I am a feminist because I believe in human rights, and because I want to make a difference for women everywhere. Women deserve to feel safe, to live freely, to have their voices heard and their rights respected. We are all human, we all bleed the same blood, and no one should have to live in fear. I don’t want to go out and feel that constant shadow of worry, the fear of harassment by men. I want the simple freedom to live my life without being afraid.
Women have been fighting for their rights since the 19th century, and even now, in so many parts of the world, the battle is still raging. I think of the women in Afghanistan, in Iran, in the Congo- all these places where women face oppression, where they don’t have a voice or a choice. I am a feminist because I want to support women’s rights, and because every woman deserves to be heard, to stand up for herself, to be free from fear and violence.
I am a feminist because I am a victim of sexual harassment. My mother, my grandmother, my friends-so many women I know have been through it. I was catcalled when I was only ten years old, a child, made to feel small and uncomfortable in my own skin. I am a feminist because I want to live in a world where no girl has to grow up with these experiences. Where no woman has to feel that she can’t walk down the street without being watched, judged, or objectified.
I am a feminist because I want to live. Because I believe in creating a world where all women can live without fear, in freedom and dignity, with respect and equality. I believe in this not just for myself, but for every girl, every woman, everywhere.