I listened to Radioactive 6 times to finish writing this short story, which is exactly 500words not counting this message. :D
I looked out at the horizon, no emotion showing on my face whatsoever. This was the first time I had taken a breath of fresh air in 20 years. The same amount of time it took for Manhattan to fall to ruin. On the inside I was recounting all the events of my life. It’s not one of those creepy things where your life flashes before your eyes; it was more like my life was laid out in front of me. In the form of destruction. The city was ruined. All the tall buildings that had once stood proudly had come crashing down in front of my eyes, the huge bridges that were once strong enough to carry cars well, everywhere, was now just a pile of dust down at the bottom of the ocean. It had taken 20 years for Manhattan to go from a beautiful place to a land of rubble where even the bravest man dared not enter.
Over the past 20 years, ever since the age of 10, I had been working to defeat the aliens that had come crashing to earth in the year 2030. They had immediately taken me hostage, but I convinced them to let them live if I worked for them. That meant I could infiltrate this apocalypse from the inside. Yes, I was smart enough to think of that at age 10. I was an advanced child, a 9th grader at just age 10. It was my knowledge that got me through this time.
It was a normal day for me, running errands for my mom and other things like that when I was abducted. I remember that day like it was yesterday. The slimy hand grabbing me and dragging me into the alleyway, the dark strip of cloth that covered my eyes as the alien life forms lead me back to their ship. I couldn’t fight back. I didn’t even know what these things looked like. When the dark cloth was removed from my eyes I found myself in a white room with absolutely nothing except the white chair I was sitting in and the astronaut like thing standing across from me. Knowing that if I didn’t do anything my life would most likely end, I struck a deal. I would help the aliens take over Earth if they let me and my family live. I fully intended to stick to this deal.
The aliens had gone on an Earth raid, as usual. And as usual, they came back with the dead bodies so no one would suspect anything yet. Like usual, I immediately went over to the bodies to take stock of how many they had killed. I don’t know why, but they wanted to keep track. As I was counting the bodies, I saw her. My mother and the rest of my family had been killed by these beasts. I turned around and stabbed the one nearest me with the nearest weapon. This is how the apocalypse began.