“Sam” Abdul called from the entrance.
(Abdul. He is also my childhood friend. He is a very good friend of mine daily we go home together and chit chat about all the hot topics from school. The sad thing is that he belongs to my nearby class(class B) and we meet only during CS class. Avni and Di belong to Bio group while those four gormless belong to CS.(we all belong to class A))
“Abdul what is happening now”
“Our class stylus is missing did you get it by any chance”
Oh! Here comes the long story. Yesterday morning our class’s stylus broke. There are three sections and CS lab where smart board is available.
After our stylus broke I went to CS lab and got that stylus and we used it but we returned it. Today morning Shreya mam (the incharge teacher for all these 3 classes and our CS teacher) gave us a new one. In the 2nd period Abdul got the stylus from us and returned it.
But now the question is where is B section’s stylus?
It was last spotted in the CS class. Where did it go?
By now you would’ve understood what got lost. But this burst into a huge issue the whole staffroom was a complete chaos. For the next hour no classes were taken, everyone was searching.
After an hour the classes resumed but still it was not yet found. During the last half an hour of the day Shreya mam entered our class with her most happiest face.
“The stylus was found mam” She told
“Where was it mam?” Kuresha mam asked with the exact curiosity that we all possessed.
“Inside Mithun’s CS reader”
By now everyone guessed it right. Yes. During CS class Shreya mam accidently dropped it inside Mitun’s reader and he too took no notice of it. For the rest of the week Mithun was roasted. After that I visited Mithun’s home.
(Mithun. I know him for the past 2-3years. He and Abdul are like my younger brothers. He is a happy-go-lucky boy.)
The next day our chemistry sir distributed our class test papers. I got 13/30, Krish got 8/30 and Raj got 12/30. Everyone expected one of us to get the first mark and everyone fixed 13 as the first mark because we three were the top scorers of the class.