Here is the crazy thing dealing with all of this from PTSD it makes a new relationship harder tho i will not lie about that and its so hard to trust again as well.
What also sucks is you have your good days and then your bad days and then your really bad days to the point you do not want to get out of bed or get dressed and i know i also am dealing with depression and anxiety and i also have panic attacks and those damn thing so suck. I know i blame my self for putting my self in to this mess but the old saying goes to make your bed you and you lie in it but with me i have done that and made my bed every time i put my self in a mess but i try not to do that but what sucks is you think your doing the right thing for the right reasons but to find out you honesty you just made everything worse.
Then you find your self they used you for a fucken door mate and shit on you again and wiped there feet on you all over again. Then you want to turn around kick your self in the ass so badly and what i truly hate is when people come up to you and say i told you so and so badly you just want to smack the shit out of them cause you feel bad enough and your more harder on your self than anyone could ever be..25Please respect copyright.PENANAkwK4ES97nM
Then you find your self thinking to what if i would of stayed with this person would of things gotten better and i kept telling my self hell fucken nope and that does not make you feel any fucken better at all it just makes you feel really sad and hurt because the only thing you can think of about is you wasted your time with this sorry piece of shit and the fucken lies he fucken told to make you believe him but you know what i have fucken learn was being with someone 15 yrs of my life with PF i have learned alot and not to fall for someone like him and now i know the true fucken signs of this shit and let me tell you all this my fucken guard is totally up but i also found my self having fucken attitude with certain people that i know that will say fucken bull shit out of there mouths and you call them out on it. I also found my self i can not be around selfish people or stupid people that lack common since it just rubs me the wrong away and i have to leave the room or walk away these people like that reminds me like your running your nails down a chalkboard and the sound it makes,25Please respect copyright.PENANAVpaAvMGtZa
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Now the new book will be about my new life that i started that will be out soon and i will post it . Thank you for stopping by and reading