Intro YR 2210
“Perhaps we shouldn’t have executed houghman all those years ago. He may have been right. In our dying society, His idea’s might have worked.”
“Nonsense. The man was completely insane, and you know it.”
“Nicolaus Copernicus was seen as crazy. He was killed for what he believed much like Hoffman was. Turns out he was right.”
“Well he was different. Copernicus found scientific truth. Hoffman Told us that human emotion was almost entirely pointless. And is a setback hold humankind back from its true potential.”
“Take a look.” The president said opening his window. “How do you think emotions are treating these people.”
Outside the white house stood a massive mob of protesters. The blond man stiffened.
“Some people don’t agree with you, I has been like that for every president” Replied the blond man straightening his dark blue tie.
“Velma, These people aren't disagreeing with me, They are arguing with each other. They are killing each other.”
“Close that please, It’s too much.” The blond man said into his clenched fist.
The president pushed a button on his chair, and the blinds closed. The blond man relaxed slightly.
“You see what I mean?”
“Why has it been so bad today.”
“Something came up on the news suggesting that I was pro segregation.”
“Are you?”
“Not at all. In fact, my wife is African.”
“So what made them think that you were a racist”
“I wish I knew, and now all the europeans are saying that I am right, that every race is inferior to theirs, and this is angering the minorities.”
“And so now they’re killing each other.”
“Yes. Our country is falling apart”
“How could we possibly save it?”
“Well I think the only way is to implement the ideals of hoffman.”
“You mean you wish to eliminate everybody's emotions?”
“It’s our only chance.”
“How could our country end up like this?”
“It’s not only the America’s, wars are starting for almost no reason every single day now.”
“I think we need to run a simulation.”
“A simulation”
“A simulation of Hoffman’s theoretical society, without emotions. That way, we can do it right. We can know what laws will work, and what laws won't, we need to learn how to keep a steady economy in a society without emotion, we need to know what population will work the best, how to control birth, Male to female ratios, and how to get rid of emotions in the first place.”
“Five months ago,” The president began his speech. “Me, and Velma were sitting in the white house concerned about the future of this nation. We decided it would be best if we had our nation's best engineers, programmers and scientists to run several simulations. Seeing the best way to run our society for the mathematically calculated best possible future we could have”
The crowd began to cheer.
“Please welcome Doctor Jude.”
A short man wearing glasses walked up to the pulpit. He adjusted his glasses, than ran his hand through his blonde hair. He cleared his throat five times, adjusted his suit then prepared to speak.
“Thank you, Thank you, He told the crowed. Now according to our simulations, there is only one thing we could possibly do to keep the world from falling apart.”
The crowd waited anxiously.
“We will have to practice Hoffminism.”
The crowed was confused.
“In the year 2,030, a man named Raugh Hoffman Discovered that human emotion is entirely pointless.”
The crowd looked even more confused.
“Emotions simply make humans act violently towards one another. Of course, the people he shared his idea with disagreed, and killed him unintentionally proving his point.” He giggled a little.
The crowd remained silent.
“The point is, in order to obtain world peace, to rid the world of sadness, hatred, fear, and anger, rather than trying to make everyone happy, we need to focus on removing the things the bring these negative emotions, or even simpler, alter the chemistry of everyone's mind so that they are no longer capable of feeling such emotions.”
The crowd to began to panic.
“Now, I understand why you are afraid, which is why I brought with me today my first test subject. 017642”
A man with a deep sadness in his eyes walked up to the pulpit.
“This society, that I’ve experienced through the simulation, was perfect. I was strapped down to a bed, and my brain was attached to the computer, and I instantly was in a new world with no memory of being put into the simulation. I simply thought this automated world was the only life I knew. I was only in the simulation for 3 minutes, but due to the speed of computer processing, and the brain's capacity to lose perception of time, to me It felt like 30 years. I plan on returning to the simulation after this speech to complete the experiment, in which I will forget that this has ever happened. Now let me explain this society to you. It was the perfect society, there was no sadness, no fear, or no anger. There is a simple 10 person government, everyone is identified by a number, And everyone is educated equally. No one cares about race. The world is full of scientific discovery something fantastic is invented every day.”
“You’ve been out of the simulation now for five weeks, are you ready to go back in?” Asked Dr Jude.
“No. Can’t I be out here for just a little bit longer?”
“You’ll only be in there for another five minutes.”
“In the simulation, time is perceived differently, Five minutes becomes 50 years.”
“I understand that”
“You know, it’s not true.” said 017642. “This is not a perfect society.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“A world without happiness will never be a perfect society.”
“Yes, But this is the society we need.”
“But what If I find out?”
“Find out what?”
“About the rebellion.”
“The rebellion will falter.”