The rules are as follows;
1) MUST be a crossover, no singular franchise Fan-fiction allowed!
2) Must have one villain who will do absolutely any skullduggery to win, NO exceptions!!!
3) Must contain no less than 11 competitors including the villain, Few to no exceptions!!
4) Attempts to make characters in media or real people I approve of the villain WILL BE DELETED!! Repeated attempts to post your chapter WILL be reported and you WILL BE BLOCKED!!! Ask my permission in PMs or in comments on this contest before you post, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
5) Cyberbullying will NOT be tolerated! Violators MUST AND WILL write me the Fan-fiction I request in PMs, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
6) Be creative! This is a parody of the intro to the Hanna-Barbera cartoon, Wacky Races!
7) Have fun, and make your intro as much fun for me to read as it is for you to write!