My name is Cassandra, people often call me Cassie. I really love Zodiac. My bestfriend Tammy took a really good care of me, untill, I know that she is so tired of my pickiness. Here is how everything start. We both are in my room hanging out, as usual how the girlies did, laying on the bed, scrolling socmed, reading magazine and gossip.
"omg, I'm going to date with my boyfriend tomorrow!! This is urgent, I need to find a clothes!!" Said Tammy.
"Uh.. Just wear whatever you are comfortable with.. No one sees.." Said Cassie.
"Jeez... I can't. I need to look pretty in front of him~" Said Tammy.
"It's simple. Just wear a dress or a skirt." Said Cassie.
"Nice recommendation, I'll try, anyway, when will you find a boyfriend so we could have a double date?" Ask Tammy.
"Nah, I won't.. But well, actually I will tho..." said Cassie.
"Thanks God. Actually I can find you one, I have some good looking friend that you may want to take a look at~ Maybe you will be interested in one of them?" Said Tammy.
"Oh well, I will if he is a Taurus sign." Said Cassie.
"Jeez.. Here you go just take a look and swipe it~" Said Tammy showing her phone.
Cassie take her phone and look at the photo. There are a total of 5 picture of a guy in Tammy's phone. She swipe and swipe then when it ends she turn it back to Tammy.
"Who is the 3rd guy over there?" Ask Cassie.
"He is Kyle. A pianist and violinist in our campus. Rugby player. He is a good looking person, a magnet to every girls in our campus. He is actually cool and cute at the same time." Said Tammy.
"Oh from his name I believe he is not a Taurus. So thanks for the information. Not interested." Said Cassie.
"Wowowow, wait.. I heard it is a Taurus, I will ask him myself tomorrow!!" Said Tammy, lying, so Cassie will try to date a guy.
"Really?" Ask Cassie.
"Yes! I'm going home now!! And thanks for the advice!~" Said Tammy rushing out to leave the room, and cannot wait to connect her bestie to a guy.
Right after Tammy arrived at her house she quickly go to her room and call his boyfriend Cale to meet up.
"Hey baby, what's up?" Ask Cale on his phone.
"Hi babe, you know Kyle?" Ask Tammy.
"Kyle? Yeah, my rugby teammate. Why?" Ask Cale.
"I want to matchmaking him with Cassie. He is her type, jeez!!" Said Tammy.
"Yooo!! I'm in for this!!" Said Cale.
"But there is a problem here, Cassie only likes Taurus sign! Is he a Taurus?" Ask Tammy.
"Oh no. He is an Aquarius sign." Said Cale.
"Then I want the three of us to meet today right now in Lava cafe." Said Tammy.
"K, I will tell him now and pick you up soon. See ya later." Said Cale.
"See ya~" Said Tammy.
An hour later the three of them already sitting on the Cafe together.
"So...What is it?" Ask Kyle.
Cale showing his phone screen to Kyle, in that screen there is Cassie's picture inside. Kyle quickly take that phone from Cale's hand. Tammy look confused here.
"You got her photo? Where did you got that?" Ask Kyle.
"He knows her?" Ask Tammy to Cale.
"Yeah of course, it's his crush!" Said Cale, Kyle quickly closing Cale's mouth, to shut him up.
"What the? So all this time someone like Cassie but I didn't notice it..? I feel bad for myself... Universe working so uniquely I guess.." Said Tammy.
"Who doesn't like her? She is like a goddess, I mean have you look at her when she is painting?? or when she play the traditional harp from china, or when she act as a rapunzel on stage? she is so pretty and cuteee!" Said Kyle.
"Amazing, maybe you are his soulmate!!~" Said Tammy.
"So here I tell you, she took an interest at you, but sadly she only likes a Taurus guy." Said Cale.
"You mean a Taurus sign in zodiac?" Ask Kyle.
"Yep be one and you can date her~" Said Tammy.
"We will make sure you both meet tomorrow!" Said Cale.
"Really?! Thanks!!" Said Kyle.
Tammy and Cale already setting Kyle and Cassie to meet up tomorrow in the cafe. Tammy sending a chat message to meet up tomorrow with Cassie in the cafe.
Tm: Let's meet up tomorrow~
Cs: Don't you have a date tomorrow?
Tm: Oh I have but at night. So we gonna meet at 12pm in usual cafe okay?
Cs: Sure okay..
The next day, Cassie already wearing a big size white hoodie, short pants, and sneakers. While waiting in the cafe with her phone scrolling and a Matcha latte on her table. Few minutes later a guy coming to her table and sit in front of her. That guy look so familiar for her. The guy with a black hoodie, a long jeans, and a sneaker.
"I'm sorry, but that seat is mine.." Said Cassie.
"Then, if I sit here it means, I'm yours?" Said Kyle.
"... Uh? Sorry?" Ask Cassie.
"Sorry, just a joke, mind if I sit here?" Ask Kyle, smiling at her.
"Sure, my friend didn't pick up my call for 30 times, so I guess.. She haven't wake up yet.." Said Cassie.
Suddenly after she said that a chat from Tammy is coming, it's written, "Voila~ it's Kyle, you are welcome and have fun~".
"Alright, I will sit here then~" Said Kyle.
"You must be Kyle right?" Ask Cassie.
"Yeah, and you are Cassie~" Said Kyle.
"Okay then, thanks, and nice to meet you." Said Cassie, standing up from her seat, ready to leave the cafe. When she gonna leave, Kyle hold her hand to stop her.
"Wait, it's raining outside, so, why don't we talk for a moment here, untill the rain stops..." Said Kyle.
"I wear a hoodie and go home with a taxi." Said Cassie.
"I bring my car, so.. if you want I can send you home?" Ask Kyle.
"Alright quick question, 4x+6=12, what is X?" Ask Cassie.
"1,5" Answer Kyle.
"Alright not bad." Said Cassie.
The two of them are inside Kyle's car while he is driving to Cassie's place.
"I heard you really like Zodiac sign?" Ask Kyle.
"Yes I am." Said Cassie.
"What's your zodiac?" Ask Kyle.
"A capricorn, how about you." Said Cassie.
"Nice, I'm an Aq... I mean, Taurus.." Said Kyle, lying.
Cassie quickly looking at Kyle.
"You don't believe me?" Ask Kyle.
"Yeah, but, you doesn't look like one.." Said Cassie.
"Then, how can you tell I'm not a Taurus." Ask Kyle.
"Because you don't have a horn hahahaha." Said Cassie laughing.
Kyle looking at her smiling.
"That's cute." Said Kyle.
"Uh... What?" Ask Cassie.
"No no, I mean your jokes.." Said Kyle.
"Oh.. Okay thanks.." Said Cassie.
"Anyway, other than zodiac, what did you likes?" Ask Kyle.
"Hm, painting, and musical instrument. I heard from Tammy you play piano and violin, is that right?" Ask Cassie.
"That was nice and yeah I play both. What musical instrument did you play?" Ask Kyle.
"That's cool, as long as it's made from a string I can play it." Said Cassie.
"You are amazing!" Said Kyle.
"Thanks, you too." Said Cassie.
Soon after the small talk the two of them arrives in Cassie's place. Cassie thanks him and leave the car. But she didn't realize she forgot to take her phone from his car because the two of them having fun chatting. She realize she forgot her phone until she arrives in her bedroom.
"Jeez.. I forgot to take my phone... I can't chat Tammy." Mumble Cassie on her bed.
Meanwhile Kyle is driving to his place, until he realize there is a phone ringing, but when he check his phone no notification, then he saw a phone on the seat beside him. It's Cassie's phone that is ringing. He took it and saw Tammy's name on it. He pick up the calls.
"Cassie! Why it took you so long to pick up my phone? Anyway how's the date with Kyle?" Ask Tammy from the phone.
"Hello, I'm sorry, it's me Kyle, Cassie forgot her phone.. Now I'm turning back to her house to bring it back to her." Said Kyle.
"Oh! No no no!! Don't do that! Keep it with you for a day! Turn it back tomorrow, with a surprise. Good luck!" Said Tammy, who quickly ended the call.
Kyle look so confused there and end up going back to his home again. While Kyle is at home he is thinking what should he do tomorrow.
The next day, Kyle waking up early, bring his car and goes to Cassie's house. He is sending her phone.
Meanwhile in Cassie's house. She already prepare herself and she is going to leave the house, when she left the house, she found Kyle is already standing up there and waiting for her outside his car. Kyle walk to her, and give her back the phone.
"Morning, here you go, your phone." Said Kyle, giving her the phone.
"Thanks. Actually, you can bring it to campus instead of coming to my house." Said Cassie.
"Nop, I came here so we can go to campus together." Said Kyle.
"No. I usually using train." Said Cassie.
"I insist you go with me. Please?" Said Kyle, smiling.
"Alright, but I don't want anyone start any rumour of us. Okay?" Said Cassie.
"Clear." Said Kyle.
The two of them going to campus together with each other with Kyle car.
"Here you go~" Said Kyle, offering a yogurt pack in a plastic bag to Cassie, taken from the backseat.
"Peach, blueberry and strawberry, how do you know I like all them?..." Ask Cassie.
"Because your face looks like them~" Said Kyle, smiling.
"Is that a jokes?" Ask Cassie.
"It's real, you look cute like a strawberry, sometimes pretty like a peach, but other times cool like a blueberry." Said Kyle, with a smile .
Cassie's face suddenly blushing.
"Thanks..." Said Cassie.
From that moment on and forwards, the two become closer as a friend. Kyle always surprise her with many stuff in random time, such as chocolate, sandwich, even a couple pen and friendship bracelet that he gift for Cassie as friendship stuff, but actually he bought it because he want to look like a couple with her. The two is now like a bestie.
Something bad soon is happening. Cassie went to follow Tammy in rugby's basecamp to meet with Cale. There is only Cale inside the room, so, Tammy and Cale is having a chat while Cassie looking around at the room. Cassie looking around the profile of every rugby members inside the drawers of the table. She is flipping each profile, until she found Kyle's profile. She is surprised while looking at his zodiac. Kyle is an Aquarius, all this time, he is lying to her? She quickly taking out the couple pen and taking out the friendship bracelet that she wears, and put it on top of Kyle profile. She quickly leave the room and went out alone, leaving Cale and Tammy.
Few minutes later Cale and Tammy finished chatting while they are leaving, they are searching for Cassie, calling her name but no answer. Until Cale found out what's in the table and call Tammy to look at it.
"Damn it Tammy! Look at this!!" Said Cale.
"Shit.. She saw it... This is doomsday..." Said Tammy.
Right after saying that, Kyle is coming and greet them.
"Yo! Whatsup?!" Greet Kyle.
"W-why are you so early here?" Ask Tammy, hiding the bracelet and the pen behind her back.
"Y-Yo bro.. I heard today's practice is cancelled..." Said Cale, trying to help hiding the documents.
"Really? Great! I'm going to meet up with Cassie then!" Said Kyle.
Cale quickly walk to him.
"No! I don't think today was a great day, maybe, we should hang out together instead! Hahaha! Right Tammy??" Said Cale.
"Uh.. Yeah! That's right!" Said Tammy.
"Stop it. You guys are a bad actors. What are you guys hiding?" Ask Kyle.
The two of them looking at each other, somehow feeling bad for him.
"Uh.. Actually, this.." Said Tammy, showing the profile book on the table to Kyle.
"We actually came here with Cassie, I told her to look around the basecamp and Tammy and I were talking together, while she is lurking around, until we finished chatting and talk and we call her, but no answer, as we walk around we found this on the table." Said Cale.
Kyle quickly take out his phone and trying to call her.
"Please, please.. Answer it..." Mumble Kyle.
But sadly, there are no answer, everyone take turns trying to call Cassie, but she didn't pick up the call.
"Shit.. Do you know where is her spot when she is wanting to be alone?" Ask Kyle.
"If... I'm not forget, it's between in the park with the swing near the train station, painting room, and library.." Said Tammy.
Kyle quickly take the pen and the bracelet with him, and quickly leave the room, running. At first he is searching for the painting room, but there is no one, and the next library, but she isn't there. Kyle running again to park near the train station. There he found her playing the swing, from behind her.
He walk closer, and help her push the swing. She turn around her head and saw him. She stand up and walk away.
"Wait, please. I know you are mad. But please listen to my explanation first." Said Kyle.
Cassie still walking and didn't stop. While Kyle following her from behind. The two are walking to the train station. Cassie are going into the train while Kyle is following her behind and sit next to her.
"Alright, listen.. I'm not trying to lie to you.." Said Kyle.
Cassie then taking out her earphone from her bag and wear it, but she didn't connect it to her phone. Kyle quickly taking out his phone and record his own voice, then connect it to her earphone and play it. The voice recorder was like this:
"Testing, 1, 2, 3, Dear Cassie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you about my zodiac. They said you really like a taurus sign, you are obsessed with it, so, I become one. I'm sorry that you found out my sign by yourself. I also want to confess in here, that I, Kyle Foxter, an Aquarius sign, fall in love with you since a 6 months ago. Well, I saw you in painting class, since then, I keep seeing you in other places, when you play the Chinese harp, when you become a rapunzel on the stage or even at daily basis in other places inside our campus. That time, I adore you from a far. Trying to keep up myself to be seen by you, I play piano, I start learning violin and it's funny how I master it only in a week, so I can play it on stage and be seen by you, I play rugby, just cause I can be close to your friend's boyfriend and get more info about you. I know that, my behavior and my personality is not like the Taurus sign, which is your favorite sign, but I swear to God, an Aquarius is also have a good trait, I'm perfect at some stuff, I'm a fast learner, I'm friendly, creative, strong-willed, independent, generous, intellectual, thoughtful, loyal, and dependable. Moreover, I adore you. I think the word adore is not match with the situation, so, I love you, Cassie."
Cassie who finished listen to the record, look at him. She pull him closer, and whisper to his ear.
"Actually I also have a secret, I'm a Sagitarius, and I think, we are match made from heaven." Whisper Cassie.
"But aren't you a capricorn?" Ask Kyle.
"I born in 21 December late midnight, like, 11.59 AM." Said Cassie.
"So, are we dating now?" Ask Kyle again.
"Mhm.." Nod Cassie.
"Then, can I kiss you?" Ask Kyle.
Cassie quickly pull Kyle closer and kiss his cheek.
"Weird, why would you ask permission for a kiss, just do it!" Said Cassie.
"Alright then.." Said Kyle.
Kyle quickly kiss her lips for a second while Cassie blushing and close her face. The two of them laughing and chatting again inside the train as a Zodiac couple.
See you on other story~