While in war, war in Cybertron, war for Cybertron, something unexpected happen which wasn’t known in the war, and after the war. A new spark-filled protoform appeared out of nowhere, and a warrior saved the life of this child.
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It was peace, at least just for a while, the leader of the Autobot army, Optimus Prime, was patrolling alongside one of his trusted soldiers, Windblade, a female warrior based in an Earth country, China. All of a sudden, Windblade stopped walking as she reached out a signal, a Decepticon signal.
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“What is it, Windblade?” Optimus said as he turned around.
“A signal, a Decepticon signal.” she said as she looked around, with caution.
“How much?”
“As much as they wish to kill us.” she said, as she raised her iconic pink blade.
“Prepare to call for back up, Windblade. They might attack us any-”
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“SEEKERS!” Windblade shouted.
Seekers are Decepticons who fly in the air with ease, they work for Megatron, the ruthless leader of the Decepticons.
“Optimus to base, we need backup NOW!”
Windblade and Optimus tried their best to take out the seekers, and a groundbridge, a Cybertronian portal, appear behind them.
“We’ve got you’re back Optimus!” Elita, a female Autobot, said as she, and a few more Autobots stepped out of the groundbridge.
Guns kept shooting, until a bot thinks this is all useless.
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“Sir, I think fighting them is no such use! We’re not here to get any ancient relic or something important, are we?” an Autobot suggest, still shooting guns.
Optimus realized this and decided to retreat instead of fighting over nothing and losing energy instead. “Wheeljack, open us a groundbridge not far from here and tell us the location.” Optimus called to base as he had a thought that if they open a spacebridge here to base, the seekers will follow them in. It’s too risky.
“On it.”
“Sending coordinates - NOW.”
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“Autobots! Follow me!” Optimus said as he headed towards the destination.
The crew seems confused but follow him anyway.
“They’re escaping! Don’t get let them escape! This could be our only chance to please Lord Megatron!” the leader of the seekers ,Starscream , ordered as he saw the Autobot group fleeing.
“The seekers are following us!” Elita shouted as she ran looking backwards.
“It’s really obvious really.” Windblade thought as she rolled her eyeballs.
“To the right!” their leader ordered. The seekers were still following them, shooting guns at them to startle them and hoping they did hit an Autobot, or two, to bring back to Lord Megatron. But the Autobots aren’t that easily destroyed.
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Beep Beep!
“Huh?” Windblade thought as she looked to her arm, the source of the “Beeps”, still running.
“A protoform signal!” she thought to herself. Protoforms are what Autobots and Decepticons made of, or at least in this story, a newborn baby.
“Windblade to Optimus! Permission to check a protoform signal nearby!”
Optimus shocked hearing that, thought for a moment.
“Permission granted but try not to get the seekers attention. If you need backup just call base.”
“Optimus, are you going to leave a new soldier to wander of her own?” Windblade turned her head to see who was talking.
“We couldn’t risk a young soldier taken down!” Elita said, continuing, panting, and holding her injured body part, which get shot by the gun.
“We couldn’t risk you getting lost too, Elita. You need medical care now, and Windblade is young, but her talents are out of her age.” Optimus replied. He took Elita and carried her in his arms.
Elita, still panting, couldn’t reply and since she was seriously injured.
“You may go, Windblade.” Optimus said as he looked over to Windblade.
She nodded and ran to the signal. Before reaching the signal, she stopped beside an abandoned building.
She holds her breath. Silence. The seekers hadn’t noticed her disappearance.
“Few” she said softly as she headed calmy to the signal.
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“Mater Yoketron’s dojo.” she said, amazed, as she entered an area similar to a temple, abandoned too. Even if it’s abandoned, she still can see history and tales behind them. The colors of his kind, gold, or was it yellow, with black.
“The signal’s closer.” she looked for navigation in her arm.
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A big purple, sparkling current, from the signal came across, powerfully.
“Huh?” Winblade looked behind. “A newborn protoform? When there’s no other signal near it?”
Newborn protoforms are supposed to be born with someone next to it, Autobot, Decepticons or those who hasn’t chose its place. But in this special case, this protoform is born with no one, not even a single signal near it, which is weird, not normal, never in history to be precise. Also, if a protoform is just born, purple currents, exactly like this one, appear from it.
All these information above scrambled across our young female warrior’s mind.
“How? What? Why?” a sweat of fear and excitement rolled on her face.
Fear since “What is happening? Is it good news, or in fact bad news!” sort of vibes.
And excitement since this is history, and she was the one to see it, with her own eyes!
She gulped as she went closer to the source of the current, holding her pink blade, for incase it’s a trap. She was in front of a protoform basket, holding her breath as she opened it, carefully.
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She gasped. What she was thinking was true! It was a first thing ever in history, it was the source of the current, it was a protoform.
It was a mystery.
It was alive! Or at least now she saw it, it must be a girl or a boy, right? It couldn’t be called “it” all the time, especially when our baby is a bot, not everyday objects.
“She’s a girl.” Windblade said softly, not wanting to startle the child, carried her in her arms.
“Windblade to base, open groundbridge to my location.” she said.
A groundbridge opens in front of her.
As she’s about to enter it, she looked around once more.
“Why is this child born here? In an abandoned temple.” she said as a sweat rolls down her face, and she entered the groundbridge not wanting her circuits to get too heated with all of these simple yet hard questions.
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She arrived at base, in their ship, Teletraan 1. Windblade kept looking at the baby, thinking, and feeling sorry for her.
“What are you holding there, Windblade?” Wheeljack’s voice, the base operator, passed through her thoughts.
“Huh? Oh, this “thing”?” she stepped towards him.
“That’s a-”
“Newborn protoform, yes.”
“I found her in an abandoned dojo, Master Yoketron’s dojo to be precise.”
“Master Yoketron? He died at war just weeks ago!”
“How- how did you know about his death? Nobody knows about-.”
“I did.” said a voice.
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The two friends looked towards the “voice”. It was Prowl, one of Master Yoketron’s students.
“Prowl! Why you never tell us?” Windblade questioned as Prowl steps to them.
“I might not have told you, Windblade. But I did tell to those who I trust.” Prowl answered, calmly.
“Oh! Am I NOT trusted?” she replied not feeling pleased. Windblade can be like that at some times, angry, mad, trauma.
“Windblade-” Wheeljack tries to calm her down.
“Of course you are trusted, Windblade. But I just never had the chance to tell you since we rarely met.” Prowl answered, again, calmly.
‘A-” Windblade stopped for a while to think how many times she met up with Prowl, probably just once in her lifetime! This is her second.
“Ehm, eh- you’re quite right over there,” she said stepping away with the protoform. “But I have some business to do. Bye.”
Prowl and Wheeljack just watched her going further away.
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“He was right,” Windblade thought to herself as she’s going to the medical room. “I only saw him once in my life! This is the second! But he was already here- years ago. Maybe it’s just because I’m too busy.”
She clicked a button to open the door to the medical room. She entered the room, searching for Ratchet, the medic. She looked around, but she couldn’t find the old medic.
“Sideswipe, where’s Ratchet?” she asked another, younger medic, Sideswipe.
“He’s off to cure those who’ve been severely injured, as usual.” he looked up to her.
“What do you get in there?” he asked as he noticed something, or someone, in Windblade’s arm.
“A protoform. Just born now, in the middle of nowhere, with no one around.”
“A-” Sideswipe said as he took a closer step to the protoform. “You can tell me it’s story later, but now we need to put it in the incubator, so it’ll be alive.”
“It’s a girl.” Windblade replied, not feeling pleased.
“Uh- yes, yes. We need to put HER in the incubator”
Windblade nodded as he follows him.
Windblade stepped out of the medical room, feeling pleased with her actions. She just saved a history! Even if she hadn’t told this to anybody, except for Wheeljack. She decided to take a break, search for Bumblebee and tell him all about this protoform.
Bumblebee is her best friend, even if he’s a boy, the bravest scout of the Autobots. Ever since her planet, Caminus, was in ruins, she and her other best friend, Chromia, a female, found the planet Cybertron, Bumblebee was her first best friend there. Because of him, her live ended up like how we know it now. Arriving at Cybertron not only make her found her place, but she also found her first love, which we will talk later on.
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“Where could Bumblebee be?” she looked at her arm searching for her friend’s signal. “Ah! At the bartender!”
She arrived at the bartender, or at least, some sort of cafe. It was so calm and relaxing. The colors fit with the atmosphere so much, so does the music. There were many bots there, probably taking a rest from all this wars.
She walked closer to the front place, where you get your drink, hoping to find Bumble-
Somebody hugged her from behind.
“Huh?” she turned behind, to find it was her friend whom she’s been searching!
“Bumblebee!” she said happily pleased. “You found me instead of me finding you, haha!”
“Beep beep beep beeeep!”
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Oh ya, I forgot to tell you, our brave scout in this story couldn’t talk. And the reason is because of- Megatron. He took this scout’s voice box, not allowing him to talk. But Ratchet half-fixed it, so instead of no sound at all, “Beeps” and humming came out from Bumblebee. I mean, a voice box is an organ, it’s not easy to fix.
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The two sat down on a table with a cup of energon, or two since there are two bots here.
Energon is the source of all Autobots and Decepticons, it gives live, just like food, or something. But, just like food is harvested and such, energon is mined. Maybe it’s similar to Earth stuff known as gold. Really precious. While humans need food every day, bots can survive some days without energon, but not so many years or decade.
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“Bumblebee, did you know just this morning on patrols- I found a newborn protoform?” Windblade said, really excited to tell him about this news she found earlier.
“Hmmm?! Hmmm hmm hmm hmm hmm?”
“No, maybe telling Optimus about this now isn’t really a good idea, Bee.” she took a sip of energon, so does Bumblebee.
“I mean, he’s super busy and such. The war is also getting way complicated than usual.”
“Hmmm hm.” Bumblebee agreed, thinking about it deeper.
The war has broken many buildings, hurt many bots, and worst of all, it’s destroying Cybertron.
Teletraan 1 is preparing to take higher grounds for the battle, Windblade was helping Wheeljack with a few other bots to take it for liftoff. When suddenly, Chromia, who was watching all of this, went up to her long best friend.
“What is it, Chromia?” Windblade said, still busy preparing for liftoff.
“Chromia?” she turned her head to her friend. She was standing there, having a feeling Windblade knew. Chromia was standing there, face filled with all sorts of emotions mixed up.
“Chromia, I know you want to leave and search another planet just like we did last time, but here is just where my heart stays. Cybertron is my place.”
“I know, I know. How about Caminus? That’s where we’re born in! That’s our homeland!” Chromia said, face filled with emotions, even Windblade can’t tell.
A sweat rolls down Windblade’s face. “Chromia-”
Chromia hugged her, she didn’t want to let go. Windblade understand this feeling, she understands it way too well. Chromia’s emotions change over a few times, sometimes.
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“Chromia, take Windblade’s place. Windblade, come with me.” Ratchet ordered from behind. “Prime’s orders”
Windblade gave out a little sigh, she looked at her lost friend’s face ad told her “Be back soon. Stay strong, Chromia. I know it’s hard.” Chromia nodded lightly, before watching her friend leaving her.
She gave out a little sigh. Suddenly, Ironhide, one of the bots preparing for liftoff, male, steps to her.
“You ok, girl?”
Chromia looks at him, she could feel it. A feeling that wants to make her stay here longer.
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“What is it, Ratchet?” Windblade asked the medic.
“Remember the child?”
Windblade thought for a while, nodded. “The lost girl.”
“Yes, well. Optimus said he need every bot, who isn’t a soldier, to be put to the “Safer Cybertron”, remember?”
Winblade’s eyes rose up. How could she forget about it! She was there when the evacuations were happening. “Where’s the child?”
“Right here.” said a voice.
Windblade looked behind, Prowl, again. “Thanks, guys.” she said as she holds the child in her arms. She ran to the last ship to “Safer Cybertron”.
It’s a place, a really safe place, which Optimus and few others made. Not many Autobot soldiers know how it looked there. So now got to be Windblade’s chance.
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The tiny ship went up, up and up. Into space. Windblade looked around her. “Wow.” There she see it, “Safer Cybertron”. A smaller version of Cybertron equipped with high guards’ technology, only for Autobots.
“Woah.” Winblade said as she stepped out of the tiny ship.
Came a voice which startled Winblade.
“Huh?” she looked behind.
She saw a pink female Autobot, looking back at her.
“Sorry to startle you, I’m Arcee. The teacher in this- place. For some students. A teacher for young kids, like the one you’re holding.”
“Uh- hi. I’m-”
“Windblade. Yes, I know a lot of stuff! I’ve always wanted to be a soldier, too. But nobody, even me, have seen the potential, yet.” she took a sigh. “I will take care of this kid of yours. Is she your daughter? She’s so cute!” Arcee said as she took the baby to her arms.
“Eh- yes! Why not. Also, Arcee. If you really want to be a soldier- I believe you. I could see it.” Windblade said holding her new friend’s shoulder. “Let’s be- friends!”
“Of course, thanks. Let’s be friends.” Arcee replied, smiling. “Oh ya. Who’s your daughter’s name? So, it will be easy for her when I need her. I’m also a baby caretaker here. For those children in battle. You know?”
“I know.” Windblade thought for a while. “How about- you name her! I haven’t name her yet beacause of the war.”
“Hmmm.” Arcee thought for a while, looking at the baby. “Are you ok if I name her?”
Windblade nodded.
“Hmmm. How about- Phitinh (fi-tin)!”
“That’s a nice name.” Windblade said smiling. “See you next time, Arcee. I got to go!” Windblade said as she’s preparing to transform to her alt mode, a jet.
“Bye, Windblade! Nice seeing a bot from Caminus!” Arcee waved at the red jet in the sky. “I’ll take care of Phitinh well!”
Winblade smiled. She took her last look of Phitinh, and Arcee, before flying back to Cybertron.
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You might be wondering why on her way home, Windblade uses her alt mode, vehicle, but to the “Safer Cybertron” using a ship. It’s actually simpler than you might imagine.
Because she doesn’t want to hurt the baby, that’s all. It’s safer by ship.
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On her way back to Cybertron a thought kept passing through her mind, “What’s your daughter’s name?”.
“My daughter?” she thought, again, and again.
As the arrive at Teletraan 1, she saw Prowl.
“Prowl-” she said stepping closer to the ninja boy. Prowl turned his head.
“How do you get bad memories away? So, they’ll never come back?”
Prowl looked at her for a while and spoke.
“What’s the matter?” “I-”
“You were being called as a mother, huh?” he said smirking.
“Huh!? How did you know that?” Windblade said, not pleased.
“It matters.” he said as he walked away, smirking.
Winblde rolled her eyes showing she doesn't care. “Huh, if only he was here-” she then sighs with dreamy eyes thinking of a bot.