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喺地球聯邦政府嘅會議室入面,高層圍坐喺會議枱前,表情嚴肅而又充滿期待。 「星耀號」嘅船員亦喺一邊。一位白髮蒼蒼但眼神矍鑠嘅老人家企咗起身,佢係地球聯邦科學顧問委員會嘅主席。
「 ‘ 星耀號 ’ 嘅各位英雄,你哋帶返嚟嘅資料為我哋打開咗新嘅大門,但同時亦帶嚟咗更多嘅疑問。我哋決定再次資助 ‘ 星耀號 ’ 進行一次更深入嘅星際探索,目標係尋找嗰啲神秘代碼同古老文明嘅真正起源。」主席嘅聲音喺安靜嘅會議室入面迴盪。
傑克企起身,敬咗個禮:「主席先生,我哋 ‘ 星耀號 ’ 全體船員已經做好咗再次出發嘅準備。不過,我哋今次可能需要更多嘅支援同資源。」
於是, “ 星耀號 ” 開始咗緊鑼密鼓嘅準備工作。喺升級飛船嘅過程中,佢哋意外地收到咗一段來自遙遠星系嘅加密資訊。呢段資訊嘅頻率同編碼方式前所未有,但好彩,經過艾米莉亞對新帶返資料嘅深入研究,佢哋成功破解咗資訊。
信息嘅內容係一個坐標同一個簡短嘅求救信號:「位於仙女座星系邊緣,坐標( X , Y , Z ),我哋遭到不明勢力攻擊,急需援助。」
大衛卻一臉自信:「怕咩,我哋可係 ‘ 星耀號 ’ 嘅船員,而且有咁多新嘅裝備,一定冇問題嘅。」
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Chapter 5: New Journey and Unknown Allies
After successfully resolving the crisis on Earth, Jack, Emilia and David became the focus of the Earth Federation. People around the world held celebrations to thank them for saving the Earth. However, for these three brave explorers, they knew that the mysteries of the universe were endless, and there were more unknowns waiting for them to explore.
In the meeting room of the Earth Federation Government, the senior executives sat around the conference table with serious expressions and full of expectations. The crew of the "Star Glory" was also on the side. An old man with white hair but sharp eyes stood up. He was the chairman of the Earth Federation Science Advisory Committee.
"Heroes of the "Star Glory", the information you brought back opened a new door for us, but also brought more questions. We decided to fund the "Star Glory" again to conduct a deeper interstellar exploration, with the goal of finding the true origin of those mysterious codes and ancient civilizations." The chairman's voice echoed in the quiet meeting room.
Jack stood up and saluted: "Mr. Chairman, all the crew members of our "Star Glory" are ready to set off again. However, we may need more support and resources this time."
The Chairman nodded: "Of course, we will equip you with the most advanced equipment and sufficient supplies. At the same time, we also hope to establish contact with civilizations on other planets and seek their help if necessary."
So, the "Star Glory" began intensive preparations. In the process of upgrading the spacecraft, they accidentally received an encrypted message from a distant galaxy. The frequency and encoding method of this message were unprecedented, but fortunately, after Emilia's in-depth study of the newly brought back data, they successfully cracked the message.
The content of the message was a coordinate and a brief distress signal: "At the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy, coordinates (X, Y, Z), we were attacked by unknown forces and urgently need assistance."
Jack looked at the coordinates with excitement in his eyes: "This may be a great opportunity to explore new areas and see if we can find new allies."
Emilia was a little worried: "But we know almost nothing about that area, and no one knows what kind of danger we will encounter."
David was confident: "What are you afraid of? We are the crew of the "Star Glory", and we have so many new equipment, there must be no problem."
The "Star Glory" headed towards the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. During the long voyage, they passed through various nebulae and interstellar dust areas and encountered many unprecedented cosmic phenomena.
Finally, they arrived at the location of the coordinates. In front of them was a chaotic scene, with strange-shaped spaceships attacking each other. One side was a spaceship with a blue shell and a jellyfish-like appearance, and the other side was a spaceship with a red glow all over its body and a shape like a giant insect.
Jack looked at the scene in front of him and frowned: "These don't look like civilizations we know of. We have to be careful."
Emilia began to analyze the weapon systems and defense mechanisms of both sides: "The energy type of their weapons is very strange. Our shields may need to be adjusted to resist."
David drove the "Star Glory" carefully close to the battlefield. Suddenly, a blue jellyfish-shaped spaceship discovered them and fired a blue energy pulse at them. David hurriedly controlled the spaceship to avoid, but the energy pulse still rubbed the shield of the "Star Glory", and the shield energy dropped a little bit instantly.
"They found us, get ready to fight!" Jack shouted.
At this moment, Emilia found that the attack frequency of the blue jellyfish-shaped spaceship was similar to that of the mysterious spaceship that attacked them before. She speculated that there might be some connection between these alien races.
"Maybe we can try to communicate with the blue jellyfish-shaped spaceship, maybe they can become our allies." Emilia said.
Jack nodded: "Good idea, I will send a signal for peace communication."
When the "Star Glory" sent the signal, the blue jellyfish-shaped spacecraft stopped attacking the "Star Glory", but remained vigilant. After a while, they replied with a message. Although they did not speak the same language, they roughly understood each other's meaning through images and simple energy fluctuation signals.
It turned out that the civilization to which the blue jellyfish-shaped spacecraft belonged was called the Blue Star Clan. They had been living on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy and were committed to studying the mysteries of cosmic energy. The civilization to which the red insect-shaped spacecraft belonged was the Red Zerg Clan. They attempted to rob the scientific research results of the Blue Star Clan and had launched many attacks.
Jack said through the translator: "Friends of the Blue Star Clan, we are willing to help you repel the Red Zerg Clan. We are peace-loving civilizations like you."
The Blue Star Clan seemed to understand Jack's meaning, and they began to cooperate with the "Star Glory". Emilia shared some of the advanced weapons technology of the "Star Glory" with the Blue Star Clan to help them improve their combat effectiveness.
With the joint efforts of both sides, the Red Zerg's spaceships were shot down one after another. Seeing that the situation was not good, the leader of the Red Zerg wanted to escape, but the "Star Glory" and the Blue Star fleet blocked his retreat.
In the end, the Red Zerg leader's spaceship was destroyed and the Red Zerg's attack failed completely. The Blue Stars were grateful to the crew of the "Star Glory" and invited the "Star Glory" to visit their home planet.
Jack, Emilia and David followed the Blue Star fleet to their home planet with full joy and expectation. They knew that this would be a new starting point for another interstellar journey full of surprises and challenges.