【在這裡結束未免太可惜了。醒來吧,異鄉人——你需要自救。】It would be a shame to end here. Wake up, stranger - you need to save yourself.
103Please respect copyright.PENANA7nUhysSJCp
【你的時間不多了。】You don’t have much time.
103Please respect copyright.PENANA4eNRSi4Z00
眨眼,一次、兩次、三次……就如拉開序幕般,霓虹的光芒在眼前黑白默片的視野邊緣拽出文字,又拖著一條尾巴退場,卻落下一串數字。Blink, once, twice, three times……Just like pulling apart the black curtain on the stage with your hands, the neon-like light pulled out words from the edge of the black and white silent film in front of you, and then left the stage with a tail, only to drop a series of numbers.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAVcPNGqeT2w
103Please respect copyright.PENANAOana8qMHHB
臉頰貼著地板,不用那無情的鐵皮傳來冰冷的溫度他也感覺很冷。想要起身,卻發覺連脖子都動不了。His cheek was pressed against the floor, and he felt cold even without the cold temperature coming from the ruthless iron plate. He wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't even move his neck.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAGdiVrI1ZCN
那怕只是張嘴都有冷空氣從喉嚨飛出。Even he just open mouth, cold air will fly out of his throat.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAWp6WFiml3J
他只能努力轉動眼球到處看看。He could only try to turn his eyes to look around.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAdt3osDefQc
但面前的場景是如此狹隘、昏暗,左右只能看見椅腳固定在地板上,一時間那間隔很大的黑漆方狀鐵桿看上去猶如監牢。But the scene in front of him was so narrow and dark, with only the legs of chairs fixed to the floor visible on the left and right. For a moment, the square black iron bars with widely spaced intervals looked like prisons.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAFuYCCYEfqJ
一雙赤足停在他面前,眼球順著褲管往上看——一具無頭屍體駝著上半身,雙手平放扶手坐在紅色椅背的座位上。A pair of bare feet stopped in front of him, and his eyes were looking up along the trousers - a headless corpse with its upper body hunched over, sitting on the seat of a red chair with its hands flat on the armrests.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAIDVZF9zuJR
脖子上的傷口整齊,位置在喉結偏上。The wound on the neck was neat and located above the Adam's apple.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAE8Scvw1GDr
目測大概是16~18歲的少年,皮膚白皙保養良好,身上穿著一件無袖的黑色背心和一條多口袋的藍色工裝褲。The deceased was visually estimated to be a boy between 16 and 18 years old. His skin was fair and well-maintained. He was wearing a sleeveless black vest and a pair of blue overalls with multiple pockets.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAFu2nD1OUkn
不知為何,他感覺這具無頭屍很熟悉。For some reason, he felt that this headless corpse looked familiar.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAH9YXFiBYEg
即使思緒混沌喧囂,記憶仿佛一坨粘稠的液態漿糊,黏連在一起,什麽也想不起來。Even if the thoughts are chaotic and noisy, the memory is like a thick liquid paste, stuck together and nothing can be remembered.
103Please respect copyright.PENANARVaMWzPpkp
「啊……原來如此,難怪那麼眼熟。」他從喉嚨擠出微乎其微的聲音。"Ah...I see, no wonder it looks familiar." He squeezed out a faint sound from his throat.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAay45Sc9whn
「——這是我的身體。」"——This is my body."
103Please respect copyright.PENANAn0hoqN34Uz
看來他是死了,還是死於斬首。It seemed that he was dead, and that he died by decapitation.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAQDbILoyv7O
問題來了,一顆頭顱該如何自救?Here comes the question, how can a head save itself?
103Please respect copyright.PENANAFbcMx0uvmD
103Please respect copyright.PENANA37ASc8y0RH
剩下的時間不多了,我得行動起來。他伸出舌頭,試圖做點甚麼,那怕是挪動幾公分——然而一隻手先一步抓住了他的頭髮提起。There isn't much time left, I have to take action. He stuck out his tongue, trying to do something, even if it was to move a few centimeters - but a hand grabbed his hair and lifted it up.
103Please respect copyright.PENANA57QuOQ7Tx5
眼前的視野頓時一陣天旋地轉,好不容易穩定下來後,他第一眼看見的是一隻手夾著一張卡片向他展示。The vision in front of him suddenly spun. After finally stabilizing, the first thing he saw was a hand holding a card and showing it to him.
103Please respect copyright.PENANArJ7D3ZBmtM
如教堂玻璃上的鮮豔背景上,一頭高大的,渾身皮膚黑紫以鹿頭骨覆面,兩支角分岔崢嶸生長的巨人與一個模糊不清的人形輪廓背靠背,看起來彷彿鏡子的一體兩面。On the bright background of the church glass, there is a tall giant with black and purple skin covered with a deer skull and two towering horns, and a vague humanoid outline back to back, looking like two sides of a mirror.
103Please respect copyright.PENANADveePWIBxH
『魯道夫·希勒特。』"Rudolf Hillert"
103Please respect copyright.PENANALemUwTPROb
這是……我的名字?This is... my name?
103Please respect copyright.PENANAXkfxoUBpoC
還未等他理解,卡片上的內容開始褪色消失,只留下這麼的一個名字。Before he could understand, the content on the card began to fade and disappear, leaving only this name.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAvR5IWhWPXv
三副肖像畫在空白的卡片上浮現、閃爍。沒有頭的人張開雙臂,騎龍與月並肩而行、閃電擊中滿是縫合線的屍體、一人身纏繃帶從棺材中坐起。Three portraits appeared and flickered on the blank card. A man without a head spreads his arms and rides on a dragon alongside the moon. Lightning strikes a corpse covered in sutures. A person's body is covered with bandages and he sits up from a coffin.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAegWed3EPL1
這是……讓我選?昏沉的腦袋顯然不足迅速處理視覺傳來的資訊。This is...let me choose? The groggy brain is obviously not able to process the information from vision quickly.
103Please respect copyright.PENANABBtQzGnZeu
卡片上閃爍的三張肖像畫逐漸重疊,化作一副嶄新的形象。The three flashing portraits on the card gradually overlapped and turned into a brand new image.
103Please respect copyright.PENANALHedkgFuoO
背景黑暗的肖像畫中,一個衣著單薄,脖子以訂書針縫合固定的少年仰望光明的高塔,背部與臉頰纏裹著暈滿血漬的繃帶,一隻未被遮住的獨眼湛藍好似最上等的寶石。In the portrait with a dark background, a young man in thin clothes, with his neck stitched with staples, looks up at the tower of light, with his back and cheeks wrapped in blood-stained bandages. The one uncovered eye was as blue as the finest sapphire.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAvmEOD05s0N
這張肖像畫被憑空出現的金框裱起,散發一種特殊的光芒。This portrait is framed by a golden frame that appears out of thin air, giving off a special glow.
103Please respect copyright.PENANA19pxvDZhUn
『07 戰車——魯道夫·希勒特。』07 The Chariot——Rudolf Hillert.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAsSy8gYMJhV
那張卡牌被那手收起,隨即另一隻手按住頭頂,他頓時感覺腦袋以下開始搖晃移動,差點掉落。這時才明白發生了甚麼,那具無頭屍體——或著說魯道夫的身體自己把頭撿起,安回脖子上。The card was put away by that hand, and then the other hand pressed on the top of his head. He suddenly felt the part below his head shaking and moving, and he almost fell. Only then did he understand what had happened. The headless corpse—or rather, his body picked up the head on its own and put it back on its neck.
103Please respect copyright.PENANApilJ0PxtjB
這麼說好奇怪……That's weird to say……
103Please respect copyright.PENANApP4257kOje
103Please respect copyright.PENANApKaMbkgCt8
一陣鈍痛感襲來,雖然看不見但能感覺到是銳利、細小的金屬刺破皮膚刺入肉內。待疼痛過去,那一只按在腦袋上的手自覺移開。A dull pain hit him. Although Rudolf couldn't see it, he could feel the sharp, tiny metal piercing the skin and inserting into the flesh. When the pain passed, the hand that was pressing on his head moved away consciously.
103Please respect copyright.PENANA3Jc4hExNfM
難道是……釘書機?不會是要像那張卡一樣……Could it be... a stapler? It won't be like that card...
103Please respect copyright.PENANAy6vnZIikD8
雙腳自行開始大步奔跑起來,脖子上的皮與肉在訂書針的拉扯下傳來陣陣劇痛。His feet started to run on their own, and the skin and flesh on his neck felt sharp pains from the pull of the staples.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAxCEqWfm1qb
突然雙腳停下,突如其來的急煞車甚至上脖子上的訂書針掉了幾根,然而一雙似是熨斗的東西緊接著印入眼簾。雙手自行抓著這兩物,開始相互摩擦,摩擦間,無數電弧跳動。Suddenly, his feet stopped, and the sudden brakes even caused several staples on his neck to fall off. Then, a pair of things that looked like irons came into view. The two hands grasped the two objects on their own and began to rub against each other. During the friction, countless arcs jumped.
103Please respect copyright.PENANA2v8DoLteOz
難道是要!?Is it necessary!
103Please respect copyright.PENANAE3CrpPXtj7
無數電弧壓在他的胸膛上,瞬間身體開始抽搐,魯道夫感覺兩眼一黑,腦袋不受控制的往下墜撞在地上。Countless electric arcs pressed on his chest, and his body began to twitch instantly. Rudolf felt his eyes go dark, and his head fell uncontrollably and hit the ground.
103Please respect copyright.PENANArz9GTf6rHC
額頭硬生生撞在冰冷的鐵皮上,鼻涕、口水和眼淚像是關不上水龍頭一樣溢出鼻子、嘴巴和眼睛。魯道夫雙手撐地,嘔吐似的從喉嚨擠出空氣,胸膛劇烈起伏。His forehead hit the cold iron sheet hard, and snot, saliva and tears flowed out of his nose, mouth and eyes like a faucet that could not be turned off. Rudolf put his hands on the ground, squeezing the air out of his throat as if he was vomiting, and his chest heaved violently.
103Please respect copyright.PENANAAHhNCSVMz2
「咳、咳……好痛、好冷!」"Cough, cough...so hurts, so cold!"
103Please respect copyright.PENANAKdtFddTt39
色彩逐漸回歸,眼前的視野不再是像黑白默片般的黑白二色,火車行進間的轟隆聲、車廂震動與搖晃緊隨而來。然而那一串倒計時卻未同離去。Color gradually returns, and the vision in front of you is no longer black and white like a silent film. The rumble of the train, the vibration and shaking of the carriage follow closely. However, that series of countdowns did not leave together.
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103Please respect copyright.PENANAyPDNBVfhyI
103Please respect copyright.PENANAsRACz4blrU
為何還在計數?Why is it still counting?