Fate's revenge,
Yes, there was no better way to put it. Nothing more fitting, more appropriate.
Who'd have thought Ashley would end up like this? But in the end, perhaps it was deserved.
Before him, happiness had been there, wonderful, peaceful, luminous, and when it appeared for the second time, there was only darkness, heartbreak and the infinite pleasure of voluptuousness.
It all began that evening.
An evening that was to become the first secret she hid from her love.
Emma, her colleague and best friend, arrived that day with a supposed gift.
Two VIP passes to a show, but not just any show. A voyeuristic show in a very discreet place.
"Voyeurism?" raised Ashley's eyebrows as she studied the black and gold passes.
"A gift from my darling. We do it often to spice up our sex life. Some people should do it more so they don't end up bored and divorced."
"Does that make it a healthy life?"
"As long as it works, who cares in the end..."
"Hm, you've become very philosophical, tell me. Your Rick really enriches you in every way."
"Don't be jealous, darling."
"But I'm not. Not yet!"
"With your Shawn making your eyes shine like moonless stars, and his eyes shining even brighter looking at you, it's never going to happen. So for your trouble..."
"You're coming with me."
Ashley pursed her lips, tense.
"Let's get this straight. I'm actually going to watch people do it."
"And you'll even be in the front row to enjoy the show."
She winced involuntarily.
"I don't know, Emma. I get the feeling that despite everything, it's just not my thing."
"Have you ever been to one?"
"Of course not!"
"That's just it. You won't really know until after the experience."
"But Shawn wouldn't want..."
"He doesn't have to know. At least not for a long time if you really should tell him."
"A secret between us..."
Ashley and Emma glared at each other for a moment. Her friend finally sighed.
"I really wish you'd go with me, darling. But if you really don't feel like it, then..."
"Then I'll go anyway," Ashley decided, finally making her choice. She didn't have to tell him everything. And neither did he. And besides, it wasn't as if she was cheating on him. She'd just be watching and maybe feeling too.
"Well, that's settled. I'll change here, but you go without going home first."
"Oh yes."
"It's masked mandatory, you see. So we'll buy our own at lunchtime."
The voluptuous redhead clasped her hands together in excitement, her pretty face lit up by a broad, mischievous smile.
"I already have in mind the mask I'm going to wear."
And she was right. Emma had no hesitation in choosing hers, a pink mask set with glittering white pearls, while Ashley opted for the classic, half black and half grey, sprinkled with glittering dust.
It matched her short black and gray semi-moulding dress, which perfectly revealed the slenderness of her body.
She took a long, light-colored coat and joined Emma at the rendezvous point, then walked to the building where this exclusive show was to take place.
The building was discreet without ostentation.
A most hypocritical image. Hiding behind banality the most glowing lust.
It took three doors and bodyguards to reach the room reserved for the two young women. The luxurious room was decorated in sober shades of green and white, with deep, comfortable armchairs and a long coffee table in front of a long sofa set in front of a glass wall that opened onto another equally luxurious room where the erotic scene was to take place, all lit with subdued light.
The show room, meanwhile, was decorated in reds and golds, and featured a variety of furniture: sofa, bed, chairs and table, all of which looked comfortable and capable of accommodating every possible position.
The two friends sat down on the sofa overlooking the room, and an employee entered with a cart, which he placed close to them, stocked with every possible delicacy, various drinks and canapés, and champagne chilled in an ice bucket.
Everything was ready.
The show could begin.
And begin it did.
Three masked men and three masked women "took the stage", dressed in colorful costumes and shoeless.
Without knowing why, one of them caught Ashley's eye, as if he awakened a familiar feeling in her, yet it was impossible to guess someone's identity from beneath those masks, without admitting to herself that Ashley had never known any other lover than Shawn. Because her first boyfriend didn't really have what it took to take her.
"My darling. He's beautiful, isn't he?"
Ashley gasped at her friend's enchanted, languid tone and turned to her before following her gaze.
"Don't tell me that's...Rick?"
"Yes, it's him." she only nodded, biting her lips as she followed her protector's every move.
Ashley thought she'd never see the man in the same way again. This being with ash-white hair and such an authoritative air was now at the center of this spectacle of lust, watched by strangers.
"Do they know who's watching them?"
"Of course they do. Rick and his friends are all very important people. They have to be careful. Now, there are about nine cabins and therefore eighteen people. Okay, stop chattering now, you're going to...break my concentration."
Indeed, Rick and the others chose their partners. Ashley was no longer concerned about her friend's lover, who had chosen a redhead like his lover. All her attention went back to the jet-black-haired stranger, who in his case had logically chosen the blonde.
A beautiful blonde ready to plunge into the deepest lust.