Saturday, March 18, 2015
Written by Max Lister
I bet you’re sitting down right now, with a drink or some kind of snack beside you on your couch. Maybe even a comfy armchair. Or maybe you like reading this on your bed, snuggled up in a mountain of blankets while it rains. I’ve even heard of people reading in the office, sneaking sentences while they type daily quotas and dodging the wrath of a nosy boss.
Well, ain’t that just dandy.
You, and your perfect little life. You claim you’re ‘fortunate’ and that you’re ‘grateful’ for everything you have. You claim there’s nothing you could want, nothing besides what you already have. Well, I say screw you and your angelic narcissism.
Let’s say I dangled a million dollars in front of your face right now and told you it was all yours, free of charge, with no catch. Well, would your ‘values’ and ‘morals’ prevent you from taking that money because you already have everything you could want in life? No. You’d snatch it out of my hand without a second thought.
All of you humble quacks can quit the act and just profess what great examples to society you are. Go on, we’re all waiting. Just shout it out for all of us to listen. I’m sure that someone out there is willing to listen. Like a therapist.
Everyone is a lie. You think you speak the truth to everybody? You think everyone’s gonna tell you that you look absolutely fantastic in that twenty-year-old cardigan that has faded to the color vomit? You really think your family is proud that you’re a major in philosophy? What a joke.
The real world, meaning the harsh and cruel one, is all around us. In fact, we embody everything that is tragic. But we are so full of ourselves and our image of a perfect world that we pretend it isn’t there, that it doesn’t exist.
To all the people who swear they are ‘good at heart’ and ‘average people,’ this column is for you. And screw you all in particular.