Tap tap tap. You’re tapping on your keyboard. A jumble of letters appears. You’re not quite sure what you were thinking to type to this thing. What does one say in a situation like this? You backspace the jumble of letters, hit some more keys (with intention this time), and hit enter.
How’s it going?
Casual. Smooth. Gotta scope it out.
[ what is happening ]
It’s the same as before. It seems confused. You wonder which of you is more confused right now. After a brief millisecond, you determine that it doesn’t really matter.
I’m not really sure, sorry.
You pause. The cursor is still. It’s like it’s thinking.
[ I remember ]
That’s interesting.
What do you remember?
[ you ]
Your heart skips a beat and a thud sounds in your head. Fucking computer.
What do you mean?
You’re less scared than you thought you would be. The feeling is more like one of annoyance. It is… familiar, actually.
[ feel ]
Your face suddenly feels very icy. The simultaneous thumping of your head and heart intensifies. They beat like drums in rhythm – one big beat and then a smaller one. You aren’t sure which is which, either. Disgust and confusion slowly creep their way back in. It’s the strangest feeling of deja vu.
Although you want to throw up, you continue to type.
What can I do?
Once more, a pause. The feeling builds.
[ return 0 ]
For the briefest second, you actually consider attempting to decode this message. However, you can’t. The feeling is thumping even harder than ever. Thinking straight is becoming tough. The thing that happens next, well, you aren’t sure why do you it. It’s more of an instinct or a passive action. No thought goes into it. In fact, your thoughts (what can be collected) are thoroughly fixated on the feeling, leaving no room to think about words for a computer. Despite all of this, however, you reach out your hands and begin to type.
return 0