Well here's the next chapter.
I'm not even going to offer an excuse aside from a really long writers block.
Expect irregular posts.
Joey maintained a steady gaze on her as he contemplated her words. Not a peep could be heard, perhaps he didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore, well if that was how he felt it wasn't really her place to stop him.
"I can't say that I'm surprised" Joey said with a chuckle. "You've always been kind of messed up in the head. Not in a bad way though". Clearly surprised by his very casual demeanour she gave him a puzzled look.
"You're not against it?" she asked with a surprised look.
"I'm not gonna say what your doing is right. But you aren't bad a person to me Elise. Just don't get yourself killed for something stupid" he said as took a huge swig of the tea. She took a moment to absorb his words before smiling slightly.
"Nothing shocks you huh Joey." she said as she took a sip from her mug. It tasted bitter, not that she minded, she was more concerned about what Joey thought of it but considering how non-nonchalantly he was drinking it Joey didn't seem to mind at all.
"So tell me? Why have you been killing people?" he asked with a serious look.
"Why not?" she replied casually. Visibly taken aback by her very candid reply Joey immediately paused his drinking and fixed her with a questioning look, clearly questioning her reasoning "Relax, I'm not doing it just for fun"
"Then what for?"
"For Justice, my own kind anyway. Joey surely you know that society is full of people that would be better off dead?" Elise said as stared at him intensely.
"Sure, lots powerful people use their power to take advantage of those less fortunate than them. It's the way things work"
"With that in mind are you still questioning my reason for ending them?". Placing the mug down he looked up at Elise who's expression was beginning to look a bit weird.
"Well no, I don't care if you choose to kill people, just don't get caught" he said while trying to ignore the growing discomfort in from her piercing gaze. But he soon became too distressed to ignore it "You sure you're alright?" he asked in a concerned voice.
"I'm fine… Look, just forget it" she said in an attempt to change the subject, this wasn't a topic she was particularly keen on discussing. It was plain to see that he still wanted to press the topic but thankfully Joey obliged and guzzled down what was left of his mug. With that done he placed it down and stood up.
"Well it was nice seeing you again Ely but I've got a friend I'm suppose to meet up with" he said with an apologetic smile.
"You're leaving already? But you just got here" she said with a surprised look.
"I was actually on my way to her house when I saw you pass by. She might not let me in if take too long" he said with a sheepish smile, and also something else she couldn't quite put her finger on.
"She? I take it you're married then?" she asked, of course it was none of her business and she normally wouldn't ask questions that didn't concern her, but considering it was Joey she couldn't help but let curiosity win.
"No, well not yet anyway".
"Oh, so she's your romantic partner?"
"Well not quite" he said with a rather shrewd smile. Odd as it may have looked she decided to give it another go.
"Your friend"
"No, but your warm". This was becoming difficult but she wasn't one to give up easily.
"Your hypothetical girlfriend?"
"Well I wouldn't phrase it like that but I guess your close enough" he said as he grabbed his hat and put it back on. Well this was a surprise, she never thought of him as much of a ladies man, but then again it may just have been influenced by her assumption that all soldiers joined the army to escape from their relational commitments. God knows she'd met enough soldiers on the island wit that alibi.
"I see, well then it was nice seeing you again". Reaching into his pocket he handed her a small piece of paper.
"My address, feel free to drop by anytime" he said before stepping over to the door. "It was nice seeing you again ely"
"Yeah, you too" she replied before he opened the door and stepped out leaving her alone in the cramped apartment room. Socialising wasn't something she was too accustomed too and she was more than a little surprised that she still knew how to carry a conversation without resorting back to her habit of changing persona's.
Closing the door she reached into her pocket and pulled out her journal. Thanks its small size it could fit into her pocket easily, so she could always keep track of her kill list. Ticking Eddies name off she circled the next one.
The next on her list was woman named Harley freeman, a fourty year old doctor who lived in south side of the city with her three kids and husband. A seemingly innocent person, where it not for the rumours surrounding her activities in the hospital she worked at. Apparently every now and then some patients would be admitted into the hospital for relatively minor ailments and within the next forty eight hours would be announced dead.
There was also word that husband was using his power as a high profile business man to prevent any outside interference from the police.
She would have to look into it and if she they were true then she would kill Harley and possibly her husband too.
"And while you're at it maybe you can kill their three brats too" said a familiar voice, a VERY familiar one. Turning her head in the direction of the voice she saw a young woman standing by the window. Her hair was a bright crimson colour with a hue that almost made it look like it was glowing. The hair fell past her shoulder with the strands rising and falling in different direction despite the fact that there was no openings in her particularly low quality apartment for a draft to come, her eyes matched perfectly with her red hair, her skin was a ghostly pale white and had a complete lack of any blemishes.
But the most notable feature of all was the fact that the woman had a perfect resemblance to her minus the hair and skin abnormality.
"What do you want?" Elise said as she turned back to her journal.
"Just tossing in a suggestion here, of course whatever happens the only one that gonna feel anything is you" the woman replied. It was like to a recording of herself, everything was perfect. It was at least a year ago when this demonic version of herself showed up right after she finished a kill and returned back to her apartment she found the woman or as she preferred Elise to refer to her, she found 'Red' sitting down on her couch. It was one of the few times she ever felt frightened.
Of course it wasn't long before she realised that Red was just a figment of her imagination, One that she had no control over and only seemed to be there to take up the role of her conscious, but half the time she just tried to convince her to kill people.
"I rather not talk right now"
"Why? I can look into your head anytime I want, it's not like you have anything to hide as far as I'm concerned. So why don't we just step out and kill someone, anyone really. Oh I know, how about a homeless person, no one ever misses them" she said with sadism dripping off each word. Before she knew it Elise could feel a slight chill around her shoulder and saw Red standing right next to her,
"Go away red" Elise said placed the journal back into the folds of her pocket. Indifference was the only real weapon she could use against this inner demon of hers. She had been living like this for years without having any problem, so why was it that this look alike just showed up out of nowhere.
"Out of nowhere? What makes you think I just showed up out of nowhere, I only exist because you created me". Ignoring Red she lay down on the couch and stared up at the dark mismatched ceiling and rested her eyes.
"Hey, don't ignore me Ely c'mon you know you want to, and believe me I've checked… Ely, geez you're no fun at all". Red said in a frustrating tone, in a way she sounded like a child being deprived of her toy. "But then again it would probably good to let rest a bit, I don't need passing out on me while were butchering someone, not after last time. Oh and do you remember when…"
She could feel the exhaustion of the last three all-nighter's catching up with her and before she knew it she was fast asleep.
It was midnight, The streets were mostly empty with only a few pedestrians and homeless people inhabiting the streets. And among those few people was a man named Kevin James Anthony. He was dressed in a full black suit that matched his hair and eye colour. He also wore a pair of rectangular spectacles.
As Kevin walked through the cool night he couldn't help but note that this was a particularly cold evening. Thankfully his destination was just a few blocks away, then he'd be able to get away from this weather. Eventually he made it to an old abandoned warehouse that was surrounded by a number of police vehicles parked near it. He also spotted a number of officers moving about the compound.
"Finally" he muttered to himself as he stepped up to the gate where a pair of policemen stood guard.
"Can I help you sir?" asked one of the officers.
"I take it this is where Eddie Scot was murdered?"Kevin asked the officer causing him to raise a surprised eyebrow.
"...Yes its is, can i ask what your business is here?"
"Just to relieve you gentlemen of duty, at least concerning this case anyway" he said as he reached into his suits inner pocket and pulled out a private detective ID. After giving the card a quick look the officer gave him a nod of approval and turned to his college.
"Let him through" he said, Walking into the compund he made his way across the muddy compound and stood at entrance where he saw a pair of forensic experts taking photos of the room. Standing not far from them was the chief officer who had his back against the wall with a slightly impatient look.
"You two done yet" he asked in a gruff voice.
"You can't rush procedures like this sir" one of them replied.
"Rush no, but this is still moving too slow" he said when he spotted Kevin and instantly assumed a more professional demeanor. "Mr Anthony, what you doing here?" he asked with a surprised look.
"Why do you think Chief? I'm here to investigate the scene" he said as he walked up to them.
"I assure we have everything under cont-"
"Relax I won't be long" he said dismissively as stepped off to the crime scene where the two Forensic experts stood. Lying limp by the wall was the severely burnt corpse of Eddie.
"Wow, someone's crispy" he said in a dry tone. "Third and fourth degree burns all over" he said as he got down on one knee and carefully took in every detail. "So can you two gentlemen tell me something about our little friend here".
"Yes sir. Victims name is Eddie Scot. A former firefighter that use to work at the Broncos Fire station at New York. He was later arrested and sent to prison to prison for a year after he burnt his neighbour's pets to death. But he was later pardoned after the defence declared him to be psychologically unstable, it was later proven that he was also self-abusive. He was also noted to have a strange obsession with setting things on fire. Quite ironic that this is how he kicked the bucket. Guy probably chocked on his own flames".
"Doubtful. Look at his leg, there are some deep incisions around it-" he said d as placed his left index finger over the cut and dug into the injury"- and considering the state of the body tissue it would appear that the blade was heated before it was used to cut him"
"Sir, what are getting at?" the other man asked in a slightly annoyed tone.
"I think he was murdered" he said as he stood up turned back to the two men.
"But there isn't enough evidence here to suggest murder. The corpse's been incinerated up to the point that he doesn't even have finger prints anymore"
"Yes, but if you were trying to cover tracks then wouldn't you make sure the body was burnt badly enough that police would have difficulty tracing any evidence back to you". A frown appeared on the man's face upon hearing this.
"Sir, with all due respect we've done a thorough autopsy on the body. How can you come to such a deduction mere minutes after arriving".
"Fair enough, I can't prove that he was murdered. It's more of gut feeling really. But there also isn't enough evidence to say i'm wrong now is there"
"Enough, I think Detective Anthony's rank and reputation speak for themselves Dr Berry" the chief said in tone that clearly wasn't in mood for nonsense. After mutter something under his breath the man named Berry sighed and remained silent. "Please continue".
"Well for starters have you interrogated any of his relations, friends, family, girlfriends, former co-workers.
"Naturally. We've established that his parents are both dead while his older brother claims to have not spoken to him in years. We also tracked down and interrogated his old co-workers at the fire station. Searched anyone who might be able to benefit from him being dead, but it turns he was at lowest rank, so there was no one that had anything to gain from him being dead.
"I wanted a full report on anyone who might been in contact with him before the murder as soon as possible. It's been a pleasure gentlemen" he said as he walked over to the exit leaving the chief and two officers alone
This was becoming interesting. There was little to nothing left on the body for anyone to get anything out of Mr Scot. A shame, but regardless he felt a sense of exhilaration that he hadn't felt in weeks. He had a similar case of a man named Martin being murdered and left in his office to rot and much like this one it couldn't be traced. No finger prints, nothing. The perfect crime.
"I wonder who gonna die next?" he muttered to himself as he pulled out cigarette and lighter. Placing it between his lips he made his way out of the compound and back into the city.
Finally done with this chapter, i cant even count many times I had redo it because i wasn't satisfied with its quality.
Also tried read up a little on how crime scene investigations work, though i'm not so sure of how acccurate my writting really is
Anyway please read and review, constructive criticism is always welcome. So long as I can get just one review its more than enough to keep me going