"All right, Riders! Feast your eyes upon the information Toothless and I have of the Light Dragon right now!" Hiccup announced only a short time later. He and his dragon moved one of the Great Hall's tables near the wall.
Their friends sat in wooden chairs before them.
The Dragon Eye sat propped against a wooden block on the table.
Hiccup and Toothless lined up the cluster of crystals with the artifact's lens.
Once everything was ready, Hiccup put his hands behind his back and glanced at his dragon. "Now, Toothless!"
Toothless nodded and opened his mouth.
Once again, the whole room exploded into an array of shimmering dots, images, writing, etc.
"Whoa!" the remaining teens yelled, hopping up from their seats.
"It's like a million suns found their way into our planet," Astrid observed.
"Uh, guys, you may want to look at this, " the friends heard Fishlegs say. He stood before the image of Naga that Hiccup and Toothless observed earlier.
"Is that the dragon of the hour?" Tuffnut asked as he, Ruffnut, Astrid, Snotlout, Hiccup, and Toothless joined Fishlegs. "The one destined to destroy everything our dear Hiccup loves?"
Hiccup laughed and placed his hands on his hips. "We'll see about that. Yes. That's the dragon of the hour."
Astrid shivered. "And the beast that's torturing you, Hiccup?"
"What dragon class is it?" Fishlegs questioned, glancing at Hiccup, who sketched a picture of the Light Dragon in his notebook.
"I was hoping you'd know," was his answer. "I went through the classes in my hut earlier, but there wasn't one I could set in stone."
"You know what class I think it is?" Ruffnut asked, giggling. "The Thorstonton class! From now on, the Light Dragon shall become Thorstonton II's mascot!"
"It shall join the chicken!" Tuffnut added. He pointed his finger toward the room's ceiling and stood up straight.
"Sure," Snotlout said while tapping his chin. "But don't you two muttonheads realize what this dragon is capable of?"
"Being awesome?" Ruffnut questioned.
"Charming?" added Tuffnut. "Because I have to say that Light Dragon is almost as handsome as me."
"No!" Snotlout frustratingly yelled. "It's going to doom all of us to eternal darkness!"
"Oh yeah," the twins spoke simultaneously. "That, too."
"Well, peace out, bros." Slowly and carefully, Snotlout backed away from the meeting. "It's time to abandon the island. I'm going somewhere warm."
"We're not abandoning Berk," Hiccup told him. "Berk is our home. Even if we did, we would not be much safer in the other parts of the world.
After all, this is the Light Dragon we're talking about."
"That's right," Astrid agreed. "It can steal the Sun, and the Sun is crucial for every living thing on the planet."
Snotlout sighed and dropped his arms. "You might have a point. Remind me again why I agreed to sign up for this?"
From where he stood, Hiccup gave him an unamused stare.
After a minute or two, the teens broke apart and went their separate ways to examine the images the Dragon Eye showed them.
Hiccup had his notebook and pencil with him to take notes. He jotted down the Light Dragon's powers and connection to the Sun.
Only a few minutes into his research, he noticed something quite interesting. One of the light rays refracted against the crystals pointed at a dark hallway, and a faded light came from it.
At the sight of it, Hiccup raised his eyebrow and slipped his notebook and pencil behind his tunic belt. Seeming to fall into a trance, he headed toward the unique hallway.
Behind, his friends continued to examine the images in the Great Hall.
Before stepping into the hallway, Hiccup drew Inferno, his fire sword, and prepared to light it. He followed the light ray and soon found himself in a dark, creepy corridor. Almost no Berkian went in the hallway because of rumors that ghosts lived there. Other rumors said it was the gate to Niflheim, but Niflheim or not, Hiccup had to figure out where the light ray was taking him. Therefore, he took a deep breath and stepped into the hallway.
Back in the Great Hall, Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruff, Tuff, and Fishlegs met up in the heart of it.
"Find anything?" Astrid wanted to know.
Fishlegs shook his head. "No. What about you, Snotlout?"
"Only my greatest fear," was Snotlout's reply. "Reading." Sniffing, he blew his nose in his hands, causing Astrid to cringe.
"Why should we read when we can just hop on our fire-breathing beasts and spit in the Light Dragon's face?" Ruffnut asked. "I like that idea much better."
"Or cause another avalanche?" Tuffnut questioned.
"Yeah," agreed his sister. "Who's all in favor?" Only she and Tuff raised their hands. The others merely stared.
"Wait a minute," Astrid said after a bit. She searched the area. "Where's Hiccup?"
Hiccup continued to follow the ray of light. He tried not to cause too much noise in case someone or something was ready to ambush him at the end of the hall. Inferno stayed in his hand, and he did not take his finger off the switch that would turn it on. The deeper he traversed in the tunnel, the brighter the light he saw in the Great Hall.
Finally, he reached the end, and a light flashed in his face. However, Hiccup managed to open his eyes against it. The light did not glow as brightly as the Light Dragon, but it was still mysterious.
Hiccup found himself in an empty stone room. All it had in it were a few barrels and a trap door. However, there was something more.117Please respect copyright.PENANAf51aHeSlaf
Hiccup gasped and dropped Inferno. Sitting on a barrel before him was another cluster of light yellow crystals. There were only three in that bunch.
The light ray Hiccup followed sliced through the cluster and created another mirage like the one in the Great Hall and his hut, except that mirage was different.
He approached the most mysterious image in the bunch and peered up at it. Light yellow dots shimmered over his body, but none got in his eyes.
Hiccup was looking at an image of a piece of land surrounded by water. A waterfall poured out from the side of it, and cliffs stabbed the sky. The sun and moon were lined up in a straight line above it.
Hiccup remembered the story Gobber and his father told him and his friends in the Chamber of Mystery. An island filled with waterfalls where the sun and moon met their highest peak. Grass as green as a seasick man's face and beauty that washed down from the heavens above.
Hiccup could not believe what he was looking at.
It was a map, but not just any map.
It was a map to Telemik.