*He comes in and sits down on the couch and you sit down by him and then we look at each other. He smiles. He then says "What kind of tea is hard to swallow?" Then you look back at him and say "idk..what kind?" He says "Reality.." you laugh and he does too then I say "Omg...SOO real.."*
*A few hours later we have been talking for a long time and you guys know almost everything about each other and we start to get very close. Then he says "you know I always thought you were really hot and pretty..." You look over at him and you start to blush and you say "You know your pretty cute ngl.....I always thought you were...I mean I am subscribed to your yt Chanel and I love watching your videos....they make me laugh every day.." He looks over at you with a huge smile and he says "wait really? you like my yt Chanel....and your subscribed to it?.....and you THINK I'M CUTE?" You nod your head and say "I've always thought you were cute and your even more cute in person.." He smiles and says "well do want to be my gf or something?" You are wide eyed and you say "OMG YES!!!!"