Long ago, in a far away land called Lunaria there lived peaceful and magical cats. They were the earth cats, the fire cats, the water and ice cats, the air cats, and a tribe that no one has discovered and some say it’s just a myth. The cats magic came from the rare elemental stone. But one day, a dark and stormy night came upon the land, the cats struggled to survive, and out of the darkness, came the shadow king! He wanted the stone’s magic all for himself! He used his minions to disguise themselves as the cats and when the time came, reveal who they really were and destroy that cat. This war went on for days, until one day, the sun shone brighter than ever! And out of the sun came, Astria, the queen of Lunaria today. Astria weakened the shadow king’s power, and locked him up in a violet route prison. Now every year, the hole entire Queendom has a party to celebrate! But the shadow king is still alive and is writing his revenge. “Your highness, when will we get out of this prison!? It’s been far too long! We must get the elemental stone soon, you and I will not survive!” A black figure said. “Grrrr! I want to rip there smiles off there stupid cat faces! I want to destroy them for what they have done to us! If I get out of here! When I get out of here! I will kill them! I will kill all of them, and make them go extinct!” Another figure said. “Patience minions. Our time will come. We will get that stone, and soon WE shall rule the land of Lunaria! Trust me, we will get out of here soon. And when we do, we will DESTROY the stupid cats for what they’ve done! We WILL beet them! We WILL destroy them! We WILL make them go extinct, until only we are left to take the kingdom! Now, is just not the time.” The shadow king said. “When will we try to attack? Maybe we will during the party, we will ruin it! If it was any other day, they wouldn’t be as scared. But they will be scared if we do it on the day Astria saved them, because that day will now be the day she lost!” Another minion said. The shadow king thought for a moment. “Yes, I like that idea nightmare, you are so smart, that is the perfect time to attack. It shall be done. We will start breaking out of this prison one week before the party. But we will need someone to restore my power. But who shall it be?” The shadow king wondered. Nightmare thought for a moment. “Aha! I’ve got the perfect one! It’s a cat from the ice cats. She will be the perfect cat to trick!” He said. The shadow king smiled. “Alright everyone. Soon we will be free from this prison, and finally get what we deserve.”