Rianna's P.O.V.
I trudged slowly on my path to Linvalley Highschool. Even though I have a driver at home, I don't like to ride the car. It's way too complicated. Plus, walking on the sidewalk during a cloudy day is perfect for me. Cloudy is my definition of a perfect day. No burning sun, no drenching rain.
"Oh my gosh....why am I still not there yet? Why is this so far? Ughh I'm so tired!" I sat down on the road and messaged my legs. I looked around and saw no one around. The corners of my mouth lifted up. I brought myself off the ground and started speeding through the path. (A/N: This girl knows how to be like a ninja. Basically what she's doing is changing a certain structure in her body so that she has a better bounce and flexibility in her legs.)
I remembered the conversation yesterday with my parents...
"Rianna, you'll go to Linvally Highschool tomorrow since me and your mom are working here for sure. We won't go back anymore. Linvally Highschool's a good school. You will be in class 10A,"my dad said.
"NO dad. I don't want to go... I know nobody there..."I gave him the puppy eyes.
"No Rianna. Linvally Highschool's has a great reputation. You can probably make a lot of good friends there. You have a lot of potential Rianna. You'll have a good job in the future..."mom started rambling about her future plans for me again. This was the 30927th time of the same speech...
"Okay okay stop mom! Don't say anything anymore. I beg you. Fine I'll go gosh!" I pouted. My mom's repetitive persuation speeches can make people die from annoyingness.
"There's my good girl." Then, my mom showed a victory scissors hand at my dad.
While thinking, I seemed to pump into someone.
"Ouch!" my bum and the floor had a perfect high-five. I looked up to see that I bumped into a boy. I wasn't using my ninja skills anymore because I noticed more people on the street as I arrived near Linvally Highschool. I probably fell because I wasn't paying attention. I frowned,"What's wrong with you? Do you have no eyes? You bumped into me. APOLOGIZE!"
"Who do you think you are? Why should I apologize? You are the one who don't have eyes. YOU bumped into me. I think YOU are the one who has to apologize!" he had short messy blond hair, dazzling blue eyes, and a face looking so flawless that I wanted to peel his face right off and use it as my own. (That sounded just a little creepy, but you get the point.)
It was then I realised how hot he was. I stared at him, amazed at his beauty. Suddenly he stood up. I kept staring at him. He was TALL! I'm about 5 foot 6, but he looks like he's 6 foot tall! He smirked and walked closer towards me...
I suddenly realised what I was doing,"Whoa whoa what are you doing?! Don't you dare think that just because you are beautiful, then I won't do anything to you! I can peel your face off!"
He looked surprised for a second then his smirk grew even wider,"Is beautiful the word you use to describe me?"
He came even closer to me and whispered in my ear,"Can you tell me why you are admiring my...beauty?"
I flinched from his sexy voice and slapped myself mentally. I immediately stepped on his foot and rolled my eyes,"You are terribly sick with the disease called narcissism. If you don't know what that means, then search it up. Ahhh! I'm going to be late!! You better stay away from my path, or else I'll slap you!"
The boy step back,"Hey, what's wrong with you..."
I said impatiently," What's wrong with you? If you want to fight with me, then go to class 10A in Linvally Highschool. My name is Rianna!" Then, I ran towards school, afraid that I'll be late.
Before I was able to run far, I heard the boy yell,"Rianna!"
I turned around and yelled back,"What?"
He yelled,"I'm Anthony."
I looked at him,"Okay. I got it. You're Anthony."
End of Rianna's P.O.V.
Looking at the figure running away from him, he chuckled,"It's getting interesting. Rianna."