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Where am I? Dead? I couldn’t tell. Everything was black. Not one noise or sound. I was scared. Suddenly, I saw a green- blue light. I wasn’t dead? I still couldn’t really tell. A loud cold female voice started up saying ‘ welcome to…’
Chapter 1
“ Wake up Ms. Johnson!” Mrs. Peterson snapped in my face. “Get up right now.” Okay, sooooo… before we continue let’s introduce ourselves real quick. So I am Destiny Johnson I’m 12, it’s January (yes this is important). I know you came here to learn about my life, not the month, or my age. Understandable, let’s continue. I had just been daydreaming that it was recess . I snapped back into reality as soon as I herd Mrs. Peterson snap my name. “ Detention!” Mrs. Peterson screamed, stamping her feet. I quickly grabbed my reading book out of under my desk, Turning Back Time :Anonymous. However, the hope I could actually get the book to detention quickly vanished when Mrs. Peterson snatched the book away and pointed to the door. On my way out, I could literally hear snickering, but when I looked back, Mrs. Peterson was still sternly pointing to the door. She was completely ignoring the snickering. Ugg! Why did she specifically pick on me? When I got to the detention room, I sat down in my designated chair. As soon as I sat down, something weird happened. I was simply asleep. I heard a voice calling “ Destiny Johnson, it’s happening…” I just couldn’t understand what was happening. I also couldn’t hear what she said last. I again got snapped back into reality when I heard the bell ringing marking the end of school and the end of detention. I was so surprised at such an unnatural event that I almost tripped on Sahara Cooker’s foot. “Detention!” She mocked Mrs. Peterson’s voice. When I rolled my eyes she just walked away snickering. I made my way to the drop off center to see my mom, whom I was name after. “Hello sweetie! How was school?” My mom asked. “Ehh, I…” I replied. “You what?” Asked my mom with a look that I better speak up soon. “Umm I might of maybe just a little bit… got into detention.” I spoke with screwed up eyes. My mom with hands on her hips just shook her head. “Get into the car.” She sighed. We drove home in a semi comfortable silence. When we got home I realized that Mom made chocolate chip cookies! My favorite. “Hey D,” said my mom, using her favorite nickname for me, “what did you do this time?” “Uhh…what do you mean?” I stuttered. “The school called today, they said you were sleeping in class.” My mom replied, giving me The Look. “Well, I was hearing a cool female voice calling my name.” I replied with dignity. Surprisingly, my mom’s eyes widened with horror. “ Ohh no not…” she muttered. “Uhh Mom?” I tried to get to her. “Ohh umm, don’t you have homework?” My mom replied. Still confused, I went to my room. I couldn’t focus so I just studied my materials. I was finishing up studying for a big test in chemistry, when my cat came in. “Hi Munchkin!” I said as I scratched my short Bombay cat’s tail. After a little scratching, she evidentially left, no doubt for food, and left me to finish my homework. I finally finished my homework and just laid in bed, bored. “What was my mom so worried about?” I thought out loud. I shook my head and tried to convince myself it was nothing, when my mom called me down for dinner. I went downstairs for dinner and sat in my chair at the table. “Mom,” I asked. “What’s wrong?” I was still so confused. Why was my mom acting so strange? “N-nothing.” My mom stuttered. I still wasn’t convinced. “You sure?” I asked, picking at my broccoli and chicken dinner. “Yup! Absolutely.” My mom replied nervously. “Mmm okay.” I said, still suspicious. “Besides detention, how was school?” My mom asked, no doubt trying to change the topic. “Ehh…it was okay.” I replied. Why was my mom acting so weird? I wondered. “…you?” Asked my mom. I was confused again. Ugg! Why do I always zone out. Things were tense enough, so I replied, “yep” very quietly. “What ?” Asked my mom looking confused. “Nothing.” I replied a little too quickly. I quickly shoved the rest of my dinner in my mouth, brought my plate to the sink, washed it, then went to my room very quickly. You see my mom almost never kept anything from me. I sighed out loud in my room. When a woman who looked almost like my mom just way younger came into the room. “Who are you?” I asked. “Who are…?” She suddenly disappeared and I woke up with a start standing in the middle of my room. I started in. I was scared. I didn’t know what was going on. I was tempted to tell my mother, but with what happened at dinner and before , I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was tired and brought out my book, Turning Back Time I just loved this book, though, I had no idea who wrote it. I started to reread it at the first chapter: No! This couldn’t be happening, not today anyway. Life is very scary sometimes. I heard a cold female voice speaking my name Destiny Smith. (#1 reason I love this book: It has my moms name before she got married to Jacob Johnson ( my father who mysteriously vanished shortly after the disappearance of John.)) …welcome to 120 B.C. Wow I thought. I couldn’t believe I was here. Why I thought. It just doesn’t make sense, unless it was a dream I couldn’t believe I actually stumbled onto a time machine ;however, if I was remembering something, I’m pretty sure I created it someh…*I fell asleep. I just simply was tired. Then it seemed I was awake again in an almost ancient seeming jungle. I was exasperated and called out my moms name. Surprisingly, a saber tooth tiger came out of nowhere, attacking me. I screamed. So it may not seem so brave, but imagine being attacked by a saber tooth tiger. I again just woke up with another start. I was straight up scared. What was happening to me? The other question going through my mind was, Was I going crazy? I was too scared to answer that question. I finally decided to…
Chapter 2
…tell my mom. I couldn’t believe my craziness, but I did it anyway. “Mom,” I asked, “you in there?” “You need something dear?” My mom asked obviously nervous. “I have a question,” I responded to her question,”why am I hearing my name, why am I having terrifying dreams dur…” My mom cut me off and said,”I don’t know.” Very quickly. Understand that if my mom doesn’t want to answer, she wouldn’t be. Ugg! Why was my mom like this! I went to my room to get ready for bed. Suddenly, I was standing in a great grassy field with a figure moving slowly with a wagon train. I was so confused. I looked down at my body and realized I was somebody else! I then woke up again for the millionth time. I tried, and tried to go back to sleep, but I just couldn’t. Evidentially I just laid in bed thinking of the days events. They were still confusing me. I looked at the time and realized it was 1:00 and finally stared to dose off, when I heard voices downstairs. I crept quietly to the loft to listen. “…she’s asleep?” Asked one voice. “Yes.” Responded another. “…prot…” said the voice. “Mmm…yes” replied the other voice. I was starting to think I was hallucinating, when my brain clicked. The second voice was my moms voice! “Hush! She might hear you!” Replied the fist voice in witch I couldn’t quite name. “Fin…” replied my mom so quietly I didn’t quite catch the whole word. “…ch time!” Whispered the fist voice hurriedly. “…ay. Let’s con…” replied my mom in the same desperate whisper. “…son?” “Yep!” Replied the fist voice in an overly confidante tone. After that there was a bunch of shushing. The my mom replied yes and I couldn’t hear anymore but urgent whispering. I finally crept back to my room and was able to fall asleep quickly with no more dreams, at least that I remembered. I heard my alarm clock go off and quickly got dressed for school. When I got downstairs, my mom was nowhere in sight. So I just left to school. I walked down my street in my neighborhood to the bus stop. I waited for a good three minutes with ten other kids. We boarded the bus and rode to school. We got off and headed to the school yard to wait for class to start. As I headed to class to get my school work done early, a boy who’s name I think was Anthony, came up to me and said. “Hi! My names Anthony! What about you?” Anthony was short with black hair that was so messy, that no matter how much you brushed it, the hair would stay that way. His skin was suspiciously tan, even though it was around winter time. Hence, snow on the ground. No sun. He had deep blue eyes that twinkled with mischief and humor. He wore a dark blue shirt to match his eyes and tan cargo pants. Hmm… I wondered. “Umm…” Said Anthony. “Oh! I’m Destiny. What about you?” I responded. “Umm, I already said my name, it’s Anthony.” He responded. I turned a bit pink with embarrassment. I again headed to my locker to drop off my extra stuff, but he followed me as if he was a puppy and I was his owner. This was very suspicious. “Umm…what do you want?” I asked Anthony as I grabbed the last of my stuff and headed to class before the bell. “I need to…” he mutters. “Against…will.” “Uhh?” I asked confused for the billionth time. “Umm…nothing.” He responded. During the rest of the day he never talked to me again; however, he was always watching me without getting g too close to me. I was creeped out about this. Like, was this kid okay? As my mom came to pick me up I told her about this, but she didn’t seem concerned. “You’ll be fine honey, it’s just a twelve year old kid.” Like, WHAT! Well this twelve year kid is just casually watching me through the day. LIKE THIS IS NORMAL!! I facepalmed. “No mom. This twelve year old is watching me through the day. Why are you not concerned?” I asked, exasperated. “This is probably just a crush. A faze.” She responded calmly. I was so overwhelmed about this situation that I didn’t speak the rest of the trip. When we got home I went to my room to study for the chemistry test that was suppose to take place tomorrow. I rethought the days activities, and remembered Anthony following me. It was creepy as well as weird. My mom evidentially came to my room with the ‘I need to talk to you’ look, or the ‘I need to talk to you about something serious’ look. (I know, it means about the same thing, but whatever.) “There is something I should probably tell you,” she started, but looked behind me and ran. I looked behind me and saw the white wall with a photo of me at five years old picking up a spider with fascination. I (for the zillionth time) was confused. “WHAT!” I screamed after my mom. Scared, confused, alone…”Hello” said a voice. Then everything went black. Okay… so before I continue, you must be thinking that I am going insane… you might be right. So I have had like…1…5…10…65… I’ve lost count, but I’ve had about kazillion realist dream like things that happen and end when I’m in the same position, like for example: sitting, laying etc. (You know what I mean.)(I hope.) Now back to the… “Arg!” I screamed. I was back in my bedroom, wait, I was somebody else, it was weird Then I woke up. I was in a very messy room, filled up to my ankles with junk: screw drivers, pliers, hammers, old cracked picture frames, old discs and cds, clothes covered in dirt and grime, shoes torn and worn, lots and lots of bolts and wire, and old books where all I could see of the book were small spots that weren’t covered in brownish sludge, parts and bits of scrap metals, machine parts, computer parts to be specific, pieces of glass that were also covered in dirt and grime, and for some reason all of the lights were turned off (or broken), so the room was VERY dark. However the list above are only the things that I can see. I tried, but failed to see an exit. However, I then realized that I couldn’t move. After a while I realized I was tied to a big wooden pole of about five feet in diameter. Then I realized that I was covered in grease as well as the floor. Eww!! My shoes (or whoever I am’s shoes) were brown buckle dress shoes (though, they were covered in black sludge) were paired with black flared work pants, also covered in brown grease with a white shirt stained by time, grease, and sludge to be a brownish color. As I was struggling to be free, I heard a small voice come from around the wall. “Hello?” It sounded like the voice of a little girl. “Hello?” I was surprised on how deep my voice was. “Hurry, I have to hurry.” She seemed to mutter to herself. She then rounded the wall to reveal blonde hair that was covered in brown grease and sludge that was matched with a once pink blouse that was now brown stained by I-don’t-know- what. She had on what seemed like whiteish jeans that where also stained, but this time red. She had the same type of shoes as me;however, they were probably smaller. The girl came over to me and went to the other side of the wooden pole. “Don’t worry!” She said nervously. She started to cut something, thought I couldn’t tell with what. I felt the ties fall to the floor. “Thank you!” I said with much gratitude. “Don’t thank me yet.” The girl replied gravely. She grabbed my right wrist and pulled me around the corner of the room, what I saw made me nearly faint. What I saw was about the size of 500 football fields filled waist deep in trash. More trash then I could see. “W-w-wh-wha…” I started, but the girl cut me off. “Trash Land.” She replied like it solved everything. “W-what’s that?” I finally got out of my mouth. “The place where a good portion of the world trash goes. Oh! By the way this if the only part waist deep, the rest is about twenty feet or much higher in height.” She responded. I couldn’t speak, I just stared in shock. She led my to a small portion where I could actually see the floor. Even though it was covered in grease, she lifted that small portion of floor. “Come on! Hurry!!” She cried. I followed her down the creaky sludge covered steps. When we got down to the bottom of the very creaky stairs, we got to a very dark room. But, once I got down there, I could no longer see the girl that helped me. “Hello!” I called. “Where ar-“ I started, but I felt a cloth being put around my mouth, then everything going black.
Chapter 3
HELP! Was my very first thought; however, I realized I was back in my room in front of the wall with me at five picking up the spider. But, I wasn’t picking up a spider, I was picking up a snake. “What the heck?” I cried out loud. This wasn’t adding up. Another difference I noticed was that my desk didn’t have the black spot on the drawer anymore. Okay this is really creepy. I decided to try and fall asleep. I fell asleep and ended up in the same junkyard like place, thought this time I was behind the wall, climbing out of the trap door. The first thing I realized, was that I was wearing a very brown looking blouse, with honor white jeans that were reddish now. Ohh!! I’m that girl that saved me last time. I carefully picked my way through the trash to a sixteen year old boy who had dark brown hair with grease spots over his hair, clothes (same ones I wore), skin, and shoes. I said. “Don’t worry!” And just like before, the guy responded.” Thank you!” I replied. “Don’t thank me yet.” I untied him and led him to the trap door. As I climbed down the stairs, a had covered my mouth and brought me down hard against the floor. Witch left my head pounding and throbbing. I heard the boy coming down the stairs and a cloth coming to his mouth. After finishing with him the person that threw me on the ground muttered into my ear,saying this: Why? Such a simple question, with such simple answer. After I didn’t respond, the person said.”I will let one of you guys go, either you, Elizebeth, or Cal. ONLY ONE! And, NO tricks.” The person cried in a low pitched voice, leading me to assume that said person was possibly a guy. “C-cal!” I tried to cry defiantly, but failed miserably. “You know, I’m quite disappointed in you Beth. He (I’m guessing) started. “I was hoping you would follow the old customs, but too bad so sad! Not everyone can get what they want!” He finished. “You’ll never catch me!” I cried as I sprinted away up the creaky old stairs, somehow piggy back carrying Cal. “Get back here you cheating chicken heart!!” The guy screamed after me. I raced up and was in the room of junk. “W-w-w-where are we?” Cal asked as he came too. I let go and he fell back and landed on his head. “What was that for!” Cal exclaimed. “Well,” I started. “Your heavy!” Exasperated, Cal stood up and followed me to where he was tied up. For some reason I didn’t expect the person that made Cal black out to follow us, it was almost as if he was trapped. I lead the way to the wooden pole. “Why are we back here?” Questioned Cal. I didn’t answer and just knocked twice on the wall and the wall slid open to a very dark passage way. I lead on as if I knew were we were going, until we came to a fork. We voted on the left one, which led to a dead end, so we retraced our steps and went right. Thankfully, there were no more forks on the rode! Finally, we made our way to the end of the passage way. “We’re here!” I exclaimed, quite happy to be out in the sun again. “Where are we?” Asked Cal. “Outside of the tunnels.” I responded with quite a bit of authority for a six year old. (I realized she was six because you know… I AM HER!) “Oh!” Cried Cal. “We are home.” He cried happily. “Home is where?” I asked expectedly. “Spain of course!” He replied excitedly. “And why are we supposed to be excited about this?” I asked. “My home valley of course!” Cal replied, obviously exasperated. “Ok! Yeesh!” I replied, offended. Now that we were out of immediate danger, my mind went to sarcastic mode. However, behind us I heard a banging sound, that sounded of a hammer. “What’s that?” I questioned. “I really don’t know!” Cal responded, showing signs of concern. After a few minutes it stopped, but that didn’t calm our nerves. A figure came from the valley speaking Spanish: “¿Por qué tardaste tanto, Cal?” (Translation: What took you so long Cal?) Based on pitch of voice it was female, but I wasn’t very smart at judging these sort of things. As the figure came closer it indeed was a woman of maybe early thirty’s or late twenties. “¡He estado muy preocupado! ¿Dónde has estado estas últimas horas? ¡Será mejor que te levantes si sabes lo que es bueno para ti!” Said Cal’s supposedly mother. (Translation: I’ve been worried sick! Where have you been these last few hours? You better Open up if you know what’s good for you!!) “Me capturó este tipo espeluznante cubierto de pies a cabeza de negro completo. Me llevó cautivo y me probó hasta un mástil en una habitación de basura. ¡Esta chica me salvó! Por favor, sé amable con su, madre.” Replied Cal. (Translation: I got captured by this creepy dude covered head to toe in complete black. He took me captive and tried me to a tree mast in a room of trash. This girl right hear saved me! Please be nice to her, mother.) “¡Vale! ¡Vale! ¡Basta charla! A los negocios. ¿Tiene un lugar donde quedarse? Si no, podemos quedarnos con ella en nuestra casa hasta que esté lista. Ahora dile a Cal.“ Said Cal’s mother. (Translation: Okay! Okay! Enough chitchat! Onto business. Dose she have a place to stay? If not we can let her stay at our place until she is ready. Now tell her Cal.) “My mother wants to know if you have a place to stay.” Cal replied. “I do.” I replied quietly. “Perfect!!” Cal replies, a little to cheerful. “See you later then.” I said carefully. Then I feel a shooting pain go up my back, then everything turns white.
Chapter 4
I’m back in my room, just like normal. Is this normal? Of course it is I respond to myself. You sure? Of course… not. Yeah I know, I’m having a little disagreement, but that’s okay, right? After I finish questioning myself, I actually look around my room again. I look out the big large window that is parallel to the door, and takes up half the wall, to see that it’s summer. WAIT WHAT? There are clouds in the sky, which is so blue it almost hurts to look at. This isn’t right. I look at my wall to where the picture changed, yet again to me picking up a lobster. Wait, why am I picking up a lobster? I live in literal Wisconsin, not a place near the ocean, like California. As I get up to go outside to see if I’m imaging something, my mom comes barging in and screams in my face. “DESTINY, WHAT DID YOU DO!!” Then seems to think better and leaves just as quickly as she came. I quickly check to see if she was gone, and she was, I slip out as quietly as possible and shut the door just as quietly, I creep down the stairs to the front door right in front of the stairs, and slip out into the garage. I sneak in between the two cars of my mother and sneak to the door that leaves the garage. I mess with the lock for a bit, till it clicks then I slip thorough the tiny crack, and make my way into open air. I breathe in deeply to make sure I’m not dreaming, then I go around the house to see that I’m in the same neighborhood in a whole other location. “Where are we?” I mutter out loud. “Perfect Land is our little nickname, but really the name is Greenery.” Whispers a voice from right behind me. I do this weird dance move of sorts and jump and spin around at the same time. I do this just in time to see the man wearing black and navy blue cloaks piled on top of one another running away. The one who tried to capture the girl and guy I was both when we were in that junk yard of the world. Even though he disappears, that doesn’t stop the local police to come and try to catch him. Funny how that works, you know. He chased us, while he was chased by the cops. I go back inside before I can see the police cars actually come into view. Then I go to our little office of sorts and look up Greenery to see what pops up. And what pops up makes me want to scream and cry, because what pops up on that screen scares me to death. What poped up on that screen says: Greenery is the nation of the planet. It is very green and clean. People here are very conservative of their trash and pollution. Then I search up wanted people to see if I recognize the guy in blackish bluish cloak and what shows up shocks me: “Todd Katniss: anyone who finds him will be rewarded with ~123,456,789~(meals). Tall and skinny. Dark skin and eyes. Bright yellow hair and eyelashes. Thin and gaunt face with a large bumpy nose. Large forehead with small eyes. Thin waist. Age is 25 Rotations. Penelope Savory: Reword for finding her will be rewarded with ~35~(meals). Short and stout with lightly tanned skin. Bright blue eyes with thin, blue eyebrows. Purple hair with neon green highlights. Thin lips. Slightly pointed ears. Chubby cheeks that are almost always rosy. Beefy neck. Large hip bones. Stubby feet. Age: 41 Rotations. Frost Wind: Reword for finding him will be ~999,999,999,999,999,999,990,999~(meals). Thin and pointed chin. Hair so blonde it looks blue. Gray unforgiving eyes. Very pale skin. Almost no eyelashes and eyebrows. Long legs and pointed toes. Long straight ears. Age: 14 Rotations. Ainsley Jackson: Reward for finding her: ~666,666,999,888,777~(meals). Very tanned skin. Tall and gaunt with hunger. Greenish gray eyes with sharp pupils. Thin eyebrows that match her blonde and curly hair. Slightly rounded chin. Normally seen in black glasses. Age: 16 Rotations. Zachary Anderson: Reward for finding him: ~987~ (meals). Slightly short and round. Ghostly pale skin. Stubby beard. Dull grayish green eyes. Thick black eyelashes. Tiny feet. Shoe size:13 children’s. Short arms. Short legs. Short torso. Long blistered fingers. Dirty brown hair. Normally seen in sunglasses that are caked with dirt. Age: 46 Rotations. Ashly Bubblehandle: Reward for finding her: ~50,987~ (meals). Slightly short. Slightly pale skin. Crystal clear blue eyes that sparkle with mischief. Normally there’s a LongStrip in her hair. Hair is dirty blonde. Tiny wrists. Long slim fingers. Long feet. Short arms and legs. Long torso. Age: 24 Rotations. Jacob Johnson.” I stop reading there, because I’m in complete shock. Johnson. That’s my last name. It came from my dad, not my mom, meaning, this could possibly be my dad. However, this chance is still so slim, it’s like the chance to win the lottery. I continue reading the article about just my dad. -“ 6ft 9in. tall. Short stubby beard around neck and face. Thin and long eyelashes. Tiny eyebrows.” This is what my dad looks like!! As far as I know at least. I still don’t quite understand what’s happening, but that’s alright. Because, if my (let’s hope) dad is wanted, then that must mean that he’s alive! I leave the tiny office and go back outside to make sure I’m not imagining things. Sadly, I’m not. So I go back inside to try to find my mom, so I know if I have to go to school. “Mom!” I call. “Mom, where are you!” I walk through the garage, up the stairs and look at the rooms in that hallway that lead to my bedroom at the very end of this hallway. Newsflash: I don’t find Mom up here. So I go back down the stairs to walk through the tiled floor in which our front door is located, and make my way through the doorway that leads to the tiles floor of the kitchen. I look around the kitchen island to see if I could find her, but I didn’t. I walk into the living room that’s right next to the kitchen with no separation, to see if my mom is on the couch or something, like sleeping. AGAIN! I didn’t find her. I then make my way around the stairs that lead to a very tiny hallway that contains the tiny office with the small computer and desk, and my moms (and dads old) bedroom. Which is large enough, with a Queen size bed with gray sheets, small TV on a small table against the wall at the foot of the bed, large windows that take up almost the entire wall, a small sliding door leads to the bathroom/closet area that has a long hallway leading to the toilet, sink, closet that had another sliding door, and medicine cabinet. I see the door isn’t closed to either the closet or door to both the bathroom and closet. She’s not there. I call her name again. I need answers, and she has them. She showed this when she asked what I did when we appeared here at Greenery. I continued to call her name till my voice went horse. No! This can’t be happening! She was here not l ok my ago. I look everywhere I can think of: behind the sink, laundry room, bedroom(again), rest of the kitchen, etc. Long story short, I didn’t find her. I decide to call the police to report a missing person, but since it haven’t been forty-eight hours, I couldn’t. I decided to lie because I was honestly very scared. So I waited outside for a bit, in case I needed to wait for her to get back from work. After about three hours, I went back inside to go to bed. I got ready and went to bed. When I completely finished getting ready and closing my eyes, I ended up dreaming about my father.
Chapter 5
I’m in a hospital I know all to well. St. Duke Hospital. The one my dad works at. He works at the Welcome Desk. So I’m always waiting there after my mom picks me up, then goes to her work. We (me and my dad) don’t know were she works, but we trust her anyway, so I end up with my dad at the Welcome Desk. In this dream, I am walking with my mom, who keeps telling me to hurry up, to the Welcome Desk. “Hey, Destiny! I’m over here!” Calls my dad. “Oh! D! What’s that?” “My paper airplane.” I reply. You see my dad and mom call me D while dad calls mom Destiny. Mom leaves me and walks away without saying goodbye to either of us. “Well hon, Mr. John wants to show you something.” My dad tells me. He leads me to a TALL guy, maybe seven feet in height, with a short brown beard. He has ghastly pale skin that don’t match his dark tan cargo shorts, that also don’t match his very dark teal shirt, that contains a breast pocket. “Hello there!” Replied John with a very deep voice, that has a Spanish accent. “Follow me!” John leads me to a small room that’s under the Welcome Desk. He has to work across to it on his stomach, while I can crawl through. Funny thing is, to open this small room, you have to knock twice. Once we’re inside the passage way, you have to keep right, but only once. Then you get less to the room, which is probably five feet wide, and eight feet tall. So, John just sorts on the small couch. The rooms four walls are painted magenta, and are illuminated by pink light, that I can’t seem to find. The small room contains a couch that’s teal, a small molasses brown coffee table that has a glass middle, a small rig that’s pink and teal, and covered in tan and grey carpet. He gives me a piece of paper to write a story about whatever I want. “What do you want to write about?” John asked, mischief glinting in his periwinkle blue eyes. “Cats!” I cry with dignity. “Very well. I’ll write about dogs, and you write about cats. When you father finishes work, he’ll judge to see who’s is better.” John replies. I remember John so well. He was like my best friend, and this was the day he introduced me to him. He always treated me like an adult, though he treated real adults like children. This always use to make me laugh. I Remember the day when John disappeared. No one ever saw him, and his weird, but funny, fashion choices again. When we finished, we read our writings of our chosen animal, we brought them out and waited for dad to finish work by coloring cats and dogs in a coloring book John had brought. Finally, Dad finish work and judged them. Long story short…I won! “Oh, don’t feel too bad.” I start. “We always knew I was better in the first place!” I finish. “Oh you little rascal.” Said John as he chased me to Dads car. Once I got buckled in to the car, everything went black, and I was at the police station. Oh yes. I remember this day. The day after John disappeared. “When was the last time you saw him?” Asked the police officer in front of me. “Y-y-yesterday.” I choke out. I tried my best, but failed to keep the tears from flowing. Another police officer comes and tells the other one to leave me alone for now. They both leave and I’m left alone. I hug my knees up to my chest and cry into my knee caps, till there’s no more tears left to cry. The I just sit there, and hug myself. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, the second police officer came in to ask more questions. Where were you when you last saw him?” She asked. “I-in-in our secret hiding place.” I choke out. “And where would that be?” She asked kneeling down on one knee. “U-u-u-under th-th-the Welcome-Welcome D-desk.” I try my best to choke out, even though my throat is closing up in grief. “Okay! You did amazing!” She replies sweetly. She then stands up, goes out and sends out search teams into the secret room. I just sit there numbly, until the first cop comes in and reports they didn’t find any secret room, and that I hallucinated the secret room part. “NO! NO! NO I DIDNT HALLUCINATE THE SECRET ROOM! ASK JOH-“ I then stop and break down crying, remembering that he’s gone. As the cops Ron to my aide, my dad says. “Bring her there.” So, they bring me to the secret room, and I knock twice, and, like normal, the secret room opens. The police scout down inside, then I watch in horror as they tear it down. “It’s armed with explosives.” The first cop explains. I know it’s more, but I pretend I believe him. Dad leads me to the car, and buckles me in, then everything goes black. I awake I my room to find myself covered in tears. A hand reaches out from the dark, and brushed the hair from my tears. I squint and see… ITS MY MOM!! “Mom?” I ask quizzically. My mom just gets up and walks away, and if you squint hard enough, you can see she’s transparent. I then wake up to the blinding blue sky and the sound of someone knocking on my moms and mine’s front door. I check the small peep hole and see it’s the police. I wait a bit, unsure of what to do, until they both say. “Open up! It’s the police!” I wait a few more seconds and open the door. “Yes?” I ask. “You need to come with us. Your mom has been reported missing.” The officer on the left side says. “By whom?” I ask. “Your father.” The officer on the right answers. “My-my father?” I ask, still confused. “Yep. Your father.” Said the officer on the left. “Im-im-impossible.” I reply. “No… he’s in our car. You see, your mother has been missing for fifty years.”
Chapter 6
“WHAT!! THATS IMPOSSIBLE!” I scream. “Calm down. You have also been missing for twenty years. You have just been seen by you neighbor Loony McAlester.” Replies the officer on the right. “What’s really ‘impossible’ is the fact that your twelve.” “No! No! My neighbor is not this ‘Loony McFellow’ it’s this woman named Anna Blizzard.” I reply. “Welp! She died about fifteen years ago. If, of course, I’m remembering correctly.” Replied the officer on the left. I shut the door in their face and run to my room and bury myself in the covers. NO! This can’t actually be happening. I’m twelve, no thirty-two! I haven’t been missing. I know that. Everything after this was almost in slow motion. The police knocked down the door and brought me to the station. I don’t resist. They decide to put me in the same chair that they questioned me a about John in. “Why are you twelve, still?” The first officer asked. “I don’t know!” I respond. The second officer than pushes the first officer out and leave me alone. I then decide to think of an escape plan. I fist have to inspect the room: I sit on a small blue plastic chair that sits on grayish white fake marble floors. The walls are completely white, with red, brown, black, and gray stains. There is one small window that’s directly across from me, but even though the window is opened, it’s too small to slide through, even if it was opened all the way. Thankfully, the room is well lit with ceiling lights that give off a white glow. The only way to escape, besides the window, is the dark wooden door. I dig into my pocket, and grab a hairpin, and mess with the lock. After a bit, the door opens, and I step out. “STOP HER!” Booms a low pitch voice, over the loudspeakers. I don’t think, I just run. I hear squeaky feet behind me, and run faster. Suddenly, I feel a hand grab my wrist so hard, I think my arm was wrenched from my socket. I hear a bunch of squeaking, but see nothing. I see nothing. As if I was sleeping peacefully, but I’m not sleeping. And it’s not peaceful. “Smart. You were right, the blindfold worked.” Replied a supposedly female voice. I try to break free, but fail miserably. “Listen sweets, we’re just trying to help you.” I try to speak, but just like my sight, it doesn’t work. I can’t speak, or see. Great. I try running, but they restraint me. I then feel a sharp pain in my upper arm. Then I see my father’s face.
Chapter 7
I wake up in my own bedroom. Where’s Mom!! Wait, that’s her voice. I rush downstairs. “Mom!” I cry. I rush to give her a hug. Not caring that a whole other person is in the house. “Go to your room!” My mother screamed at me. “Ok!” I said, so relived. I raced back to my room and read my book. I just finished the book when my mother came storming in. “You ruined my business meeting!” She screamed at me. “I didn’t know you had ‘business’! I don’t even know your job!” I scream back. Mother storms out in furry. I just quietly walk to the door and shut it. I then go to my bed to sleep. I’m just so tired. So, I sleep. I wake up on another jungle, though it seemed newer than the last. Over in front of me was a parrot. “Polly want a cracker?” Asked the parrot in its croaky voice. “Polly want a cracker?” I shake my head no. I’m to tried to be hungry. “Polly doesn’t want a crack. Polly is mean. Mammoths from the ground, awaken.” Screeches the parrot. Suddenly, mammoths come out of the ground. I run as fast as I can till I get to a ledge leading down to a large river. The mammoths come storming to me. Then, a person who’s looks exactly like Sarah Cooker swung down on a rope and scooped me up. Then we fell into the raging river below. We bob up and down for awhile till we stop suddenly. Then Sarah says. “Uh oh!” “Don’t tell me. It’s a huge water fall.”I said.” Mmmh.” Sarah agreed. “With rocks on the bottom.” I finish. “ correct.” She reply’s. Then we fall. Down. Down Down. Down. Till we fall at the bottom, knocking my breathe out. When I awake, I’m on the roof of my house. The sky is a blinding blue. Greenery. I carefully move around to find that latter that mom keeps up here. There! Over on the far side of the roof. I inch my way over to the edge and put the latter under me. I then work my way down the latter. Phew! I made it! I was about to head inside when a voice called my name. It wasn’t the cold female voice, but the voice of…the person who trapped Elizebeth and Cal!! He came around the corner of my house. He rushed and grabbed my by my arm. I just stood frozen in shock. He dragged me to a small bunker in the middle of the city. It was very small. The walls were a light shade of green, with brown splotches of mud. There was a wooden chair that was also covered in mud. The guy who dragged me here suddenly. “You can call me Jacob.” I just nodded my head. “There is some stuff you should know. Starting with, m- your mothers job.” He started. “She works for the government.” Was all he got in before my mom barged into the bunker and dragged me out. She didn’t speak but just dragged me home and pushed me into my room. Then she shut the door. I read. I read till I reread every single book in my room. I then reread the books I already reread. I kept this process up till mom called me down to dinner. It was my favorite: tacos. Yay! I just sat down at the table and ate. Mom didn’t even try to talk with me. I choked down the rest of my food then went upstairs to my room. I got ready for bed then went to sleep. I woke up to my mom telling me to go to school. I got dressed then went to breakfast, which was eggs and bacon. I then went to the bus stop and went to school. When I arrived, the fist thing I saw was the Anthony kid looking over at me. I just quickly rushed away to my class. When I arrived I was told I was to be suspended, and that Mrs. Douglas would take care of it. So, I went to her office. When I finally got there, Sarah Cooker was there with her cronies. “Oh! Did you really get suspended?” Asked Alice, in a mocking sort of way.(Alice is one of Sarah’s cronies.) Sarah just looked at the floor, not meeting my eyes. Ha! It did happen. We really did fall into a river and fell down the waterfall. “What of it? You almost always seem to be suspended.” I responded to her comment. That shut her up. Mrs. Douglas then called me in, and sat me down in a light mint blue colored chair. Her room was very pretty I must say. The room had purple walls so light, they were just tinted. There were a bunch of hanging plants that were vivid green. There was a light brown wooden fan, that had a light that lit up the room. There was a dark polished wooden table parallel to the door, with a matching mint teal chair, and in the chair sat Mrs. Douglas. Mrs. Douglas head is large and oval shaped, with small, blue, and beady eyes. She had a stout figure, with short and stubby legs.”So, Destiny, you’ve skipped school for about…”She started with her deep voice.”A month.” WHAT! It seemed like a day!”You will be suspended for TWO months!” Continued Mrs. Douglas. My jaw dropped. Then Mrs. Douglas shooed me out the door.
. . .
I waited forever for Mom to come pick me up, but when she did, she was so angry that her face was red, and steam out of her ears.”Suspended!” She screamed at me once we got in the car.”Well it felt like a day! AND YOU WERNT HERE!” I scream right back.” Don’t you sass me young lady!” My mom screams.”You didn’t tell me to go to school, you weren’t even home etc. and your blaming me!” I yell. My mom just stayed quite for the rest of the trip. When we got I home, I just stormed to my room and tried to go to sleep. I was able to go to sleep, but I had another dream/reality thing. This time, I was in a dark room. Wait, there were gray shadows, and no light. Suddenly, I felt something slimy pull me down into an even darker hole. The thing pulled, and pulled, but I was suspended in the air. My feet were dangling, I was floating. Suddenly, the slimy thing pulled me down to the bottom of the hole.” Come with me. If you wish to live.” Hissed a dry hissy voice. The voice seemed to come from below me.”What?” I asked. It was a stupid question. It didn’t ask or answer anything, but I was frozen in fear. I blindly followed, I was walking on the walls of this deep, deep hole. I stumbled over rocks, pebbles, and the slimy thing. As I made my way down, the hole changed from pitch black to mint green. Oh. I’m there. I’m back were I was dragged. There were some differences, like a wooden bench smacked right in the middle of the room. However, unlike before, there was no mud, just a wooden bench, and mint green walls. I landed on the bench. Surprisingly, I landed upright! Nothing was bruised. No injuries.”Why! Hello there!” Spoke a voice from the dark. Hold up! I know this voice, but I couldn’t seem to place it. I just stayed quiet.”Why, aren’t you gonna speak?” Asked the voice that I couldn’t name.”Sh-sh-sure.” I replied, stuttering.”Do you want to know what’s happening to you?” Asked the voice, not so nicely.”Yes!” I exclaimed.”Very well, but first you MUST know who I am. I am…” I suddenly could see everything on the shack/warehouse. There was a black leather chair on wheels with its back facing me. Suddenly, the chair turned around all the way. The person who was in that leather chair made me SO angry, my face was radiating heat. The person in that chair kidnapped me, not once, but TWICE! “…Jacob.”
Chapter 8
“And why is this important to me?” I asked angrily.”Your mother will tell you in time, perhaps.” Jacob replied.”But I must tell you about your mothers job.” He finished. His face suddenly serious. I was so intrigued, that I leaned forward.” What is her job?” I asked.”Well, you would have to break it up in parts. First, in a general idea she works for the U.S government.” Jacob started.”Even I figured that much.” I answered, still intrigued. “Well before we continue, you must know my full name, Jacob…Andrew…Johnson.” He said. That’s. That’s. That’s my fathers name. That’s my father!! Then, before I could learn more, everything went black.
. . .
I was finally back in my room on MY bed. I then looked where my book was when I realized it wasn’t Turning Back Time but a book labeled The Secret of the Johnson Family. I am WAIT WHAT. What secret?! I opened the book and read the prologue: Hello reader, I am your Secret teller. My name is Secret Teller, but you can call me The Teller. I see you opened this book looking for the Secrets of the Johnson family, but you see very few people are aloud to know this, so I need to tell you something, once you finish this chapter, you must not tell anyone what you have read, or we will hunt you down.I stopped reading, I guess I really had no choice but to agree. Chapter 2: It all started…My mom walked into the room, saw the book and snatched it out of my hands. She left as quickly as she came in. I just stared after her, after what had happened today I had no motivation to say anything. I just layer in my bed, when Munchkin jumped up onto my bed and layer next to me. I pet him and found my self drifting off to sleep. There was suddenly a very bright light poured directly at my eyes. I rubbed them and saw I was staring down at the world, from a 800 story building. As I stared down I nothing but an empty city that stretched further than the eyes could see. There were no cars, no living creatures, no lights. So, what woke me up? The answer to that was below me. There was the biggest fire I had ever seen, it was climbing up the building toward me. I barely had time to gasp before the fire engulfed me. Everything hurt. But then…everything just stopped.
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