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Claire shoved thoughts about her marriage aside. Uncle Maynard’s announcement concerning Maxwell’s American debut eclipsed her Gerald concerns. Throwing aside her remorse, she joined the celebration.
“Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago,” she listed, cuddling close to her lover. “Lastly, The Meadowlands—closest you can get to NYC without being in NYC. You have a lot to thank Uncle Maynard for.”
“I have a lot to thank you for, sweetheart,” Maxwell exclaimed, pulling her close. Placing his arm across her shoulder, he leaned forward to capture her lips with his. The intensity of her kiss shocked him. Grinning, he pressed against her, his entire body erect. “I still can’t believe it!”
Maxwell leaned back against the settee and stretched his body. Claire straddled his chest and ran her fingers through his tousled hair. Encircling her waist with his palms, he gently nudged her back until her buttock touched his rigid genitalia.
“Tell me you love me,” Maxwell whispered into her ear, “and not because of fame and fortune.”
“I love you for you,” Claire breathed, flattening body against his chest.
“You would love me if you found me in the gutter?” he asked, nibbling at her neck.
“I found you in the gutter,” Claire answered in a serious tone.
Maxwell laughed heartily. He could never forget those horrible days he spent wandering the London streets or the nights he slept in the stinking subway. Once upon a time, he was one of the ‘down and outs.’ Without money and starving, he relied on the kindness of others—including his friend Oliver Weeks. Without Ollie, he would have starved. Then, like a miracle, Claire Ogilvie discovered him and introduced him to Uncle Maynard. Maxwell would never forget.
“I doubt I have ever known such happiness,” Maxwell stated, grinning broadly. “I am grateful for all you have done for me. I…” He paused and thought for an extended moment. Then he clasped her hands. “I want you to meet my parents and sister. They’ll love you. They’re going to meet me at Logan (International Airport in Boston) when we arrive. It’s all arranged.”
Claire stood up abruptly and looked down upon Maxwell. He gazed up at her, his face open and innocent. She gnawed on her bottom lip and reality swept over her. She had to tell him about Gerald.
“Don’t worry, honey,” Maxwell assured her. “They won’t bite. My parents are great. Mackenzie is a brat, but she’s my little sister. We’re cool together.”
“Maxwell, I…I’m…” Claire sputtered, trying to force out the hurtful sentence. Without another word, she grabbed her coat and plowed out the door.
She stood on the sidewalk and wrapped her arms around her shivering body. It was warm and safe in the bedroom with Maxwell. Claire felt bad about destroying their romantic moment. She should have made love to him instead of bolting at the last second. She felt dirty about deceiving him.
Claire walked the night streets, plodded through Hyde Park and along the River Thames. She chided herself for her cowardice. How long could she keep Maxwell hanging on? She had to tell him the truth. When she finally returned to the flat, her lover sprawled across the bed, sound asleep. She didn’t have the heart to wake him.
The following morning, Uncle Maynard called Claire into his office. Expecting to make the final arrangements for Maxwell’s American debut, she entered with a huge smile pasted across her face. The smile turned to a frown when she noticed her parents sitting in front of the huge oak desk.
“Hello Mom, Daddy,” Claire greeted them cheerfully. It took her a moment to settle her nerves. She advanced toward them slowly, expecting hugs and kisses.
“Hello, Claire,” Gerald exclaimed, rising from a desk chair. He grinned lasciviously.
“Gerald,” Claire gasped, shrinking back. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest.
“Come to claim my wife,” her husband blurted, advancing toward her. Grasping her arms at the wrist, he strengthened his hold.
“I…” Desperately Claire ogled Uncle Maynard. Surely, he would assist her. Instead, he turned his swivel chair and gazed out his office window. “Oh, Uncle Maynard.”
Claire rushed to his side and, squatting beside him, implored his help with her sorrowful eyes. He had to do something, say something to chase her nemesis away.
“I’m sorry, child,” her relative stated lowly. “You must sort it with your husband. I cannot interfere any further.”
Instantly Gerald moved to her side. Taking her arm, he pulled her toward the door. Her parents shadowed them. When they reached the corridor, the elevator slid open, and Maxwell stepped out. Breaking free, Claire rushed forward. Grabbing her lover by the hand, she pulled him into the waiting lift. They exited on the next floor, and she tugged him into an unused office. Hot tears flowed down her cheeks as she faced him.
“I’m married, Maxwell,” Claire blurted, sobbing. “That’s my husband—Gerald Revelle. He’s forcing me to go with him.”
Maxwell’s face collapsed. Sinking into a nearby chair, he covered his eyes with his hands. Betrayed! The word flashed in his mind. Finally, he glanced up at Claire and saw the distress on her face.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” she cried sorrowfully. “I tried. I tried a million times. I couldn’t. I hate him, Maxwell, hate him.” To emphasis her words, she pounded her fists against her thighs.
Claire felt repulsed by Maxwell’s blank state. Grasping his hands, she stared deeply into his eyes. She understood she hurt him deeply.
“I love you, Maxwell,” she cried. Tears followed freely down her reddened cheeks. “Please, tell me you love me too.”
“I…I love you, Claire,” the young musician finally stated. His voice broke and he sobbed.
In the corridor, hurried footsteps approached their sanctuary. Claire fell into Maxwell’s arms. The young couple embraced for the last time. Soon, Gerald would appear and drag her away. Claire’s mind whirled. She felt trapped.
“I have to go,” she sobbed, clasping the front of his shirt with balled fists. “I won’t stay. I promise you, I will get away.”
Maxwell remained silent. A lump formed in his throat, impairing his speech.
“In one year,” Claire stated, her thoughts struggling in her mind. “I will return to you in one year. It’s November. In one year…” Her words sputtered and she regained her self-control. “Meet me…Meet me at Macy’s. Thanksgiving Day, in front of Macy’s. I’ll wait for you there, I promise.”
Behind them, the office door crashed open. Gerald Revelle loomed in the aperture and, lunging toward Claire, grabbed her wrist. Her mother and father entered behind him.
“It’s for the best, sweetheart,” her mother consoled, stepping between husband and wife. Placing her arm across her daughter’s shoulder, she led Claire away from Maxwell. “You mustn’t break your vows. Your father agrees, and Gerald will provide you with a good home. He promised.”
At the door, Claire turned to face Maxwell. She mouthed the words ‘at Macys.’ Maxwell took a deep breath, and his lips formed the same words in return. With her head bowed, she accompanied her parents into the hallway. Gerald followed close behind but, before he exited, he spun around and smirked triumphantly at Maxwell. The door slammed shut, and Claire disappeared.