I say, "I can't believe it. You're really here. With me. I thought you wouldn't show because I'm me."
He sounds almost shy when he says, "Me neither."
And then he hesitates. "You're still coming right? I just-. I want to spend this time with you."
I can't believe he had to ask me that. I can't believe he actually asked me that. I would go anywhere. "Yes," I tell him. It was like nothing else mattered. It feels like nothing else exists outside of that world, this moment. It's just us, me and him. Everything that happened this past school year, and most of this year, has lead up to this. This special moment. The special moment where I'm his and he's mine. The special moment where our lips connect and I can't stop myself for wanting more and more. It's the special moment when I realize he's my true love.
But then I wake up. I wake up and realize life isn't a fairytale. I realize that true love isn't real.