Note: Written for the anime Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
He finds her name ironic. Anyone would, really. Everything about her is blue: her hair, her eyes, her clothes, even her flame. In the back of his mind, he sometimes wonders if her parents did it on purpose because they knew the kind of person their child would become.
But at the same time, he thinks that blue could be the worst colour to describe her. No, it definitely is. She's more of a bright violet like himself, proud and regal and never bowing down to anyone (other than Byakuran-sama, but anyone would bow down to him).
Or perhaps she's more of a red-now that he thinks of it-like Zakuro. He chuckles at the thought that she'd be so similar to the one she hated with such a violent passion, but that's what made them alike, wasn't it? She was so bright, burning with the same deep crimson that stained the path they left behind.
She could also be white, like their beloved master. Not in the same way, of course, but her purity was so evident. It was in her excited smile every time she found a new candy to test, or the flounce of her skirt when she bothered to get out of the pool and actually walk with the legs that had been fixed for her. On the occasion, he wishes that she'd never been sentenced to such a horrifying life, but her fate otherwise would have been just as bad. [Or would it?]
She's also a pale green, in a strange way. She reminded him of pastels and mint ice cream and she was just as electrifying as the Thunder could be. She had her own childlike form of loyalty in the form of her endless requests and hugs afterwards, and the never ending stream of affection that seemed to pour from her. He never admitted it, but the routine that she gave him was more precious than any jewels or ring.
But perhaps blue did suit her, because her calming (though still hyperactive) nature was what made her the rain. Because she was the cleansing rain, at the end of the day, bringing them back to the familiarity of life that they could never gain otherwise. And, though he'd never tell her, that shade of azure totally suited her.