傑克、艾米莉亞同大衛意識到事情嘅嚴重性,佢哋同藍星族嘅首領緊急商議對策。 「我哋必須聯合銀河系內所有能夠聯繫到嘅文明,共同對抗呢股黑暗力量。」傑克堅定噉講。
於是, “ 星耀號 ” 同藍星族嘅使者開始穿梭喺銀河系各個角落,發送求救信號並試圖聯合各個文明。但響應者寥寥無幾,好多文明喺黑暗能量嘅侵蝕下已經顧不暇,仲有啲文明則被黑暗能量控制,成為咗佢嘅傀儡,對前來求援嘅隊伍發動攻擊。
傑克點咗點頭:「我喺之前嘅探索資料中發現過一啲關於黑暗能量嘅線索,似乎佢同一個被稱為 ‘ 暗淵 ’ 嘅地方有關。嗰個係一個位於銀河系中心嘅神秘區域,傳說中充滿咗未知嘅危險同強大嘅力量。」
藍星族嘅使者發揮出佢哋嘅科技優勢,同 “ 星耀號 ” 嘅船員緊密合作。艾米莉亞不斷調整飛船嘅能量頻率,試圖抵禦黑暗能量嘅侵蝕;大衛則憑藉住高超嘅駕駛技術,喺重重危險中尋找出路。
喺激烈嘅戰鬥中, “ 星耀號 ” 嘅船員發現黑暗旗艦嘅能量護盾係由一種特殊嘅黑暗晶體構成嘅,呢種晶體能夠吸收同轉化各種能量攻擊。艾米莉亞經過深入研究,發現只有用一種特殊嘅頻率嘅純淨能量先可以打破呢種晶體嘅吸收同轉化能力。
「星耀號」同藍星族艦隊齊心協力,朝住嗰個薄弱點發動咗最強嘅攻擊。喺一陣耀眼嘅光芒爆發之後,黑暗漩渦開始瓦解, “ 星耀號 ” 同藍星族艦隊成功逃離。
Chapter 7: The Emergence of Dark Forces and the Ultimate Challenge
After successfully repelling the skull ship and saving the Blue Star Clan, the "Star Glory" stayed on the Blue Star Clan's home planet for a period of time to rest and further scientific and technological exchanges. However, the peaceful days did not last long.
One day, the Blue Star Clan's monitoring station suddenly issued a strong alarm. An unprecedented dark energy fluctuation is spreading throughout the Milky Way. Wherever it goes, the environment of the planet deteriorates rapidly and signs of life gradually disappear. Moreover, this dark energy seems to have a high degree of intelligence. It is spreading purposefully towards the core areas of various civilizations.
Jack, Emilia and David realized the seriousness of the matter, and they urgently discussed countermeasures with the leader of the Blue Star Clan. "We must unite all civilizations that can be contacted in the Milky Way to fight against this dark force together." Jack said firmly.
So, the "Star Glory" and the Blue Star Clan's messengers began to shuttle through all corners of the Milky Way, sending distress signals and trying to unite various civilizations. But there were few responders. Many civilizations were already overwhelmed by the erosion of dark energy, and some civilizations were controlled by dark energy and became its puppets, attacking the teams that came for help.
In a battle with a civilization controlled by dark energy, the "Star Glory" was severely damaged. The shield system of the spacecraft almost collapsed, and the power system also had serious problems. David tried his best to control the spacecraft and barely escaped from the battlefield.
"Our current strength is too weak. We must find a way to find the source of dark energy. Perhaps only there can we completely stop it." Emilia said as she looked at the scarred spacecraft.
Jack nodded: "I found some clues about dark energy in the previous exploration data. It seems that it is related to a place called "Dark Abyss". It is a mysterious area located in the center of the Milky Way. Legend has it that it is full of unknown dangers and powerful forces."
Although it is known that going to the "Dark Abyss" may be a life-or-death struggle, in order to save the Milky Way, the "Star Glory" decided to embark on a journey to the center of the Milky Way. On the way, they constantly encountered various traps and attacks created by dark energy. Sometimes it was a black hole formed by space distortion, trying to swallow the spacecraft; sometimes it was a group of dark creatures that suddenly appeared. They were huge, with sharp claws and organs that could emit dark rays.
The Blue Star Clan's messengers played their technological advantages and worked closely with the crew of the "Star Glory". Emilia kept adjusting the energy frequency of the spacecraft to try to resist the erosion of dark energy; David relied on his superb driving skills to find a way out in the dangers.
Finally, they approached the "Abyss". The space here was full of distorted scenes, and the dark energy was filled with thick fog like substance. Suddenly, a huge dark flagship appeared in front of them. The flagship looked like a huge demon, exuding a terrifying dark breath.
"This is the core flagship of the dark power, we must find a way to destroy it." Jack clenched his fists.
The "Star Glory" and the Blue Star Clan fleet launched an attack on the dark flagship. But their weapons did almost no damage to the dark flagship's shield. The dark flagship began to fight back, and waves of dark energy swept towards the fleet.
In the fierce battle, the crew of "Star Glory" discovered that the energy shield of the dark flagship was made of a special dark crystal that could absorb and transform various energy attacks. After in-depth research, Emilia found that only pure energy of a special frequency could break the absorption and transformation ability of this crystal.
So they began to look for ways to generate this special frequency energy around them. Fortunately, in a mysterious space in the "Abyss", they found an ancient energy source. This energy source emits pure and powerful energy fluctuations, which is exactly what they need.
Emilia quickly adjusted the energy system of the spacecraft and combined this ancient energy with the weapon system of the spacecraft. When "Star Glory" launched an attack on the dark flagship again, a dazzling white energy beam penetrated the shield of the dark flagship and hit the core of the flagship.
The dark flagship began to shake violently, and a huge explosion seemed to have occurred inside. But at this moment, the dark energy suddenly gathered together to form a huge dark vortex, which involved "Star Glory" and the Blue Star Clan Fleet.
In the dark vortex, the crew felt unprecedented pressure and fear. But Jack did not give up. He encouraged everyone: "We cannot be swallowed by darkness. We must fight for the future of the Milky Way!"
Emilia and David also cheered up. They continued to control the spacecraft and looked for opportunities to break through in the dark vortex. Suddenly, Jack found that there was a weak point in the energy flow of the dark vortex. He decisively ordered: "Concentrate all firepower to attack that weak point!"
The "Star Glory" and the Blue Star Fleet worked together to launch the strongest attack on that weak point. After a burst of dazzling light, the dark vortex began to disintegrate, and the "Star Glory" and the Blue Star Fleet successfully escaped.
At this time, the dark flagship had been completely destroyed, and the dark energy dissipated. The Milky Way gradually regained its vitality, and various civilizations began to rebuild their homes.
The crew of the "Star Glory" became heroes of the Milky Way, and their names were forever remembered in the long history of the Milky Way. But they knew that the exploration of the universe would never stop, and there would be more challenges waiting for them in the future.