Sauria is a fantasy dinosaur animated short series produced and released by Youtube user "Deadsound". The complete set is divided into three episodes, which tells the story of war, survival, magic and other stories in a fantasy world composed of humans evolved from dinosaurs and prehistoric animals including dinosaurs.
This work will use my own perceptions and perceptions after watching the original animation film, coupled with my usual techniques and writing style, to restore the relevant storyline and purpose of the entire trilogy in the form of text, making it a derivative novel version of the second creation; an English translation will also be released simultaneously. Regardless of whether you have read the original content of the animation, on the one hand, I want to use this set of novels to express my gratitude to the original author "Deadsound" for his production. and I also hopes to use this set of novels to help promote his works and let everyone know about this series. Thank you all for your support!