
You’re him. The man in black. What do you want?
Jason disguises his voice by lowering it and adding a slight grit to it.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAvvLWgXGrfK
I’m sure you saw the footage from the checkpoint. The Madrazo cartel is here.
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANAliOUa5tiFl
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANA9bIHn6npkH
I ran facial recognition on the footage. It’s Javier.
Jason throws a picture down toward Alexis. Alexis looks at it on the floor.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAmLYpTrNsCg
We’re running out of time. Whatever they’re planning on doing is happening soon.
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANAeddy5sqC5G
Half of the task force is looking for you. Why do this? Why not just let us handle it?
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAZtx2NmO1YU
Reeves had his chance and he chose not to act.
Jason gets down from the stairs and disappears from Alexis’ view. Alexis picks up the picture from the floor. She examines it.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAra5L4DxAtA
Reeves is at his desk.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAmBu2X4jGiK
The Madrazo cartel at our front doorstep? Where did you get this?
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANARNoIvwpOiD
Does it matter? I’ve been telling you that they’ve been coming into the city and now they’re all here. Why? Why are they here?
Reeves is staring at the picture.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANATv5nJCOEwX
I don’t know. Find them and bring me Javier, all of his men are expendable.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAPdMo8Y0rAD
Javier is sitting on a bench. Cars drive by and bystanders pass by on the sidewalk. Roberto walks and sits next to him.
ROBERTO105Please respect copyright.PENANAwXxe9fv0FK
The building is unguarded. Just like I said, no Counter-Terror presence, all the scientists are unarmed.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANAzIrcD7sa82
Good. Get everyone ready.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAi3izUv1pZN
Jason is in his gear overlooking the city. The sounds of cars from the street below are audible.
CARTEL MEMBER (O.S.)105Please respect copyright.PENANA1bjp4Eah0q
I think we sent a clear message with the attack.
Jason looks toward where the noise came from.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAVopPR9DcjL
Two cartel members are walking down the street. Jason stands above them on the ledge of the roof and stares at them.
CARTEL MEMBER #2105Please respect copyright.PENANAJkPmm4IU9U
The Counter-Terrorism Task Force knows we’re here now though.
CARTEL MEMBER105Please respect copyright.PENANAqVjKGYGw4f
Doesn’t matter, not once we get our hands on the genome soldier project.
CARTEL MEMBER #2105Please respect copyright.PENANAkvZJjPwmcH
If we do.
CARTEL MEMBER105Please respect copyright.PENANAUozyaTA8PL
We will.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAkQSNFW5Sy3
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAlqbPkGAxVq
Genome soldier project?
Jason follows them on the roof by jumping across rooftops. The cartel members go around corners and eventually get into a car. Jason sees them driving off.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAnne2xL08mi
Jason quickly climbs down the building and chases after the vehicle.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAZYYf0Top4s
It turns left around a corner so Jason goes left into an alley. He can see the car when they pass a different alley. Jason exits the alley and sees the car make a right down a straight road. Jason runs after it. He runs across the road.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAf7gDO5AbHK
The facility is in an opening surrounded by a wooded area. The vehicle parks with other vehicles that are parked behind trees.
Javier and his cartel are standing around a makeshift table. The two cartel members get out of the vehicle. Jason hides behind a bush. Javier puts the picture of the scientists on the table and illuminates it with a flashlight.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANAS6LEwLSOmS
The Genome Soldier Project. Rumor says that it modifies the Genome of who you use it on. Enhances them in ways you never would’ve thought. Once we get our hands on this we’ll be unstoppable.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAlky6Pe4m4r
(whispering)105Please respect copyright.PENANAcvE6GDhpIw
What the hell?
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANAwnYZCyr9h6
The scientists are unarmed. Leave no survivors, 212 can’t learn what we’re up to.
Javier and his cartel run to the facility.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAYtjzPzs6Yz
Shit. I need to do something.
Jason follows them.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAmrYTdgINMP
A security guard is looking at the monitors. He sees the cartel members running toward the building on a monitor. They’re armed with AK’s.
SECURITY GUARD105Please respect copyright.PENANAbNxdKUohPN
What the fuck?
He cycles through the feed and sees them on all the feeds. He pushes down on a button.
SECURITY GUARD105Please respect copyright.PENANArmJvXuXff2
We have a problem!
105Please respect copyright.PENANAQp5kxGh1La
Javier and a group of his cartel get to a door and kick it down. They storm in.
105Please respect copyright.PENANA3dZGaLGbCc
They gun down scientists. They move further in and kill more scientists.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAZbjgex7QF4
Jason is sprinting as flashes from inside the building go off. He climbs to the roof and slides in through a window.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAUGMJpWLhqw
Jason lands inside. He paces to the end of the hall. The gunfire is audible. He leans against a corner as personnel and scientists sprint away.
SCIENTIST105Please respect copyright.PENANAV3NQf9F21W
We’re under attack! We need 212 here!
SECURITY GUARD105Please respect copyright.PENANABd8pfXIi0U
I’ve tried the alarms and security measures are down!
SCIENTIST105Please respect copyright.PENANAdrG8YosFrU
What do you mean they’re down?
SECURITY GUARD105Please respect copyright.PENANAAtaV39aosE
Someone sabotaged them! No signal is coming in or out! We need to get out of here and alert the task force now!
They run out of Jason’s view. Jason bolts out of the corner.
105Please respect copyright.PENANA3wsDMd9jrq
Javier enters the room. A scientist tries running away but is shot in the back. Javier sees desks and computers lined up in a row. At the far end is a sphere on a podium. Javier walks to it.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAHNEAWnTay0
A scientist is running. He bumps into a cartel member and falls down. The cartel member aims his gun at him.
SCIENTIST #2105Please respect copyright.PENANAqOYb1DcZ9H
A throwing knife appears in the cartel member's right hand. The cartel member drops the gun. Jason runs, jumps, and kicks the cartel member. The cartel member stumbles backward. He sees Jason in his gear.
CARTEL MEMBER105Please respect copyright.PENANAPdP9erAYDU
Who the fuck are you?
Jason knocks out the cartel member. The scientist looks at Jason from the ground.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAuBuaC4Irmc
Get out of here!
The scientist stumbles his way out of the hallway, still staring at Jason. Jason goes through a door into another hallway.
105Please respect copyright.PENANA7j7RAYD1L6
Jason jumps on and flips off a table to evade bullets. He throws a throwing knife at a cartel member in front of him and to the left of him. A cartel member knees him in the side of the face. The cartel member aims his AK right in Jason’s face.
Jason grabs the gun and moves it away. It goes off in full auto mode. They both fight for control of it. Jason kicks the leg of the cartel member in. The cartel member's face plants the floor hard. Jason gets up in a daze and shakes his head.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAztZjbIhMNB
Javier is in front of the sphere. He goes to grab it but his hand gets shocked by an invisible shield that becomes briefly visible.
Javier grabs it and gets shocked again. Javier examines the podium. The scientist he shot is trying to use a table to stand and collapses. Javier turns to look at him and drags him to the podium and tosses him.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANA8RNAYJEDq8
What the fuck is this?
The scientist grovels in pain. Javier kicks the scientist in the gut. The scientist spits blood out.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANALjeHmfGiK1
What is it?
SCIENTIST #3105Please respect copyright.PENANAzB0vncqFwJ
It has a shield protecting it.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANAGxKmeyNwfg
How do I disable it?
JASON (O.C.)105Please respect copyright.PENANA1ddyVyBaoG
(yelling)105Please respect copyright.PENANA6wFVrIsitn
Javier turns around and sees Jason in his gear.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANA9QtxYRpz4j
You must be the man in black.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAcbYbeFU1r3
You’re done terrorizing these people!
Javier takes an Astra A-100 out and aims it at Jason. Jason runs to the side as Javier fires at him. Jason knocks a table down and throws a throwing knife at Javier. Javier flinches but it misses. Jason runs at Javier and kicks him to the floor. Javier drops his pistol.
Jason goes up to Javier, jumps, and does a flip-style kick. Javier moves out of the way. Jason swings downward to hit Javier in the head. Javier blocks it and hits Jason in the gut.
Jason stumbles backward. Javier gets up. Javier rushes Jason and hits him with hard blows. Jason blocks some of them but not all. Javier hooks Jason’s arm, flips him over his back, and hits him in the face. Jason grovels in pain. Javier goes back to the scientist.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANAuru2wx30hi
Deactivate the shield.
SCIENTIST #3105Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4JplMdkcV
You can’t, the sphere is unstable. It’s a prototype.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANAGr93rqX3jB
You’re bleeding out. If you deactivate the shield, I can help you.
The scientist grabs his wound.
SCIENTIST #3105Please respect copyright.PENANAqNZZlIjnTD
There’s a shutoff switch behind the podium.
Javier goes behind the podium. He doesn’t see anything.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANASjePWieeJM
SCIENTIST #3105Please respect copyright.PENANANX0BEyLxXd
Hand scan, just please help me.
Javier gets up and shoots the scientist in the head. He drags the scientist by the hand and puts it on the podium. The podium scans it and a panel is revealed with a button. Javier pushes it. The shield shuts down. Javier grabs the sphere. It’s radiating and outputting a low hum noise. Jason struggles to get up.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANAPyusEvmv4S
There’s no stopping what’s about to happen.
Javier twists the sphere. It opens and a giant beam of energy shoots upward.
105Please respect copyright.PENANA6jABFXLADr
The beam of energy shoots into the atmosphere and the energy disperses across the sky. A shockwave blasts through the trees nearby.
105Please respect copyright.PENANApM5AXOmTR7
People are going about their business when the shockwave comes. People get shaken and thrown. Walls are destroyed and buildings collapse.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAh4xwMXM36x
Alexis is walking to a door when the windows shatter. She goes flying into a wall.
ADAM105Please respect copyright.PENANAoUOA2H19uK
What the hell was that?
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANAmqxyvoLqnI
(into radio)105Please respect copyright.PENANAxnxnBdKgmG
105Please respect copyright.PENANAQWoXfAKCI1
Jason struggles to stand.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANA9IFZFCRjXV
What did you do?
Javier examines his body.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANAPQv63wdhtH
No! It was supposed to work! Why didn’t it work?
Javier throws the sphere.
JAVIER105Please respect copyright.PENANAENaDzFa1Oh
We’re not done yet, vigilante! I’ll be seeing you soon.
Javier leaves the room. Jason falls on one knee.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAsRUOW6t9Bf
A news report from WEBG Deacon 7 plays on a TV.
NEWS REPORTER105Please respect copyright.PENANAY3GpSJ3jyv
In the late hours of the night, a powerful shockwave rattled through the city, leaving dozens injured and dead. Helix Genetics Laboratories was also attacked leaving dozens of scientists dead. Following the recent events of the past few days the mayor is declaring Deacon City into a state of emergency,
Reeves turns the TV off. The windows are boarded up. Alexis, Adam, and Richard are seated.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANADuCGEp2G2g
This is unacceptable. HelixGen Laboratory attacked, and no one hears a thing.
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANAq6dToAaaaj
I told you the Madrazo cartel was in the city! We should have acted sooner!
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAErzqgR912E
And I listened! I told you to bring me Javier!
ALEXIS105Please respect copyright.PENANA3cx5B8GCpo
A little help here Montoya!
RICHARD105Please respect copyright.PENANAm03oGr4ihE
She's right. We acted too late and now we're paying for it. Helix Genetics was attacked, and we don't know why, but what we do know is that Javier is in the city and the best thing we can do is stop him.
105Please respect copyright.PENANADa4EKznDbO
Jason is overlooking the city. He has his mask off. Buildings are toppled, sirens are blasting in the distance, and people are calling for help and loved ones in the streets below. Jason gets overwhelmed and shuts his eyes tight. It goes quiet. Jason opens his eyes.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAxbLj3Splze
Jason runs off.
105Please respect copyright.PENANApjEj6zXWY5
Jason runs up to the door and frantically knocks.
Jamie opens her front door.
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANAhAbajte1ze
Jason! You’re okay.
Jamie hugs Jason. Jason breathes a sigh of relief.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAzpUZ7ErFjv
I’m okay? You’re okay.
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANAGqZFJZI0E4
I was so worried.
They walk into Jamie’s house. They walk to the kitchen.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAoojus96YRA
Are you okay?
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANAn16Y4g43sl
Yeah. Just shaken. I tried calling you and Alexis but the call couldn’t go through.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAhDzJdmMiSd
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANAYpS9tDOuty
No, and I didn’t dare go out.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAiMz2SEeeSp
Jamie’s kitchen has a counter, a sink, a fridge, and a cupboard.
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANATBPQsYo3gZ
Not with chaos and pandemonium happening in the streets. Sit, sit.
Jason sits on the counter. Jamie puts cups on the table and fills them with coffee.
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANAnUwGjeTIFs
Where's Alexis?
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAqHbn1twLSq
She's been busy with work. Listen, Mom, maybe you should leave the city for a while.
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANAyw1bkRBPcn
What? Why?
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANApe1SPMkFmM
With the bombing a few days back, the attack at Smitty’s, and now this. I think things are only going to get worse, and I don't want to see you getting hurt or worse.
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANATcC1i29cRG
Oh, Jason. You don’t have to worry about little old me; besides, I have nowhere to go.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANAbmxDSFPyh3
New York with Dad?
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANAB3N81S1tL5
No. We’ll drive each other crazy him and I.
Jamie laughs.
JASON105Please respect copyright.PENANARg54tUEoty
Mom. Please.
JAMIE105Please respect copyright.PENANAYKhvBI7u53
Okay. Okay.
105Please respect copyright.PENANAR6DwLTzfEc
Richard and Reeves are searching around the lab.
RICHARD105Please respect copyright.PENANAPcYYZcoCHV
There has to be something that shows why Javier targeted the place.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAmVkWz2Yzhp
I’m sure it will come up.
Richard looks around and finds the remains of the sphere.
RICHARD105Please respect copyright.PENANA79TdHGe99G
Richard picks it up. Reeves walks to Richard.
RICHARD105Please respect copyright.PENANAMZaz1uUmJg
What is this?
Richard hands Reeves the sphere.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANARVAJNrCxWD
I don’t know.
Richard searches through cabinets. He comes across one with a file in it. Reeves stares at Richard pulling the file out. Richard looks through the files.
RICHARD105Please respect copyright.PENANAiKvw9gFKla
Wait a minute.
Reeves inspects Javier’s Astra A-100 that’s on the floor.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANAH84uaulc4U
RICHARD105Please respect copyright.PENANATimYhAGY7c
Helix Genetics is developing a new version of the Genome Soldier Project?
Reeves goes to Richard.
RICHARD105Please respect copyright.PENANAlpFdgqrg83
That’s what Javier is after and the shockwave must have been him activating the sphere. But that’s not how the Genome Soldier project is supposed to work or look. This is new. Who authorized this?
Reeves kills Richard by shooting him in the back. Richard collapses.
REEVES105Please respect copyright.PENANA7RHn71RQTD
About that.
Reeves moves Richard’s body out of the way and takes the file and leaves.