"Franz," he heard over the muffled sound of his own metal boots splashing in the muck. He did his best to get away from the monolith, which was steadily growing smaller in the distance, but his effort were hindered by his boots sinking ever deeper. The crimson color of the boots had been nearly covered up by the dark grayish brown sludge that is sloshing underneath him. That same acidic sludge also ate away at his armor leaving it pitted. The vox came to life in a explosion of static noises. "Are they awake?"412Please respect copyright.PENANADo9hZ7FOco
"Confirmed," he says over the vox link between him and the battle-barge in high anchor. He looks behind him for Haig being afraid they gotten separated in the ensuing confusion. Haig wanted to stay and fight, but it wasn't the mandate of their mission. "Targets are active. But I'm seeing no signs of movement from the monolith. What about orbital bombardment?"
412Please respect copyright.PENANAwMRL21SoEh
Though the vox heavily filters out white noise, there was still allot of static when the badly garbled acknowledgement came through.
412Please respect copyright.PENANAzl3o4DoYlH
"We're going to blast it with a salvo of lance energy strike and auto Macrocannons. Are you at a safe distance?" He gives a quick confirmation. "You have visual confirmation?" He gives another confirmation. "Initiating planetary strike."
412Please respect copyright.PENANAxVbTvMoucp
The first thing he saw was the nearly impenetrable cloud being pierced by a burst of blueish green energy that vaporized the clouds, creating an opening to the heavens that filled the environment with sunshine for the first time since the nuclear bombs first fell. It was like some hellish miracle you would read about on some backwater planet. The monolith was bathed in neon-blue light that is brighter than the sun that hung over the planet. The only detail he could make out through his obstructed vision were the bright flashes of red and orange as the monolith armor was disintegrate.
412Please respect copyright.PENANAhuyKI1bUAu
Next he watches the auto-cannon rounds enter through hole created in the sky. The atmosphere causing them to burn white hot as they blazed a path through the heavens. Each one blessed with a dazzling orange corona like the flaming tail of a comet. They pummeled the Necron vessel like a sledgehammer against a molten piece of metal. Yet when the dust had settled and the light faded, the ancient metal that had survived centuries of corrosion, the slow decay of time, asteroid impacts and even nuclear fire, proved it had a lot of life to give. There was flurry of movement from the monolith, electricity arcs and the green light across it's hull grows more intense. The vessel had become an unearthly green. Then the light fades and the vessel becomes darker than black.
412Please respect copyright.PENANAlckmVYIDLr
More bright blue flashes and auto rounds ripping into the void of light and hope. The ship reappears with no new visible signs of damage. There was a flash of arching energy from the monolith that reaches far into sky. Followed by a massive explosion that consumed the entire sky and disrupting the nuclear winter across the entire planet. The already weakened atmosphere burns off in spectacular waves of fire incinerating everything, burning debris rains down like asteroids. The few surviving cities were annihilated by debris raining down with impacts equivalent to a small nuclear explosion.
412Please respect copyright.PENANArHPovfVDub
His armor was push to it's very limits, but Franz was still alive and so is Haig. Except Haig's lets his gun drop to his side. The man's heart couldn't take the blow to his morale.
"Come in, come in." Franz prayed someone had survived the attack on the Litany of the Blooded. There was tense pause, minutes rolled by. There was no response. But the could see a vessel heading towards him. Haig starts cheering.
It was like a chariot of the gods heading towards the surface. A massive Landraiders was dropped from the transport and hit the ground with a thunderous crash. Predator tanks carried by massive orbital transport follow behind it. Soon an entire armor column had assembled and began a lengthy assault. 412Please respect copyright.PENANAaQsX5apECz
8964 copyright protection408PENANAYtkKVWaEmQ 維尼
412Please respect copyright.PENANAyki6h9f0qF
If a battlebarge couldn't destroy this thing, he sure as hell didn't know how simple vehicles would. But they were having an effect against the heavily weakened monolith. While the lengthy battle continued, troops transport landed bringing entire companies of marines to battlefield. If this had been any other place, knowing that his fellow marines had survived would have made his heart sore. But the monolith is still alive and they were all in jeopardy.
412Please respect copyright.PENANA8gTbWLPXKH
Shortly after, in response the Necrons awoken from their ancient sleep. Buried beneath the ground and from behind ancient doorways that creaked to life were ancient dusty tarnished skeletons with lichen stricken to their metal bones. Since the first necron dug its disgusting decrepid skeleton free from the dirt and snow, Haig was on the charge.
Franz screams for him to stop, but the marine wouldn't listen. His sword dug into first warrior. The upper half collapse to the ground with viscous fluid dripping from his blade.8964 copyright protection408PENANAF4qsV013ng 維尼
A marine comes running past him to join the fighting, but is struck halfway by a blast of green lightening. The red plasteel and ceramite vaporizing white hot, blood being completely cauterized. Another marine goes down. A tank explodes from a direct hit from a heavier Gauss Blaster. He is in awe of the sheer magnificence of the destruction. One of the marines slams
into his shoulder but doesn't notice the impact. The impact knocks Franz out of his daze.
412Please respect copyright.PENANAM1ZuJNX1R2
He checks the ammo counter. Fifty plus .75 explosive bolt rounds. The gun was clean, the charging handle is primed, he flicks the safety switch to off. Finding cover was nearly impossible for an eight-foot Adeptus Astartes, but there was no cover to find in this bleak barren battlefield. Few blackened tree dotted the landscape like grizzly map markers, the earth was burnt black, the sky was a grey back drop. A deep grey smoke hung over the area painting the already colorless battlefield a even deeper gray.
Taking cover behind a destroyed landraider, he sights a target three hundred meters away. The explosive rounds puncturing armor and hitting vital circuitry inside the chassis. The Necron warrior staggers for a moments, motors and servos struggling to move, computing slowing to a crawl. Then a massive explosion occurs behind him, bits of necrodermis flew through the air. 412Please respect copyright.PENANAQV9ENpEH76
The orbital explosion and the acid rain had damaged his bolter; he didn't know if it would continue to work for much longer. More warrior were coming. Two more warriors were downed by his bolter. The rounds exploding inside their metal chassis in a spray of metal leaving burned-out husks. The vehicle he was taking cover behind explodes causing the world to become a tumbling blur. The helmet cam had prevented the complete distortion of his vision. But now he was staring up at dozen more Necrons advancing on him. Snatching up the gun from the ground, he was prepared to fight to the death. But a massive explosion came from within the monolith dropping several metric tons of debris on the Necrons warriors. The assault had lasted about thirty minutes before a second orbital bombardment had miraculously appeared to destroy the monolith. 412Please respect copyright.PENANABWeYaBn9CH
8964 copyright protection408PENANAASjHwUCb8Q 維尼
412Please respect copyright.PENANAO18U88lPoi
He climbs to his feet surveying the carnage. The winds were picking up around him wiping up dust and dirt. The turbulence was coming from a Thunderhawk sent to retrieve him. There is quickening of his pulse. In the confision and carnage, he lost Haig.412Please respect copyright.PENANAyWbp1S0KcC
"Haig," he says over the vox. His voice barely containing his fear and uncertainty.8964 copyright protection408PENANA9hJbxVINdm 維尼
"Sir," a marine insists. He is coming down the Thunderhawk ramp. "There is no time. You need to come with me." He looks at the marine like he doesn't understand. Then removes his helmet and lets it drop to the ground.8964 copyright protection408PENANAogHIy5t0BC 維尼
"What of the litany of the blooded?"8964 copyright protection408PENANAa2NjXsx1u2 維尼
"Lucky not destroyed. If the monolith had been at full power, the litany of the blooded would had been destroyed. Instead the battlebarge is out of action." Two marines were waiting by the open side-hatch. He was never so happy to be in the spartan metal confines of a Thunderhawk. "We heading for the litany of the blooded?" 8964 copyright protection408PENANAZ2FfAQIq3I 維尼
412Please respect copyright.PENANA7cSbLgodiq
"No," one of the marines says acknowledging his questions. "We're heading to Ishiel'ta."
412Please respect copyright.PENANAphb2jhH6kr
Almost on cue a feminine voice comes over the internal vox. "We're heading for some kind of military command center buried beneath the old capital. It might contain an ancient repository of information. They're sending you the the coordinates via your heads up display." Sure enough a map was being displayed on his helmet visor. He studies the map before heading into the back and buckling into the bucket seat for the journey.412Please respect copyright.PENANAMlsoy18FDG
412Please respect copyright.PENANAUoNS1VTvra
"What's the eta," he asks hoping for a short breather.412Please respect copyright.PENANAUtskWtX005
412Please respect copyright.PENANAG9DrRcFjoM
"Thirty minutes," the pilot informs him. Enough time for a nap.
412Please respect copyright.PENANAffB08a0Zuf
"Thanks," he says dimming the heads up display and shutting down the suit. "Get me there safely." Using a training technique to force sleep, he lets himself fade to wordless blackness.412Please respect copyright.PENANAqYFSOCCkBL
412Please respect copyright.PENANAY1AvDMaAIU