A/N- Hi, all. I want to apologize for the exceedingly long wait in any updates to this story. But as much as I want to say that I'm coming back to this, that is not the case. After so many years away, and several attempts to continue that went nowhere, I must finally recognize that this story will not be continued. I don't think it's fair of me to keep you hanging on the nonexistent possibility that this will go on, so I wanted to give some sense of closure for all of your support and patience while I was actively writing this.
This chapter contains my extensive outline in its entirety that I had put together for what the rest of the story would have been. This picks up immediately after where the last chapter ended. It's pretty thorough, so you can get a good idea for where I wanted the rest of the story to go.
I'm really sorry I wasn't able to complete this story. I really do love it, looking back, but my imagination has taken me different places, and this story just isn't in my sights any longer. Feel free to leave reviews on what you think of what the rest would have been like. I do so love your thoughts. And thank you so much for those who have enjoyed what I could produce of this idea. I really appreciate you all so much!
After Law and the others leave the last city behind, the accessible water and available food having run out, they travel through the less populated area hoping to avoid running into more survivors. This works to some degree, but that also means that they have to camp at night and travel a little rougher. The going is getting tougher and it's wearing on all of them.
They haven't seen a city in awhile, and they soon stumble upon a massive residence with large, metal gates surrounding the place. They are all ecstatic to find this place, as it looks like it hasn't been touched or broken into yet. The place is an expensive-looking mansion, and looks fairly self sufficient. Law orders that they find a way in, which happens to be through a break in the fence at the back of the property. This concerns Law, but the rest of them are excited.
They go through all the rooms of the house and don't find any zombies inside. Law comments that this place may have been a summer home for a rich family looking to get away from civilization without sacrificing their comfort, and that no one was around at the time the apocalypse started. This makes things a lot easier on them, and they begin to explore the residence.
Lexi is especially impressed with the running water, something they haven't had in a long time. The entire estate is independent of the rest of the property, and state, and has it's own amenities. The boys like the pool out back, and Law finds a liking to the pantry inside.
They each take the evening to unwind, Lexi by taking a much-needed shower, Law by making them a nicer dinner from what they had available, and Shachi and Penguin by finding an old camera. They decide to take a photo together, the only one, to keep as a memory.
Lexi hears something early the next morning in the house, and she wakes up to find Law pacing the living room. She asks what's wrong, and he replies that this place, for as nice as it is, makes him feel extremely uneasy for some reason. Lexi isn't surprised, but tells him to relax for just one night, and to get some rest. She tells him to enjoy the little things whenever he can.
He is reluctant, but finally nods and turns to leave. Then, as an after thought, he stops and turns. He kisses her slowly, then just looks into her eyes. She grins a little and asks what's wrong. He just shakes his head and turns away, saying that he was taking her words to heart.
Lexi's not quite sure what he meant, and thinks about it for a few minutes before returning to her own bedroom.
The next morning, they all awake at a late hour, too comfortable in the beds and such to wake up early. Law is the first one up, as usual, and recruits Penguin to help them with breakfast. They all eat together and Law wants to take an inventory of all of the food and supplies that they can get from the house. They come away with a lot more than they can carry, and so they discuss their options.
Law feels a lot better about where they stand, and is more inclined to relax at that point, saying they should spend the day relaxing and kicking back after so much time on the move. They agree wholeheartedly, and everyone settles around the house comfortably.
After several days of checking the outer fence to make sure there aren't any other holes, but it is all up to a good standing. Penguin and Shachi fix the hole that they originally crawled through. They make sure the place is up to standard, and everything is working out for them for once.
They find great entertainment in the basement, where a pool table, giant bean bag, and hundreds of books to choose from. In their free time, they spend most of their time in here.
Law finds a stream further back from the property with fresh water, and Lexi offers to hunt to try to find some food. Law is surprised she knows how, and she gives credit to her grandmother for teaching her when she was younger.
Shachi and Penguin create a makeshift smoker from part in the garage so they can preserve as much meat as possible. Law is a little hesitant that having smoke in one place for long periods of time may attract others to their location, but Lexi says that they need to keep around as much of the meat as possible, because there's no guarantee that they'll get another any time soon. He sees her reasoning and agrees.
The relaxing environment also promotes Lexi and Law's relationship to grow. After talking it through several months back, they both came to the agreement that they'd take things slow and not rush into anything like they did that one drunken night. They've both respected that wish, only partaking in small moments of time to themselves while in the apartment building before, as you only have so much time for privacy when there is only 4 of you. But both of them are eager to explore their relationship further, so they begin testing boundaries a little.
In the spaces where they have time between just the two of them, they use it to their full advantage. One day, when Shachi and Penguin are checking out the detached garage for any parts they can use, Lexi pulls Law into one of the spare bedrooms and kisses him. They are cut short when Penguin comes back in looking for his screwdriver to try to unlock a toolbox they found outside.
A few days later, Law interrupts her reading a naughty book from the library to feel her body up. Both Shachi and Penguin come down to play a game of pool, which stops things before they can continue further. They question if Lexi is alright, considering she looks a little red. She says that it's just a little hot down there and she was fine, but Law eyes her with amusement.
Finally, after finishing her naughty book, Lexi is feeling very wound up. It's late at night, and everyone else is asleep. She can't get to sleep because of her feelings, and feels like she wouldn't be able to satisfy herself, so she gets over her nerve and walks to Law's room. She discovers he can't sleep either, and offers a solution to pass the time and hopefully wear them out. He eagerly takes it, wanting some sort of relief. He surprises her by having a condom in his nightstand, which she laughs at, thinking back on the first time they'd met, and admits she'd found some in the bedroom and grabbed them just in case.
They sleep together, Lexi trying desperately to be quiet so as not to wake the others up. They lay there for a bit, and Lexi says that this was long overdue, and that she's wanted to do that since not long after they met. Law agrees, saying he regrets not fucking her on the desk back at the office, because he's had that fantasy many times since that night. Lexi says she is sure they can manage it on another surface somewhere in the mansion, and he laughs. They still aren't tired, so they go for another round, before finally falling asleep.
Lexi makes it her job to check the outside fence every night, seeing as she likes to take walks anyways. The property is extensive and there are many pathways to take, including one that goes to a separate garage for cars, and another that goes to a large garden. After checking on all the fences and making sure they're ok, she goes to sit in the garden by the little pond.
There's a bench that overlooks the scenery, and it makes her calm. Frogs and other animals seem to thrive here, and she finds she can relax the most right here. Also, she found a little greenhouse further down with some seeds, and she has planted a food garden.
She nearly screams when Law shows up behind her one night, but he quiets her with a laugh. He asks what she's been up to out here, and she shows him the garden, with small sprouting tomatoes and corn. Law is impressed and compliments her good thinking. She beams under the praise, but then teasingly asks why he's following her.
He admits that he doesn't really know, but was worried that something was wrong as a cover. They fall into a silence, and Lexi eventually muses aloud how long something like this can really last. Law comments that she once believed in hope and keeping that faith, and Lexi shrugs, saying that it's been waning for awhile. Law nods slowly, then replies that he isn't sure how long they could stay here, and that the best they can do is simply live day by day. After a few years of living like this, she's noticed that she's been changing slowly. Law asks if that's a bad thing entirely, and she says she's not sure.
Lexi is surprised when Law pulls her face closer to his, and simply stares in her eyes for awhile. She doesn't say anything, just waits to see what he'll do. Eventually, he rests his forehead against her and asks her not to change too much, because it's refreshing to have someone still hang onto that hope for the future, and perhaps that's all they really need to get through things.
They lean in to kiss, but before it gets too deep, they hear gunshots at the house. They quickly pull away and run towards the gunfire as fast as possible, hoping that they wouldn't find their friends dead by the time they got there.
They head in through the back door and grab their weapons, following the shots to the front foyer where Penguin and Shachi are hidden behind some of the marble columns taking fire from a group of men trying to get in. Lexi and Law join in and manage to kill the remaining fighters, though Shachi says that one of them managed to get away out the front and one ran upstairs somewhere before they could stop him. In the firefight, Law is shot through the arm in a few places.
Law makes the decision to leave the property before they are able to bring more fighters or ambush the place while their guard is down. They gather all the stuff they can and prepare to leave. Lexi insists she go back to get a bag of weapons they'd stashed in the greenhouse just in case, and runs out the back door before he can protest. There is another man in the house, however, and Law wants him hunted down so they aren't followed.
Lexi makes her way to the greenhouse out back, but sees a trail of blood leading towards the pond. She narrows her eyes and gets out her gun, slowly following the trail. It leads in the general direction of the greenhouse and she fears that the intruder has hidden somewhere near it. The blood trails around the back of the greenhouse, and she follows it to try to catch the person off guard, but she's attacked by a woman with a knife who catches her in the side. Lexi's gun is knocked away and she's pushed against the glass wall. The woman tries to stab her in the head but Lexi twists out of the way just in time, but the woman's knife shatters the walls of the greenhouse, sending them both falling through in a shower of glass.
They fall to the ground and the woman's knife is knocked away. They both scramble for the weapon, kicking and punching each other to get to it. Finally, Lexi is able to grab it and stab her in the head, killing her instantly. She falls to the ground and Lexi decides to keep the knife, as it is fairly useful. She grabs the bag of weapons she'd been there for and her fallen gun and runs back to the house.
Law and the others are finishing up searching the house, just in case there are any more, and they finally clear the remaining rooms. Law gives the order to head out and they evacuate the house before anyone else can come and attack them.
Death In The Family
Chapter begins with Lexi and the guys camping out in the woods, taking turns keeping watch. Lexi's shift is almost over, and Penguin is set to take the next watch. They talk for a few minutes before she goes to bed, and Penguin says that she seems to be hiding something when it comes to Law. She looks away embarrassed, but admits that he means a lot to her and that they are trying out a relationship. She doesn't exactly call it love or anything like that, but does feel something.
Penguin says that that's good, seeing as she has brought a lot of good things to their group. She asks what he means, and he says that Law seems not so stern and closed off anymore. Lexi doesn't believe him, but he insists that even when he was just with the two of them, Law was always sort of alone, in his own mind or something. Lexi admits that being in this group has helped her get stronger too, and that she didn't know what she'd do without them.
Penguin feels abashed, and Lexi gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before settling down for the night. Penguin thinks to himself that even when the world one day got back on track, he wouldn't trade this little family of his for the world.
The next morning, they head out again and travel for most of the afternoon, stopping at a break in the trees to eat their small lunch. Miraculously, they find a deer walking through the trees and Shachi shoots it, giving them quite a large dinner that night. Because of their good luck, Law decides that they'll stay there and enjoy the hearty kill, and to work on hopefully trying to preserve any of the meat they can. They don't have the means to make a smoker, so don't have much success.
Penguin and Law work on gutting the deer while Lexi and Shachi set up camp. Lexi finds a pond nearby that they can bathe in, and she tells the others about what she found. They are all excited and after they eat as much of the deer meat as they can, considering that they have no way of taking most of it with them, Shachi and Penguin are the first ones to utilize their 'bath.' Law waits with Lexi so as not to leave anyone alone in the woods while the others bathed.
Law offers to hang back while she bathes by herself, keeping watch on the woods just in case, but Lexi doesn't want to inconvenience him. She offers for him to bathe with her, seeing as they've already seen each other's bodies before, and he very reluctantly agrees. Lexi goes first, stripping in the bushes and gets into the water before she calls out to Law saying that he can come out now.
While he undresses, she turns away and washes her hair. At first it's awkward, but the sensation of finally being able to wash overwhelms anything else, and Lexi doesn't feel uncomfortable. After all, she's traveled for several months with them now and they feel more like family than she's ever had.
Law enters the pond and they stay separated for most of the time out of respect. Lexi tries to make small talk, just to pass the time, and Law tries his best to make her feel comfortable by responding. Law asks Lexi what her life was like before the apocalypse, and she says that she honestly doesn't miss it, though being in danger of being eaten alive everyday isn't preferable either. Law chuckles and agrees, and Lexi asks the same question.
Law says that he was very successful in his career, having wanted to be a doctor since he was little. Lexi asks what got him interested, and he said his father was also a doctor. He doesn't want to talk too much about it, and Lexi respects that, content to just enjoy the feeling of being clean and talking nicely to Law. While they talk, Lexi helps him clean his back since it's a bit difficult to reach with an injured arm.
Lexi admits that the only real parent figure she ever had was her grandmother. She's the only person she really, truly misses, but that she is thankful she died before the whole apocalypse happened, and was cremated so there is no way she could come back as a zombie.
Law remarks that she has a much luckier past than most people, and she agrees, thanking her own good luck. She says she misses family, but then concedes that Law's band of men have become another sort of family.
Law leans down and kisses her shoulder, saying that they are glad to have her as well. They kiss for a moment, before Lexi says that she is done washing and Law respectfully turns his back as she exits the pond. They use a few small hand towels they found along the way to dry off, and she redresses before leaving Law to his own privacy.
Later that night, they take turns keeping watch again, and Lexi is scheduled to relieve Shachi of his watch. She asks how it's been, and he says it's been quiet. They sit in silence for a moment, and Shachi finally asks if she's happy with them. Lexi says that she is, and she promises she isn't lying. They laugh, and sink back into a silence. Lexi suggests that Shachi get some sleep, and he says that it isn't fair Penguin gets a kiss and he doesn't.
Laughing, Lexi leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek to make him happy, sending him on his way to go to bed. Lexi goes about her shift, killing a stray zombie that wandered its way to their camp. When it's her time to switch, she shakes Law awake and they switch places.
In the morning, they find a big city and they notice that the streets are empty of any zombies, though they can hear a huge amount of them somewhere. Law feels uneasy, not knowing where all the zombies are coming from, but the layout of the land forces them to go through the town, seeing as the mountain on all sides are too steep to climb. Cautiously, they make their way down the center of the street, still not finding any zombies anywhere.
They round a corner and find a huge metal gated area with orange tape and large restricted signs. Lexi wonders what it is, and Law realizes it was one of the original quarantine zones made by the military, blocked off to keep uninfected people from wandering in, and the infected individuals from wandering out. He comments that the place must have fallen, and all the victims rose up and were still contained within the walls up to this point.
The zombies push forward with renewed vigor upon seeing the four of them, and the gate begins to give. Panicked, they all run down the street in search of a fire escape or some way to escape.
The first few buildings they try are locked and they don't have time to lock pick them, as the zombies have escaped the barrier and are in hot pursuit. They continue down the street before they see an old rusted ladder going up the side of a building.
Lexi and Law arrive first, and they make it up the ladder no problem, though it did groan in protest. Finally, Penguin and Shachi are right behind and begin climbing the ladder. They have the big backpacks on their backs, while Lexi and Law were considerably lighter than the two of them combined, and the ladder cannot support their combined weight. One side collapses down, and Penguin reaches out to grab Shachi's ankle to keep himself up.
Law managed to grab Shachi arm, but their combined weight is too much for him to carry. Lexi tries to help by grabbing Law by the waist, pulling him back so he has a counterweight to the boys, but Shachi's hands are slipping and fast. Shachi begs for his life, but he slips away and both of them tumble down to the mob of zombies below.
Law cries out in agony, trying to pull away from Lexi and help but Lexi knows it is too late. They can hear them being torn apart down below and she breaks down at the sound. Law finally stops resisting and falls to his knees on the roof. He doesn't cry, but only looks on with a blank face.
It is just after Law and Lexi lose Penguin and Shachi, and Lexi is worried about Law's state of mind. He has basically shut himself off, and doesn't talk much besides the most basic of communication anymore. She has tried getting him to talk about it a few times, but he shuts her out and walks away most of the time. It's obvious he is suffering in his guilt and grief, but won't allow her to comfort him at all.
One night they are staying in an abandoned warehouse, it's a cold night, and they hear a larger horde of zombies walking by, chasing a man on the run. He's out of stamina, and bangs on the doors trying to get in. He sees the light from their fire inside and knows they are inside.
He desperately calls out for them to let him in, but both of them know that the walls of the warehouse aren't that sturdy and would never hold out against the horde following the unknown man.
Lexi begins to cry, reminded of Shachi and Penguin's cries for help, and Law stays stony, holding her close to calm her down until finally the horde catches up with the man and they hear him getting torn apart from their vantage point in the top floor of the warehouse. He screams for awhile, before it finally goes quiet.
Lexi is shaking and shaking, before finally falling asleep in his arms due to exhaustion. Neither of them ate the food from their bags, but they are too tired and without an appetite to actually eat anything.
They set out the next morning and travel through the woods, trying to lay low from the roads so as to avoid people and most of the zombies. For the most part it works, and they even find a cabin or two in the woods to stay in overnight. They don't talk much to each other, despite Lexi's urging. Law continues to get angry at her for bringing up Penguin and Shachi, but she protests that they need to talk about it at some point. Law ignores her, unable to voice his own feelings on the issue.
For several nights they camp out in the woods, not quite sure where to go. On their way, the forest ends and they come across the highway once again. It cuts through a mountain pass, forcing them to return to the road. The mountain itself is too high to climb over to avoid zombies, so they reluctantly continue on.
As night falls, they pass by a small town, consisting of only a few houses and a couple farms. They decide to break into one of them to spend the evening, and clear out the remaining zombies inside. They take to separate rooms and retire, but Lexi is woken up in the middle of the night by her closet door opening, revealing a zombie that had been hidden there the entire time. She screams, unable to find a weapon within reach, as she holds it at bay by her feet and hands.
Law rushes in and decapitates it with his sword, spraying blood on them. It falls to the ground and Lexi collapses back to the bed, sobbing. Law, in an equal state of disarray and clearly shaken, drops his sword to the ground and gathers her up in his arms. Lexi is surprised to feel the wetness of tears at her shoulder, meaning he is crying. She's never seen him cry before.
He brokenly tells her that he had already lost part of his family, he thought he'd lose her too, and he couldn't handle that. He admits that he can't cope with losing Shachi and Penguin and breaks down silently in her arms. Lexi is too shocked to say anything really, just sits there and comforts him however she can. They both decide to spend the night together, seeing as neither want to be alone. They sleep in Law's bed and both feel they can rest easy, if only for a moment.
Never Alone
While they are traveling the road one of the days, they pass by a sign on the major highway 75, stating that it is just over 70 miles to Dayton, where the air force base is located. Lexi suggests that they head to the air force base that she'd originally been heading towards, and at first Law disagrees. He says that there's almost no chance that they're still around and operating, but Lexi says that they'll never know until they look. He thinks it's a waste, but Lexi says that all they've been doing is wandering around aimlessly and having a set destination in mind was really no different than how they'd been traveling thus far.
He still isn't convinced, but Lexi simply says that they have nothing else to place their hopes in, and Law goes quiet for a moment. It takes a bit of convincing, but he finally agrees to her plan, but tells her not to get her hopes up for anything being there.
The problem is that Lexi and Law are now running desperately low on supplies, to where they do not know if they will make it in time to the air force base before they starve to death. They are making sure to ration out the food they do have, but even that is pushing it. The nearest small town is completely ransacked and of no use to them.
Despite searching two cities everywhere they can, the only thing they find in terms of food is some dog biscuits. They are almost out of food completely when a large and unpredictable storm rolls through. They run down the street and try to break into a shop, but the lock is broken and cannot be picked. With rain pouring down all around them, they run to the next best thing, which is a motel. It's a small town, and the owner probably lived onsite, so there's a separate, nicer penthouse that requires a key, but Law simply picks the lock.
They get in and make sure the place is clear. There are no zombies, so they begin to strip off their clothes so as not to catch a cold. It isn't necessarily cold but having the wet clothes on would only make them sick.
Law tries to give Lexi as much privacy as possible, but she doesn't mind that he sees her in only a towel. They sit in silence and listen to the thunder and lightning outside, huddling close to keep a bit warmer. Lexi says how she always hated storms as a kid but loved them as an adult, and asks what Law was fearful of growing up. He replies that he was afraid of being left alone, and about how his father died of a heart attack, while his mother only lived another month before she passed away from a similar illness. He doesn't want to talk about it much after that, and Lexi respects that, reassuring him that he isn't alone.
They kiss, and it quickly becomes heated very quickly. They spend the night together, keeping warm with each other as the storm rages outside. One sort of hunger is sated for the moment, helping the hunger pains if only a little.
In the morning, their clothes are mostly dry and the storm has passed. They get up and get ready for the day, always keeping close and stealing small kisses. It almost completely distracts them from their growing hunger, but their growling stomachs make them be on their way as quickly as they can, intent on finding food somewhere or making it to the air force base in time to maybe be saved.
The Compound
Law and Lexi are intent on finding the air force base that Lexi had been searching for this whole time, seeing as they are both alone now. Law is having a hard time accepting that Penguin and Shachi are dead, but having Lexi there is helping. They become very close in the wake of their deaths, and Law begins to fall in love with her.
They come close to the compound at night, in the middle of a storm, and at first they can't believe their eyes. There is light coming from inside the high walls, and they can hear the noise of activity. Law immediately kisses Lexi for being right, and they find renewed energy to hurry the rest of the way down.
Eventually, they find the compound and are relieved to find that humanity has continued to survive and even thrive in the compound. The safe zone is well-defended and has lots of survivors that live off of farmed crops and even livestock that they rounded up and took back with them.
Lexi and Law are very doubtful at first, cautious and easily startled. They are walking the fine line of too-good-to-be-true and praying that this will last. They slowly become used to a suburban, community style environment, and even begin to make some friends within the community. Or, at least, Lexi does. Law is rather reclusive, and keeps to himself at home. This puts others on edge, and they don't trust him very much, but they trust Lexi and so don't say anything about their concerns.
At first, Law hopes Lexi will take up a job with the other women that stay safe behind the walls of the compound, to keep her out of harms way. But she refuses, saying that she wants to be of more help than just cooking, cleaning, and making clothing for everyone in the compound. Law reluctantly agrees that her skills are much more useful outside. He trusts her more than the other men who run scavenger missions and extermination runs.
The compound is run by the military, obviously, though the panel of scientists working on the cure is considered the highest authority. Whenever they need materials or specimens to test on, all they have to do is say the word. Law was asked to join the committee, but the need to fight and kills things outweighed his desire to do research, so he doesn't think he'll be of much use and turns them down, more than happy to remain out on the field and killing any zombies they come across to make the surrounding areas safer.
Lexi makes friends with a girl named Riley, who aspired to be a writer before the world ended. Her father was a general on the base, and was easily granted to live there, but she helps tend to the gardens. She still wants to publish some sort of literature, and asks if Lexi would be willing to detail her time in the world outside the walls, as she puts it. At first Lexi isn't sure, but eventually agrees, wanting Shachi and Penguin's memory to live on in some way.
After missions, she will come back and add little bits to the story, which Riley writes down dutifully. She asks questions that cut deep, and Lexi sometimes doesn't want to answer them, but she always does, wanting her publication to hold only the truth.
Never having been outside the walls, Riley is fascinated with the stories that the survivors bring back, but most refuse to talk to her about it, as they don't want to relive their experiences. Lexi is her only way to know what's happened since day 1 of the outbreak.
The compound holds an anniversary part of foundation of the place, and Lexi encourages Law to attend so the others can see that he isn't dangerous. He feels uncomfortable doing so, but agrees for her sake.
One day while Lexi and Law are out on a supply run, they are overrun by a surprising and overwhelming amount of zombies that seemingly come from nowhere. They run and hide in the nearest warehouse, taking shelter in one of the supply rooms. It is dark and night is approaching, so it is difficult to see anything. They run into a back room, chased by zombies, only to find more in the room with them.
Lexi is bitten in the arm before Law can kill it. They kill the remaining zombies around, and Lexi becomes hysterical. Law tries to calm her down, but she knows what will happen and can't stop crying. Eventually, the horde passes and they make it back to the compound the next morning after spending a very stressful night in the warehouse. Law immediately takes her to the scientists and demands they figure out the cure in time. Reluctantly, they allow her in, and Law refuses to leave them to cure her alone.
They try lots of tests and other seemingly-useless techniques, and Law begins to have suspicions about them knowing what they are doing. Lexi continues to get worse, by the end of the first day having a fever of 102.
Law begins to feel sick as well, and he discovers that he has also been bitten on the back of his leg. He didn't begin to feel the effects of it until later because it was further away from his heart and brain so it took longer to travel the bloodstream. Knowing that he doesn't have much time, he throws himself completely into the research, finally taking up the offer to help.
By the second day, Law is the only one really invested in curing Lexi, and it becomes apparent that the scientists have no idea what they're doing, and haven't really been working on a cure at all. It's all been a public sham to keep themselves protected and well-fed. When they begin to suggest euthanizing Lexi because of the extreme resources being used to keep her alive and to try to cure her, Law becomes enraged and kills anyone who tries to come near, intent on keeping her safe and finding a way to save her.
Law is becoming more and more ill, and can barely stand himself. Lexi begs him to just kill her and end her suffering, but Law refuses, still intent on finding a cure. Lexi asks for at least him to spend one night with her, since it may be her last. He agrees, and they lay together on the floor. She asks if he thinks there's a heaven, and he replies that of course there is, because where else would pure souls like hers go. In the middle of the night, Lexi dies and Law holds her in his arms until she begins to turn. He shoots her in the head in misery, relishing the feel of her in his arms a little longer. He sits there for awhile, thinking about many things and nothing at all. At some point one of the scientists comes in and tries to take Lexi's body away, but Law kills the man in cold blood, daring any of the others from taking her from him. He shoots himself as well, feeling the infection spreading through his own body.
It becomes apparent that the research Law conducted was more progress than most of what the actual scientists had done the entire time, and after the remaining survivors pick up where he left off, after several years of research, they discover he was on the right track for the cure, and eventually are able to combat the infection and begin to rebuild the world as it was.