No Plagiarism!angQDTMbRccrSQMtSBPPposted on PENANA Smile back at me8964 copyright protection718PENANAIfdr6J23uT 維尼
When you walk away8964 copyright protection718PENANAW1R1I6PPS8 維尼
So much I want to tell8964 copyright protection718PENANAS1bjoYjcTF 維尼
but so much more I'll never say8964 copyright protection718PENANAokshcaztnI 維尼
Don't look back and tell me8964 copyright protection718PENANADjdAsNBR5d 維尼
"It's me, its not you"8964 copyright protection718PENANA43izcwWwao 維尼
because we both know, girl8964 copyright protection718PENANAP33Y211e4f 維尼
that not one word of that is true8964 copyright protection718PENANA3lvrDiNSMJ 維尼
you aren't the first one8964 copyright protection718PENANAkCodXF12Hf 維尼
to turn and walk away8964 copyright protection718PENANAVGv2afCylL 維尼
go on with your life8964 copyright protection718PENANAUqxxSiac4E 維尼
me, i'll be ok8964 copyright protection718PENANA4QWfCy8B7Y 維尼
and these are not tears8964 copyright protection718PENANA2rDL18AnOF 維尼
in my eyes8964 copyright protection718PENANA9Dxs7RGQGe 維尼
because the truth is8964 copyright protection718PENANAc2tZiOANXh 維尼
I don't want to cry8964 copyright protection718PENANAjHGnK2SNsB 維尼
battered broken8964 copyright protection718PENANAx7UtNq4hTI 維尼
and abused8964 copyright protection718PENANA9s0b3YHbqe 維尼
i thought i could8964 copyright protection718PENANAjMTF99tqVf 維尼
depend on you 8964 copyright protection718PENANA2SEbFmCDPf 維尼
to make me strong8964 copyright protection718PENANAhFXPqzLDpr 維尼
and set me free8964 copyright protection718PENANAuU15TBdo52 維尼
but you just brought me8964 copyright protection718PENANABObHq2aKki 維尼
to my knees8964 copyright protection718PENANAF8AXIIpEf1 維尼
Daddy, daddy8964 copyright protection718PENANAMV16uHrK2h 維尼
tell me why8964 copyright protection718PENANAfMZIZsMdqk 維尼
i'm not good enough8964 copyright protection718PENANALz2cAGZnJf 維尼
no matter how hard i try8964 copyright protection718PENANAHJnD0repRZ 維尼
tell me how to earn your love8964 copyright protection718PENANAo0ASc5THUE 維尼
earn your praise8964 copyright protection718PENANAwT7W9EFUOC 維尼
instead of walking around8964 copyright protection718PENANAPOSWKgshV5 維尼
in this foggy haze8964 copyright protection718PENANAYt4hBGp6t2 維尼
and you won't see tears8964 copyright protection718PENANAlkauwMKeJd 維尼
in my eyes8964 copyright protection718PENANAZIUlfmV5FF 維尼
I'm a big boy now8964 copyright protection718PENANACTjs0Rz08V 維尼
and i'm not going to cry8964 copyright protection718PENANAYwodRfveLS 維尼
I need you to make me strong8964 copyright protection718PENANARF19mtXOip 維尼
then set me free8964 copyright protection718PENANA4DEcBdoZAf 維尼
but you just knocked me 8964 copyright protection718PENANAdO3xUQqJID 維尼
to my knees8964 copyright protection718PENANAeKj7fWqkhl 維尼
on my knees8964 copyright protection718PENANAo7hnSkrPc4 維尼
tonight I pray8964 copyright protection718PENANAMb4sURPr68 維尼
give me the right word8964 copyright protection718PENANAx7Ee7sRXol 維尼
so that i can say8964 copyright protection718PENANAK5hFw3exhG 維尼
the truth about who i am8964 copyright protection718PENANAzNjfpEExOx 維尼
the truth about abuse8964 copyright protection718PENANA7s66oRLaq8 維尼
and help me turn the other cheek8964 copyright protection718PENANAruUHiFMZHT 維尼
when they tell me that isn't the truth8964 copyright protection718PENANAS8fiUy8DNZ 維尼