He grabs my wrist as I slam my locker and turn away. I try to pull out of his grip, but he is stronger than I am.
"Mya, wait! Please listen to me," he says, sounding desperate now.
I pull harder, and his grip tightens, cutting off blood circulation. I look around noticing the other students in the hall avert their eyes. I feel tears starting to form in my eyes. No one will help me. Everyone is afraid of him. I spit in his face, while momentarily his grip loosens. I struggle to free myself, but finally, I am out of his grip. I walk quickly down the hall and out the double doors. The air outside is fresh and crisp. I feel a raindrop on my nose, as I see storm clouds rolling in. I should be heading home quickly. I sprint to my car, making sure he isn't following me. I see him come out the double doors with his face all red. I jump in my car quickly and pull away before he notices me. I breathe a sigh of relief. I am safe from him. For now. The rain starts pouring down on my car, so I turn the windshield wipers on, letting them wipe the water out of sight. My phone buzzes in my pocket. Once. Twice. A third time. I ignore them all. I turn up the radio and belt with the music, not even thinking about the events of today. I stop at a red light behind another car, with a kid peering out the back window. As the red light changes to green, I start to roll forward slowly. The is a sound like no other outside my car. Gunfire. People are screaming and running. The car in front of me tries to pull away but is stuck behind too many other cars. A woman gets out of the driver's seat, wrenches the back seat door open, and pulls out a small kid with floppy black eyes, and a petrified look on his face. I don't know where the gunfire is coming from, but I do know it is multiple guns firing. I see people falling to the ground, so I duck my head under the steering wheel, while I figure out what to do. I look back up reading to swing my door open and run, but then I see the mother holding her kid fall to the ground in a puddle of blood. The child is shot three times. I decide to run anyway because there are men with more guns running toward my car and other cars in front of me. I run and run, and run. I run as fast as my short legs will allow. As I am running I am thinking about what it would be like to fly like a bird. I don't understand why I think this. There is no escape from the situation I am in, so I do the only thing I can think of. I run through the doors of the building next to me and start to run up the flight of stairs. I hear gunshots in the building, so I climb the stairs faster. I finally make it to the top floor, then the roof. I look down ten stories, seeing all the chaos and blood below. I feel the wind rush through my hair, and the rain pelting down on me. A man with a gun looks up and sees me. He aims his gun right at me, and fires. But the man is too late. I am already gone. I left the world weeks ago when everyone I love died in a car crash. When my boyfriend, the only person left in my life, cheated on me. I was gone then, but now he will make it permanent. I jump. I jump off the roof, feeling like my wings are finally spread. I feel the bullet pierce through my chest as I fall. Then everything fades out. I am permanently and officially gone. I have now felt my wings spread. And fly like a bird.