She was a simple girl. A hard worker. Every day she would labor in her family’s farm. The grueling work was difficult at her young age, but she was willing to do it along side her father and mother. My older brother was there with them too.
Shella’s mother was expecting a child. It was difficult for her to contribute to the farm work. Once the little boy was born, Shella’s mother passed away. It hit her hard. On one hand the family celebrated the birth of her little brother, but on the other hand mourning the loss of an incredible woman. She vowed to protect her little brother Corri. It was the last piece of her mother she had left. It was important for her to watch over him, be his protector and make sure he was raised right.
Both father and daughter along with my older brother Kiev worked together on that farm. Soon, everything would turn upside down for Shella. One day working in the fields, the clouds above her started to turn black. Thunder could be heard across the village. Shella had a sinking feeling in her stomach because she knew this wasn’t normal. It wasn’t a rainstorm. Something sinister was in the air.
The entire village was plunged into pure darkness. The Dark Ones descended quickly from the sky. An army of Darkness warriors took full control of the people. It’s hard to explain what they are. But in simple terms, these creatures are grotesque shapeshifting shadow people, they feed off fear and evil emotions. The more you fear them, the stronger they become. At least that’s what I’ve been told.
Their mission was to find the Diamond of Darkness. A powerful weapon that would aid them in their quest for total global domination. Who was their leader? A powerful darkness creature who goes by the name of Evailos. We know this because his army kept chanting, proclaiming his name before they were given the command by Evailos himself to attack us.
Little is known about this monster and how he created his army. The villagers were not prepared. They enslaved the people and forced them to work hours on end to dig in mines to find the power stone. Day in and day out, hardly without any rest, all inhabitants of the village had to work to find the weapon, including Corri.
It angered Shella that she had no control. No way of protecting her brother from such a fate. They would whip them, shock them with dark energy, push them to the dirt, and yell in their faces. They were in fear that if they did not do what they ask, that the Darkness warriors would retaliate and destroy them.
One day little Corri could not keep up his pace. The demand of labor kept increasing. He fell to his knees. “Corri, come on get up. Keep moving, they are watching us.”
“Shella, I can’t move anymore. I’m tired. I-I’m tired of digging.” Her little brother was dirty and exhausted. He couldn’t move his body anymore. Shella could see the sorrow in his eyes. His poor dirt filled hands trembled as he laid there on the ground.
“Corri….” Shella desperately looked around. Corri on the ground caught the attention of one of the Darkness warriors who was not happy with a child not working. “Corri please, I beg you get up. Get up now little brother.” Shella swallowed hard trying to pick her brother up from the ground and get him to move. Shella finally made eye contact with one of the Darkness warriors that was making his way toward them, a human shaped creature with blood red eyes, wearing body armor holding his whip firm in hand. The Darkness warrior, with its tough and angry demeanor raised his whip high in the air and was about to whip Shella and Corri for not working. Shella raised her hands in front of her chest in defense, anticipating the lashes of the whip. Her hands trembled but she made sure that her body was in front of her brother, creating a barrier between him and the Darkness warrior.
“Please, don’t!” Shella begged when suddenly her father steps in and blocks the first lashes of the Darkness warriors whip. His back faced the warrior. Each attack from the Darkness warriors whip felt stronger than the last, cutting deep into her fathers back.
Shella could see that pain in her father eyes. “Fa-father, NO!” The Darkness warrior didn’t stop, not for one second as her father’s blood, drop after drop, spills to the ground.
“Enough of this! Stop!” A young teen boy yelled out. His eyes were glowing red. It was obvious that he was with the Dark Ones. His armor was the same as all the other Darkness warriors, however, it was clear he was a human boy. This left Shella and her father confused.
“Uh, Lord Anaken. S-son of Darkness. I was just doing my duty Lord.” The Darkness warrior trembles and falls back falling to his knees, bowing repeated towards the teenaged boy.
“I shall take care of this myself; you are dismissed. Return to your post… lackey.” Lord Anaken’s demeanor was calm and yet threatening. A chill went down Shella’s fathers spin when he made eye contact with Anaken’s eyes. The Darkness warrior bows various times once again before leaving. With fear in his face, he backed up slowly turned around and walked away from the scene.
The boy wore a long cape making him stand out from any other Darkness warrior. Shella trembled in fear. “What did he mean by ‘Son of Darkness’? Is that boy Evailos son? That monster has a son?” Shella thought as Anaken approached slowly. Her lips trembled in fear. She quickly noticed that the boy had a sword strapped to his hip. A black blade flowing with dark energy.
“Evailos is not happy today. Not happy at all. Many moons have passed and yet, he does not possess the stone. The Diamond of Darkness.” Lord Anaken cracks his neck then continues. “Turn around and face me human. Show some respect you animal. You’re in the presences of royalty.” Lord Anaken drew his dark blade slowly as Shella’s father turned around to face him. Shella’s father gulps hard, blood still dripping from his back. “I am the prince of Darkness. My name is Anaken and my father Evailos has given me full authority. Meaning, your fate is in my hands.” A sinister smile emerges on Anaken’s face. Shella inches her way to her father and hides behind him in fear.
“Fath-father. Please…” Shella had no idea what to expect. She knew nothing about this boy and what was to come. She could see the blood, her fathers blood running down his back. It was clear to her that this moment in her life would be full of excruciating pain the moment she saw her father’s blood dripping to the ground. She swallows hard as her hands leaned on her fathers back. When she removed them, she turned her hands around to see her shaky palms covered in his blood. Red was the color, a color she would soon become very familiar with.