Eyes like59Please respect copyright.PENANA9Ka8Vr2gMI
the stars, Rise with the scars, Strategic approach, Feel like a collegiate59Please respect copyright.PENANAtpWaBerjnI
coach, Rain in the dark, Train in the heart, Fourth quarter pressure, New World59Please respect copyright.PENANACn1Qm1psF0
Order is measured, Peace is the medicine, The beast ain't relevant.
They won't59Please respect copyright.PENANAwPn41ti7VL
give you your flowers, But they want your powers, No one knows how many hours,59Please respect copyright.PENANAFJPVU2uLXt
They plot on you cause they cowards, The fruit is rot cause of no showers, Who59Please respect copyright.PENANAW2B4Yh3jFB
really took down the towers, The harvest is plentiful where are the plowers.
If you59Please respect copyright.PENANAdgudB77Z9a
feeling froggy I can make you feel soggy, That's not a threat, Just can't let59Please respect copyright.PENANA0I2fn8A76Y
them see you sweat, Resist the devil and he will flee, Her kiss on any level59Please respect copyright.PENANArUl67JlQ2K
got me free, We changing the vibration as believers, They changing the ancient59Please respect copyright.PENANAuCwijNC4bf
as deceivers.
Keep watch,59Please respect copyright.PENANAJy5OrzL6Fa
It's deep cause the game is scotched, When they aim I don't dodge, Not in no59Please respect copyright.PENANAKWgtqYTjws
masonic lodge, Keep my demeanor when they barge, My love is extra large, I'm59Please respect copyright.PENANAM96mnE5DDb
free with no charge, My gosh. Wizard of Oz, Tea to keep my blood washed.
My vision is59Please respect copyright.PENANAn5WjEzVeNC
what heaven see, My mission is spiritual currency, Spreading love, I'm breading59Please respect copyright.PENANAugIqX3S6Ml
the dove, That's divinity in the making, That's infinity they am not taking,59Please respect copyright.PENANAxckQjHWyZR
Not flesh and blood, Blessed by the Judge, I ain't hesitant, Led by the59Please respect copyright.PENANAgbV4AD3lY0
Hours of59Please respect copyright.PENANAtIuAjvqVc5
silence, Flowers of violence, Rose of hatred, I'm close to the sacred, No59Please respect copyright.PENANANfxgj85hAT
hollywood in vein, They probably would leave me in the rain, I won't grieve in59Please respect copyright.PENANAMWA0kRz5l6
the pain, Joy of my heart, The decoy from the start, New health, New wealth,59Please respect copyright.PENANArwz3GqhvhT
Only God's help.
I plead the59Please respect copyright.PENANANp9wPUgkxa
eternal truth, I don't need a journal in the booth, Christ wasn't playing but59Please respect copyright.PENANAiv1kE6GdFg
always praying, Biblical times is vital, Biblical crimes is the idol, Lack of59Please respect copyright.PENANAly1cuFJ1ck
love, Put back the dove, Den of robbers. They send the mobbers, No fear in no59Please respect copyright.PENANAdBZYOl0XII
I keep the59Please respect copyright.PENANAO95Znpx0OB
glow lighted, It's deep what I know I'm delighted, It's a honor and a59Please respect copyright.PENANAGQLqMBhKo8
privilege, Ether like a sauna in the image, All glory to God, I know the story59Please respect copyright.PENANAel0aGeAhv5
is hard, Jesus died for you, The deceivers lied to you, Look what's happening,59Please respect copyright.PENANAxLmJFpXHY1
I ain't having it.
The59Please respect copyright.PENANAYu1og0EO2D
fragrance of peace, Got them in a fake sense of the beast, I love you without59Please respect copyright.PENANAZCbd4uwKhB
the yeast, The doves wants to bless the streets, My gifts being increased,59Please respect copyright.PENANAvHhR9QjW1J
Ain't no myth I don't need no lease, One day the evil will cease, Either59Please respect copyright.PENANAXxcVjlSOwl
harvest or feast.
Finish line59Please respect copyright.PENANATY7UZEHCSh
ahead, They diminish the blind with the bread, In the image the zombies are59Please respect copyright.PENANA2W4i9qeeJK
dread, No fear in my eyes, Any year is the rise, Be occupied in prophecy, Now59Please respect copyright.PENANAAWkWRMyUgb
it's authorized in currency, Jacob's trouble for believers, Wake up cause of59Please respect copyright.PENANAoNdGlk0hWR
the deceivers.
Eating soul59Please respect copyright.PENANAQ41jde5XKo
food, Keep my soul good, Meaning taking care of my health, They scheming cause59Please respect copyright.PENANAANSdgQLFEC
I'm making shares of wealth, Society in shock cause I trust in the Rock, I'm59Please respect copyright.PENANAfSWhnNFtjb
talking about the Cornerstone, I'm unlocking the doubt to the honor of God on59Please respect copyright.PENANA1rgw0SMqr0
the throne.
End times59Please respect copyright.PENANAEPI9RlTbOn
keep me sober, The end of crimes is the sleep of the cobra, Break the devil's59Please respect copyright.PENANAAXh7H7A5kV
yoke, Every level I'm woke, Meaning I see thru the matrix, They scheming to get59Please respect copyright.PENANALAmo5x3MPJ
you on the spaceship, The world headed for a train wreck, Make sure you come59Please respect copyright.PENANAugnIjj7wz9
I'm not the59Please respect copyright.PENANA1pAXXRuaFu
one to control, I got the sun of my soul, I'm grown now I can read the scroll,59Please respect copyright.PENANAVZ20zwKFMl
I was shown what they stole, Talking about the devils of the world, Walking59Please respect copyright.PENANA0zpADax1HK
without doubt on the level of the word, Global issues is absurd, The truth is59Please respect copyright.PENANAh76hkYv4lx
now served.
Reject the59Please respect copyright.PENANAMsNA7QrbJl
beast, You can't infect my peace, This ain't denial, The saints been in the59Please respect copyright.PENANACXQQuEm51e
wild, I won't switch my path for a deal, I know witchcraft is real, Been59Please respect copyright.PENANAfC8tsLtMO2
through the curses, Been through the verses, Shine brighter, Grind quieter.
The energy59Please respect copyright.PENANAaiPfERpnk5
scares my foes, My enemy stares at my rose, Meaning I'm blooming not glooming,59Please respect copyright.PENANAKzooVyQyQm
They scheming the scene by zooming, Ain't no dreaming the world is booming,59Please respect copyright.PENANAN4M1FYeOxM
Christ is the reason, The price in the season, Life's sacrifice is increasing.
Be circumspect,59Please respect copyright.PENANAznpBpR4wsn
The world is suspect, The reaper is coming to collect, If you're a dreamer come59Please respect copyright.PENANAyaEV0ppABJ
correct, Me and demons can't connect, Trials don't define me, The smiles don't59Please respect copyright.PENANAySX7fubYOo
blind me, Fake crowd. Make it loud, The night is a fight, Your light is bright.
Don't get59Please respect copyright.PENANAKJwAKNfPek
tossed by the wind, Don't get crossed by the sin, Don't get lost by the skin,59Please respect copyright.PENANAacOEXBup1J
Don't get mossed by the grin, Don't get flossed by the kin, Don't get sauced by59Please respect copyright.PENANAyfTVMAAPMf
the spin, Don't get the cost of twin, Don't get frost by the yin.
Had to59Please respect copyright.PENANAyBZN1vbqOT
witness my business, He was crucified for our future lives, Talking about Jesus59Please respect copyright.PENANA9fJP1ErLM6
of course, Walking with the thesis of source, Seeing that you go to be on59Please respect copyright.PENANAd06RUThri2
guard, Freeing when I glow in God, Taught a lesson. Fought for my blessing.
My flame59Please respect copyright.PENANADxsHucQogO
expose the devils, Why blame how I'm composed for the levels, The enemy is59Please respect copyright.PENANAKjA4WCHryj
busy, My energy is grizzy, The love of God is priceless, The dove of my heart59Please respect copyright.PENANAUTE5Qz7vOH
is righteous, Wings of fire, Sings to the choir, The light is free, The night59Please respect copyright.PENANAnyvOpSHgVE
got the key.
The days of59Please respect copyright.PENANA8zMPAgtpiw
revolution, The days of retribution, The days of resolution, What was for evil59Please respect copyright.PENANAZNUcIAQOxs
turned to good, What was illegal turned to good, One helped the meek the other59Please respect copyright.PENANAHMHaiJFuqI
made the world bleak, What do you truly seek, The light makes unruly devils59Please respect copyright.PENANA7puGBhgLFL
We're free59Please respect copyright.PENANAdzxNroGFTR
in the Son truly, They're on a spree in the unruly, Your evil will catch up to59Please respect copyright.PENANALTtFAxsQzr
you, More illegal deal will catch up to you, Be righteous in your spirit,59Please respect copyright.PENANA5Dm5iRBhE6
There's a crisis and they fear it, Don't get lost in their bluff, Illuminati59Please respect copyright.PENANAaAaQjf0gKq
will be cuffed.
Grow like a59Please respect copyright.PENANAca22axbFz2
sequoia tree, Glow like the quota fee, My worth is in Christ, The dirt is sin's59Please respect copyright.PENANAhKtY9qDGYU
price, Got to toil with our hands, We got the oil in our pans, Overflowing with59Please respect copyright.PENANAUvJZJ2Zzz4
the flame, Overthrowing the game, Taught to be a underdog cause my thunder is59Please respect copyright.PENANAXTbpXAkp0E
The verses59Please respect copyright.PENANAEnW4rOZusm
can germinate, The curses can terminate, They couldn't turn the cross to frost,59Please respect copyright.PENANA9OTRMMSDfT
Walk in love there's a truth, Talk in love there's a booth, Belted up got them59Please respect copyright.PENANAyXJJbFRUqO
melted up, Peace is my weapon, The beast is what they repping, My worth is the59Please respect copyright.PENANAcP5fuRhWNX
Game time59Please respect copyright.PENANAcfQdyxpyWp
I'm still decided, Flame time I'm still fighting, Same time they still hiding,59Please respect copyright.PENANAxmRVCrfkee
This ain't a mock draft, The saint been on the rock craft, Don't judge, Don't59Please respect copyright.PENANAMSzcY87k41
grudge, She got a crush, The streets don't blush, Love is the wave if not meet59Please respect copyright.PENANAfgsMj9xNtk
the grave.
Continue to59Please respect copyright.PENANAJph0uvmY1p
heal, The sun can't ruin you if you real, They in a rush to do evil, Pray you59Please respect copyright.PENANAy45B8mO6gO
crush the ego, Control your emotions, The gun has no soul but is held by59Please respect copyright.PENANAIGsQ8FxvY9
emotions, The grave is snatching, The brave is patching, The saved is hatching.
I show59Please respect copyright.PENANA9RFOjJxS3Z
mercy, I know when they try to curse me, I glow when they try to verse me, I'm59Please respect copyright.PENANAO8cNMl9PKo
wired. I ain't tired, See the foolishness, I'm free they be like who is this.59Please respect copyright.PENANAchsMZ6QdzT
Family and foes, I knew Emily and Rose, Everybody shocked cause I got my heart59Please respect copyright.PENANAE1OH1R9mtP
Made new by59Please respect copyright.PENANAwOTIegX9Ac
the atonement, Paid due by the enrollment, I don't need your approval, I don't59Please respect copyright.PENANA7GdprPAAJp
need your removal, I'm free by the Calvary, I see they all after me, This ain't59Please respect copyright.PENANACZefsoUQTz
paranoia, I don't need a lawyer, Fake love, You can't take the dove.
You acting59Please respect copyright.PENANAR1BqaQNXTI
elite, I just press delete, Stop thinking you're better than your neighbor,59Please respect copyright.PENANAsTvGFwwcad
We're not shrinking our plans for the paper, Be real with all. Be healed in59Please respect copyright.PENANAIIjtx0zacC
all, Forgive yourself. Don't live for yourself, Life belongs to God, Free songs59Please respect copyright.PENANAWfvhEeFQgb
of the heart.
Been thru59Please respect copyright.PENANAZfwXLqsyzc
the blizzard, Seen thru the wizard, Hocus pocus, Keep your focus, You don't59Please respect copyright.PENANA4FFXHtjRPn
want to see the ugly, I'm free cause God loves me, The devil ain't above me,59Please respect copyright.PENANADkZOXuQ3H3
The mind of a lot is seared. The kind of plot shouldn't be feared, Only God in59Please respect copyright.PENANAqqZYNJXrJS
every year.
Keep your59Please respect copyright.PENANA3gWzQL3t8h
heart in prayer, It's deep cause God really do care, Spread the love, Bread for59Please respect copyright.PENANA4EjP091gn3
the dove, Think thoughts of peace, The link is taught in the beast, I won't59Please respect copyright.PENANAgp3jGD0gAs
take no allegiance, I won't fake any sequence, Nobody wants the lake be on your59Please respect copyright.PENANAe06ayhUOVO
Heart59Please respect copyright.PENANA3hjXF0qmDH
cracked open, They start to track the omen, I don't play with witchcraft, I59Please respect copyright.PENANAWdFwPN4Zfg
pray I glitch their path, I won't switch like atomic math, The peace is rich59Please respect copyright.PENANAOj9GkT4XiF
that's why they feel the cosmic wrath, Vision is diamond clear, The mission is59Please respect copyright.PENANAORIykr5UDw
science feared.
I'm boxing59Please respect copyright.PENANAk9C1QTLpS3
Goliath, The oxen is for the defiant, Meaning two part, Meaning a new start,59Please respect copyright.PENANAQohb1NvpvN
Don't be lawless, Don't be heartless, Be bold in your faith, Free the gold in59Please respect copyright.PENANAanalZlghf3
the safe, Endure until the end to be saved, Peace over pain, No lease for the59Please respect copyright.PENANAd3zAsy1y3V
All the59Please respect copyright.PENANAKQ1ZhbpVzp
world is different in the warfare, All the diamonds and the pearl is shifting59Please respect copyright.PENANAfoirCNvRpY
but I don't care, We're all going through something don't compare, Staying in59Please respect copyright.PENANAEMXgXsrKJL
the moment, Praying cause they want to own it, I ain't playing with any59Please respect copyright.PENANAOJqccT8FDL
I got a59Please respect copyright.PENANAUnY1zM50gG
whole list, I know they soulless, She got a cold kiss, Got to keep on her fire,59Please respect copyright.PENANAToLkYZ9XCH
Unlock the deep in the choir, Jesus is the ultimate, There's no alternate, I59Please respect copyright.PENANAnOhKUjJwjk
ain't got time for the argument, Stay in my prime I ain't bargaining.
The love of59Please respect copyright.PENANAFFD5tTYqvq
many waxing cold, The dove on a penny faxing gold, This ain't made up they59Please respect copyright.PENANAijS1ZpiDiG
taxing what was told, They watching your every step, They auction every breath,59Please respect copyright.PENANAUf8TtVNkTn
They scribble subliminals, Can't dribble with criminals, The truth only heaven59Please respect copyright.PENANAYnuajUblf9
The game is59Please respect copyright.PENANANz3h32JZ2r
void, I ain't paranoid, I was the last to know, The past was a blow, But I59Please respect copyright.PENANAkCrgq5NXtE
bounced back, Ain't no ounce of lack, Now they realize no fear in my eyes, Used59Please respect copyright.PENANAdjUMPk9qTz
to have tears in my eyes, How many more years of lies, One penny could clear59Please respect copyright.PENANAEbqaOliW5D
the skies.
I keep my59Please respect copyright.PENANAeYtMYIieFE
flow honest, I keep my glow modest, My heart got that stardust, Feel like I59Please respect copyright.PENANAdJDg6Cdk4W
don't know who to trust, Got to keep my soul pure and just, It's deep cause the59Please respect copyright.PENANAfIPzjIlUcn
cure is covered in rust, Peep how you feel the world is lust.
Don't rush59Please respect copyright.PENANAunZNj5EiuB
to make decisions, Don't hush to make derisions, Speak your silence, They tweak59Please respect copyright.PENANA5EmRwqn1YT
the violence, Not weak in balance, Meaning knowing when to lift up or shift up,59Please respect copyright.PENANAWdShBNev7l
Gifted with the love cup, No myth, Glow through the rift, Strong back not59Please respect copyright.PENANAmT5PKrQPa8
I formatted59Please respect copyright.PENANAgTf7McxCYt
the reasoning, I'm not sporadic with the seasoning, I got the key ingredient, I59Please respect copyright.PENANAx1log2HFp4
got the tea that's something I won't eat again, Correct the faint, Protect the59Please respect copyright.PENANAnIYHAApArH
saint. Don't grow weary, The devil ain't a fairy, The game is fake like dairy.
I'm not gon59Please respect copyright.PENANAYJYCkBRA8A
disrespect the ones who showed me the most appreciation, I'm gon disinfect the59Please respect copyright.PENANA0eGTqADyUU
ones who showed me the most free hate in salvation, Rather have healed ones and59Please respect copyright.PENANAvqXvwl5FFc
real ones, Quit the faking, Felt the guilt for taking, Built for the making.
Field of59Please respect copyright.PENANAR7ZY45vgXZ
dreams that's where they build their schemes, No celebration. Glow with59Please respect copyright.PENANAqDq9fN5asm
revelation. Fight the moon, Light of noon, Night is soon, Wage war in the59Please respect copyright.PENANAI8SxUMrcsX
spirit, Read page four if you hear it, They feel the roar now they fear it,59Please respect copyright.PENANA4bma2knyur
Bulletproof no mere hit.
They know59Please respect copyright.PENANA8dXeVPkElb
what the cost be. They know not to cross me, Got to focus on your salvation,59Please respect copyright.PENANA02mjJBfvJ4
Them locusts is coming out for hydration, The energy is wise, The melody in her59Please respect copyright.PENANA7UWH9Bm8CJ
eyes, My enemy is surprised, They hear the night but they fear the light,59Please respect copyright.PENANAh8TU0ZFF76
Spiritual fight.
Precaution,59Please respect copyright.PENANAHNovVrdwzn
Keep watching, Apply the verses, Don't die in the curses, The world needs59Please respect copyright.PENANAuhC9QJEcGP
cleaning, The world breeds scheming, With Christ I'm in agreement, For the59Please respect copyright.PENANAIKEYLRPqld
price they dreaming, I ain't playing nice with any demon, They sacrifice what's59Please respect copyright.PENANA573EtQSFlg
Ain't no59Please respect copyright.PENANADGLPI4xD3X
more hiding, The saints know God is providing, Angels and demons is dividing,59Please respect copyright.PENANAf3VdNchihE
Final conclusion, The vinyl conclusion, Leave the past behind, The thief got59Please respect copyright.PENANA3pibNFp0JU
cash on rewind, The last won't be on decline, Stock exchange, The Rock doesn't59Please respect copyright.PENANAPDsIMtaMS8
You got to59Please respect copyright.PENANAfBH2l4lYTW
go under to rise with the thunder, Now the world wonder, The power of59Please respect copyright.PENANAbEoofssMd4
salvation, The hour of elevation, Absorb the pain, Smile through the rain,59Please respect copyright.PENANANMRQFaSrFQ
Tests and trials running through my vein, Make sure you train, Be unstained.
Story of the59Please respect copyright.PENANAbn685RRtw9
prodigal son, No glory in a masonical stunt, Engraved in the palms, Can't put59Please respect copyright.PENANAshW1kOYZGF
me in a grave in the psalms, It doesn't count if you doing evil, The ground59Please respect copyright.PENANAcROYEZSl9E
crying due to what's illegal, People dying cause sin is legal, Repent with59Please respect copyright.PENANAnCxavJr7pl
Christ left59Please respect copyright.PENANA5y61NpM6ts
it all on the cross, The price is try to turn the sun to frost, Sacrifice the59Please respect copyright.PENANAtDZAsFJuWi
world cause the flesh is lost, In her eyes she blessed cause she flossed, To59Please respect copyright.PENANAw206ZfYBjx
their surprise I left the moss. In the wise they theft the sauce, Lies of the59Please respect copyright.PENANAc6Kh7fRI02
I was59Please respect copyright.PENANAGWrGd1P3SZ
alerted that the world is perverted Them verses kept the evil adverted,59Please respect copyright.PENANAhFDgBoyPcZ
Everyday is a test, Every way I'm blessed, Keep it neutral. It's deep cause59Please respect copyright.PENANAne7bDDt6iJ
it's crucial, Planned schematics, Scanned cinematics, Scheduled programming,59Please respect copyright.PENANAWtrDUwHXQm
Medical soul jamming.
The past59Please respect copyright.PENANA2xlC3VqAs2
will haunt you, The future will taunt you, The present will vaunt you, Don't59Please respect copyright.PENANAPIHy98Kixx
focus on the memories or your enemies, I heard they talking, The world is59Please respect copyright.PENANAvoZrZqZ8zD
locking, Free your soul. Key to the gold, Money won't last, Honey in the fast.
Mind59Please respect copyright.PENANAMv12k8i9CL
readers. Blind leaders, Real ones glitch the matrix, Healed ones don't bow to59Please respect copyright.PENANA2T0BoSp091
masons, Jesus all the way, Many believers will fall away, Ticklish ears,59Please respect copyright.PENANAJEA51ook44
Ridiculous fears, Got to be Christ like, What the price like, Iscariot, The59Please respect copyright.PENANAA84vLJtg14
game ain't married yet.
History59Please respect copyright.PENANAv75PXoZ0Qa
repeats itself, Mystery defeats the death, Rose from the grave, Dose from the59Please respect copyright.PENANAItEXeXrU6E
saved, Fragrance of the anointing, Agents are appointing, God doesn't play for59Please respect copyright.PENANA8rNXDvuD6j
the faithful, Keep a dozen to pray for the grateful, I'm buzzing now they're59Please respect copyright.PENANAPe0PGifTuk
Face the59Please respect copyright.PENANAmp3tZyIaZe
devil. Grace on the level, Rhythm of soul, Freedom of soul. This apply to all,59Please respect copyright.PENANAPtqge190dl
Fish don't fly when they ball, We don't make wishes We don't fake glitches. See59Please respect copyright.PENANAwFt3BERi8J
through the game. Key to the same. I don't need a deal. Made with a seed to be59Please respect copyright.PENANANZHrveo5sD
Grits and59Please respect copyright.PENANAJZ16Lmxc4F
spinach cause they blitz in the scrimmage, Power up cause the hour is almost59Please respect copyright.PENANAAVEa2Kwq3T
up, Can't listen to the flesh, That's why you missing the test, Should've aced59Please respect copyright.PENANAty2S4nlf9u
the quiz, Now I'm in the land of Wiz, Repentance makes a statement, Nothing59Please respect copyright.PENANAwORU0stxrk
God is King59Please respect copyright.PENANA6QrMyoIUss
not baphomet, The heart sings I'm glad we met, Energy been off, Enemy been59Please respect copyright.PENANAxxXpSRgQeG
scoff, Immunity on ether, Listening to Aretha, Don't get in your feelings,59Please respect copyright.PENANA6nGFF6jLmm
I'mma threat to those secret dealings, Race is irrelevant, Grace is the59Please respect copyright.PENANAQjAeIkexxH
System59Please respect copyright.PENANASpWLJMyKIQ
shutdown, Wisdom countdown, Wolves on the hunt now, Robe of wool still won't59Please respect copyright.PENANARPH4StbLaD
stunt now, Under the rule I won't bow, Change from within, They act strange59Please respect copyright.PENANARJaCp4tvm5
when you don't sin, But if you do act wrong they attack strong, Walk in love to59Please respect copyright.PENANADBe3083cJi
unlock the dove.
Clinical59Please respect copyright.PENANAuPdf0uvUhh
trial, Biblical smile. Got a text, Said I'm next, Take it as you want to, They59Please respect copyright.PENANANLNC7eEteQ
fake jazz to taunt you, Many who came before, Now they want war, They fear the59Please respect copyright.PENANAnTZnyRYydB
lion's roar, Planting seeds, Dismantling weeds. Boxing satan, Detoxing from59Please respect copyright.PENANAf94jnuwCmX
Resist the59Please respect copyright.PENANA8oB3HRr40b
devil cause they insist on every level, Flee from your evil desires, Free from59Please respect copyright.PENANAap7idlUncd
illegal rewired, They take bribes, They fake brides, Tap into the higher59Please respect copyright.PENANAudbJFUMjZU
dimensions, It's all cap if Jesus you don't mention, The invention is a new59Please respect copyright.PENANAfqWV1sCzzW
The game is59Please respect copyright.PENANAPSHldSxswS
cryptic, The flame is wicked, Sorry we can't kick it, You know what you doing,59Please respect copyright.PENANAgWbB0Rtahu
It's a new glow the energy is fluent, Third temple being built, The word is an59Please respect copyright.PENANAtGRvs95EWJ
example of being quilt, Believers of 59Please respect copyright.PENANAJfuEKXg4D9
Christ peep those looking for the right price.
Automatic59Please respect copyright.PENANAroOClpghWM
jumper, Aromatic number, I don't burn sage, I learn the page, They yearn for59Please respect copyright.PENANAg0atERg9jG
the cage, Salvation is the highest wage, Elevation against the rage, That's not59Please respect copyright.PENANAmHDEiwrT5T
what they gauge, Unlock the realm of the stage, Acrobatic summer, Chromatic59Please respect copyright.PENANAJNZIlJ2W9W
My enemies59Please respect copyright.PENANA8vtYPUQvyu
trying to blame me, My enemies trying to flame me, My enemies trying to claim59Please respect copyright.PENANAkU63botJI3
me, I glitched the power strip, They switched the hour drip, No one can guess,59Please respect copyright.PENANANyKxMaeLt8
I'm the one to confess, Victory is the mindset, History is a blind step.
59Please respect copyright.PENANAXQzL5AJaJL
59Please respect copyright.PENANASjypVEEJHE
59Please respect copyright.PENANADIXi9HbVEa
59Please respect copyright.PENANAdgIC8SkEBM
59Please respect copyright.PENANAoWfjgt6ftK
59Please respect copyright.PENANA1fYK9ZTLR8
59Please respect copyright.PENANAK4Oe30IcMn
59Please respect copyright.PENANAZXqGA57hrn
59Please respect copyright.PENANAbxwK5nARhh
59Please respect copyright.PENANA3EHS7kyXef
59Please respect copyright.PENANAxBRJck1Sbd
59Please respect copyright.PENANAN245R6mQ02
59Please respect copyright.PENANAqf75jT1dpn
59Please respect copyright.PENANAy6LrdqZeVT
59Please respect copyright.PENANAXciSW2K5K8
59Please respect copyright.PENANA3M4QT0Pmzz
59Please respect copyright.PENANA4O8XGJ7RvR
59Please respect copyright.PENANAfIuMRq0Ih4
59Please respect copyright.PENANAu6lh3D2VU4
59Please respect copyright.PENANA1e1rVXqMVr
59Please respect copyright.PENANAgWLwzfCWko
59Please respect copyright.PENANAdEJHajMU8e
59Please respect copyright.PENANAnZ27fB7eJj
59Please respect copyright.PENANAusVUWcFLva
59Please respect copyright.PENANAG5qEEMOj3t
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They can't59Please respect copyright.PENANAIXfIoh0n6i
figure me out, So they try to trigger me out, I didn't take no oath, I didn't59Please respect copyright.PENANA7Vl6jDpL7g
make both. My Maker destroys the undertaker, They getting faker, Hollywood the59Please respect copyright.PENANAANFe8tcHCK
land of the laker, Trust God in everything, I know the church awaits her59Please respect copyright.PENANACGNtveBO2M
wedding ring.