Basic Info
Name: Son Y/n
Birthday: B/d
Age: 17
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Blood Type: B/t
Species: Saiyan-Human Hybrid
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Basic Appearance: over all looks like you, but more muscular (think Ultimate Gohan build). Like any Saiyan, or in this case Saiyan Hybrid, you have black hair and eyes. Unlike your brother Gohan, you retain your tail (wonder what that could mean?). Like your brother and father, you have soft facial features and eyes, but they sharpen when serious.
Outfit: when in combat, you wear a similar gi as your father and brother when he fought Super Buu, but the base color is F/c instead of orange. Your more casual outfit consists of SF/c pants and an F/c short-sleeved shirt with SC/c accents. After arriving at Union Academy, you now wear the typically boys school uniform, but you leave the vest open. You still ware your gi when you can, mainly when training.
Personality: your personality can best be described as a mix between Gohans and Gokus. You're sweet and kind, tho a bit of a flirt, but you're also serious and calm. You have your fathers desire for combat and get exited at the prospect of a good fight. You also got your kind and forgiving nature from your father but got your wrathful anger from your mother.
You believe in mercy and giving people a second chance. Believing everyone deserve that chance to make the right choice. Like your father, you hate to kill or the idea of it, as you've never been pushed that far yet. Also, thinking it would be a waste to kill them if they have such talent and would make a great training partner.
You're pretty blunt and honest, like your father. You're also a terrible liar, but somehow get by on a lie. You can also be pretty dense and naive, traits you got from your father. Regretfully, you did inherit your fathers brains, meaning you're not very bright. Thankfully, your mother did get through to you for the most part. So you're not as dumb as your father, but still not that bright. You may be dense, to a degree, you're not dumb to the female body or unaware of it. You can easily get embarrassed when a woman shows enough skin or presses her body against you.
You often put on a brave face, often hiding the pain and sadness you feel from missing your family. You hide it the best you can, often lying to cover it up. Even lying that you don't have a family and that you're actually part Saiyan. All to hide your pain, sadness and loneliness.
You did inherent your father's battle IQ, allowing you to figure out your opponent's battle strategy in a short about of time and come up with countermeasures.
You're very protective about those you care about and will do anything to protect them.
You also feel some level of inadequacy towards your father and brother, often feeling you could never reach their level.
Extra: whenever you get excited about a good fight. The tip of your tail wags (the girls totally won't tease you for this at all.....). Like your father, you wear weighted clothing. After joining Union Academy, you made adjustments to them to fit your new look.
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Abilities and Powers
As a Saiyan hybrid, you retain the same unlocked potential as Gohan has but, unlike him, yours hasn't been awakened yet. So you weren't able to achieve Super Saiyan 2. As you are currently, you're actually stronger than Gohan is at his base form, until he got his Ultimate form. This is because, during the 7-year time skip, you didn't stop training, much to Chi-Chis annoyance and anger. Despite this, you still can't access Super Saiyan 2 yet.
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With Goku being your father, you learned most of his techniques, as well as some from Vegito/Gogeta.
* Kamehameha
* Spirit Sword
** Twin Spirit Sword
** Spirit Dagger (smaller version that covers a finger)
** Spirit Grappling Hook (forms a hook at the tip, the base is like a rope, allowing it to extend)
* Destructo Disc
* Explosive Wave
* Solar Flare
* Energy Shield
*Banshee Blast
** Banshee Bullet (finger gun)
* Big Bang Attack
* Spirit Bomb (Imperfect)
* Dragon Fist (Imperfect)
* Instant Transmission (Imperfect)
* more later on.
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Great Ape
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Super Saiyan (Full Power Super Saiyan)
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Parents =
* Goku = Alive
* Chi-Chi = Alive
Siblings =
* Gohan = Alive, Older Brother (by a few seconds)
* Goten = Alive, Younger Brother
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Yes, I'm well aware that I'm breaking the number one rule for reader fanfics, with giving the reader hair and eye color, but since this is a Saiyan trait, hopefully it's excusable.