Hello, I am a woman, and my opinion is that murdering a human is wrong.
For the record, my mom is against abortion, so are my grandmas, my aunts, and my cousins. The majority of the pro-life movement is female, and almost all pro-life organisations are owned by women.
The supposedly “feminist” abortion industry does EVERYTHING to silence these women. Make no mistake. No one cares less about women than abortionists. They only want to make money off of you.
The abortion debate should really come down to a single question: Is an unborn child a human life?
If yes, then abortion is killing and should be illegal.
If no, then it's just a normal procedure and should be legal.
It's a question of biology. This is all there is to it. But abortion organisations REALLY don't want to debate this (because they know they can't win) so they obsessively try to distract you from it by constantly yelling about how the “evil sexists wanna take your rights” (once again, the majority of said “sexists” are women). This debate has nothing to do with gender; if men could get abortions, it would still be murder, and it should still be illegal. Unfortunately, if you repeat the same BS often and loudly enough people start buying it. So let's get this clear.
Abortionists do NOT care about women. Abortion clinics have been proven to protect abusers, rapists and pedophiles. When a woman has been abused by a man and gotten pregnant as a result, he can force her to go get an abortion. The clinic does not ask about it or report it, they simply kill the child, remove the evidence and send her right back to her abuser.
The entire pro-choice movement was started by rich men who didn't want women to get pregnant, because then they would have to get maternity leave and start budgeting to have enough money to take care of their kids, and these men would rather the women stayed at work and spent their money lavishly on products they don't need. The first wave feminists were AGAINST abortion.
And at the end of the day, no, you don't need to be a woman to think killing people is wrong.
Now we've covered the feminism aspect, let's move onto the biological facts. Please read next chapter about defining human life.