It seemed like a good plan at the time, you muse as you watch your dearest older sister slide into her burgundy trench coat and leave the room with metal chains that just seemed to appear in her hands. Only that's not really your older sister, but a dream version.
Still, you try to follow her into your old living room, but she vanishes. She's just a dream, so you shouldn't worry… But considering the last time you saw Jay was in a nightmare, when your Shadow murdered her at a carnival… You would like to keep this dream half decent. Since being banished into this dream world, you've since learned how to gain some awareness and control, but this will always be the realm of your subconscious.
You gaze out the window, where you can see Emerald Inc. headquarters. That accursed place, it's always in your world, a damning reminder of your now accursed and damned self. You turn back to find that the scenery has changed, this time to an empty hallway in the building. It looks as bland as you remember it when you were led to the basement door at the end of the hallway. Behind it lies a chamber welded with crystals and wires. The last thing you recall was that dipshit Emerald giving you his smug-ass grin and saying 'sweet dreams'.
The last thing you ever see in your waking life had to be him! Not Jay, who you argued with weeks before your incarnation. The mere thought of it brings your attention to the end of the hall behind you, where you see your dream-self and Jay arguing:
"They're wrong." You say, taking your small pebble of quartz from the empty glass. "Emerald and his damn corporation don't want world peace or Green technology for everyone. They just want to use that power to make weapons out of crystals and have control!"
"Mr. Emerald is not like that!" Jay counters. "He gives a good portion of his money to charities-"
"So he claims." You snort and her cheeks glow a darker scarlet.
"He does! His company is all over the world, anyway, and employs a lot of people!" She takes a deep breath and crosses her arms. "Just stop this rebellion, already. You take Emerald Inc. out, you're group is going to put everyone out of work and maybe even cause a war. You'll practically destroy the world!"
"My group are the only people who stand in his way of total control!" You pick up several books. "I'm the only and best independent Crystal Mage left. What do you think happened to the few others?"
"Tch… I don't know! Besides that one murder with Madame Whoever, they probably just found another job or something." Both your dream-self and you grit your teeth; she still didn't believe the hacked files of Crystal Mage Abductions and muzzling your group found.
"If keeping down Emerald Inc. means 'destroying' the world, then so be it. If it means a chance at a better future without their control, then I'll take that chance." She just shakes her head, refusing to meet your piercing glare.
"Fine. Whatever." She turns to leave. As she slips on her burgundy coat your dream-self speaks up.
"If I suddenly disappear… I think you can guess who's at fault." She doesn't respond, just walks to the stairs. Your dream-self puts your books in a metal trash bin, opens the window, and lights them on fire using some yellow stones – you forget their names. After that, they march past you and enter the basement door.
… Now that you think about it, every one of your dream-selves so far have always entered that door. You take a step towards it, but paralyze.
… It's like, there's some shield around it, but your dream-self – perhaps your Shadow – seems to beckon you to it, like there's a secret behind that door. Maybe even an exit?
This deduction gives you the motivation to put another step, then another, until you're running towards it. But the door barely gets closer and you feel like you're moving in slow motion.
"C'mon…." You growl out, willing yourself to speed up. "C'MON!" The door opens and grows, encasing you in darkness as you fall.
Your eyes shoot open then shut again as jade blinds you. Sucking in a few breaths, you open them slower, letting them adjust to real light. It's all green tinted thanks to the glass screen. Your wrists appear restrained from the hard metal cutting into them. Tilting your head down as far as you can, you confirm that you are standing on the dust covered platform, not levitating like you recall… It's eerily quiet… You can't sense living presences or machine waves at all close by…
Is the power out?
That thought prompts you to lean against the door, successfully nudging it open. You take a step… And kneel to stop from falling flat on your face. How long have you been in there!? Okay, try again: one step, then another… Keep going… Good. You haven't lost your ability to walk yet. A shiver creeps up your spine, this stupid lime green Emerald Inc. suit doing nothing for you.
Looking back to the chamber, you see the dull crystals decorating it. Resting your hand over and red jasper, you concentrate your energy and make pop out of its mold. Holding it in your palms, you mold its energy into a glowing blade and cut your handcuffs. You feel a crooked smirk growing on your face as you collect a few more and sneak out into the hallway.
Sensing a small group nearby, you dart into the elevator and go up a couple of floors. Stepping out, you glance out the large window and halt. Beyond a few sleek buildings, dull cities of slums are in plain view. Vehicles fly above you. There's smoke in the distance, like a war is taking place.
The elevator behind you opens again.
It feels like forever since I last wrote something just for fun! I honestly didn't know where I was going with this until I wrote in Emerald Inc. and that argument with sister Jay, though I tried to keep it from going into Preternatural and total Dystopian. It still gives an Urban Fantasy feeling, but I can deal with that. I feel that the ending was a bit rushed, but otherwise, critiques are appreciated.
Any dream interpreters on here can have a crack at deducing the beginning.
-Monos DOA965Please respect copyright.PENANAb5g6ak2Nbu