Chapter two: The five
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After everything was sorted out at Luna's new home, her mother told them it was time to try out a new school ( which both Luna and Dale groaned at). The family decided to check out a school called Peter Jackson high. Which was a big, old, noisy, classic American high school. With big, blue, metal lockers, with number locks, a school football team called 'The wolves', geek eating cheerleaders, and noisy, messy lunch rooms. Basically, just any normal, American high school. Only the high school had one thing no other school had, and they were known, as The five.
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"Hey new kids!" A girl Luna's height said, breezing up to Luna and Dale, as they stood in their new school's parking site. "Come on, come with me. You guys look like you could do with some friends!" The girl said perkily.
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"Er, thank you?" Luna said, confused and slightly curious.
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The girl lead Luna and Dale over to a bunch of friendly looking people.
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"Hey guys, this is, er..." the girl said, almost embarrassed.
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"Luna, and this is my brother, Dale." Luna said, before rubbing her sweaty palms on her black leggins nervously.
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"Ashley, you're telling us you dragged a couple of new kids over here and didn't ask their names first? That's inconsiderate of you Ashley." One boy said, he said it sarcastically as he moved to Ashley's side and put his arm around her shoulders. His gaze drifted from Ashley's expression, to Luna's pure white hair.
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'Typical' Luna thought, 'everyone's the same, they cannot help but stare.'
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"Hey, I'm Reece Morell, nice to meet you guys. Cool names by the way!" The boy said, happy and cheery. "That's an interesting hair colour, I swear it's almost glowing and- OW!"
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Ashley had cut Reece off from his gawking, by elbowing him in the ribs playfully. He responded by tickling her in the curve of her waist. Her legs buckled, and she would have fallen on to the floor, if Reece's other arm wasn't around her waist, holding her up, and laughing as he did so.
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They seemed really happy being in each others company.
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Seeing this made Luna and Dale feel even more embarrassed to be in the presence of this group of tightly connected friends.
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"Come on you two you're embarrassing the newbies!" Another boy said, slinging his arm over Luna's shoulders. "Hey, I'm Eddie, but you can call me anything babe!" He said to Luna. Beside Luna, Dale stiffened his back, making him slightly taller.
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"Come on man, leave Luna in peace and back off a second, before Dale goes all older brother on you." Reece said, still with a light tone in his voice.
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Dale sent a grateful look to Reece as Eddie sighed and sat down next to a girl with blonde plaits and hazel eyes.
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"Please excuse Eddie, he's always like that." The girl next to Eddie said. Eddie gave her the death squint, and she replied by sticking her tongue out at him ruefully.
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"Jenny, stop annoying Eddie." Ashley said, laughing at the two friends.
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"Yes mom." Jenny said, sarcastically.
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Luna heard the bell ring distantly.
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"Oh, look at the time. Show me your schedules please." Ashley asked, the siblings.
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Ashley nodded at their schedules. "Luna you're with me and Jenny, Dale you're with Reece and Eddie. Convenient, hey?"
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"Cool." Reece said.
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Dale moved over to me. "Don't get into trouble Kay? I don't want to have to kick some ass OK?" He said smiling down at Luna.
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"Oh, where's the fun in that?" She asked, jokingly.
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"I'm serious OK?"
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He smiled and patted Luna on the head.
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"Good pup. See ya later then!" He waved and walked away with a grinning Reece and Eddie.
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When break arived, Luna went in search of her locker.
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As Luna tried to open her designated locker, someone pulled gently at one of Luna's white ringlets of hair. Luna did the only rational thing someone would do, she cried out in surprise and tried to bat the hand away.
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Well tried to anyway.
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"Hey!" She shouted, she tried to slap the hand away, but it quickly and gently held on to hers.
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She turned and her breath caught in her throat, standing in front of her were five super duper hot boys.
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The boys smiled at her, each one had a side smile, that looked like it belonged with a secret.
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The boys were stood in one line, the one in the middle was still holding her hand, nice and gently in his elegant, piano fingers.
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On the the furthest left was a boy around the age of sixteen; he had blonde, untidy hair; blue eyes; a gentle tan; a tall, muscular body and he looked like he belonged on the football team. The boy next to him also looked sixteen; he had brown, untidy hair; hazel eyes; a small tan; a tall, muscular body and he also looked like he was on the football team too. The boy on her furthest right looked sixteen too; he had untidy hair too only his was ginger; he had hazel eyes; a small tan; a tall, muscular body and just like the others, he looked like he too was on the football team. The boy on his right also looked sixteen; he too had untidy hair but his was brown with white tips,; he had bright, blue eyes; he too had a small tan; he was also tall and muscular and looked like he was on the football team. Then came the boy who stood out the most; the one in the middle and the who was still holding Luna's hand; he had dark, rebellious, black, untidy hair; black, mesmerising eyes; pale yet slightly peachy skin; a tall, muscular body
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And he too looked like he was on the football team, with broad, muscly shoulders that were tight inside a new, black leather jacket.
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"So you're Luna Wilson." The boy holding Luna's hand said.
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He said Luna's name like he wanted to savour her name on his tongue, and it made Luna shiver slightly at how sexy, husky and quiet the boy's voice was.
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"You have beautiful hair Luna. The name fits you perfectly. Right from your white hair, to your pale, glowing skin." The boy ran a finger over Luna's cheek, which she quickly slapped away. "I like you, you're different than most girls."
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'Who does he think he is?' The part of Luna's brain ( that wasn't occupied by looking at the five unreal boys in front of her) thought to herself.
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The boy smiled like he knew what Luna was thinking.
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"I'm Heath, the blonde one's Tristan, the brunette's Leo, the ginger's Michael and Sam's the one to my left."
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Heath started to gently rub Luna's hand with his thumb.
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"Heath!" A voice said down the hallway.
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Luna looked up to see Reece moving down the hall towards them, with a stern expression on his face.
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"Oh, Reece. Have you met my friend Luna?" Heath said, putting his arm around Luna's shoulders. His scent made Luna sag against him slightly. It was kind of earthly, rain water, dried oak leaves, grass. It also smelled kind of wild too.
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Reece's expression hardened more, as he spoke to Heath again.
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"Heath, leave her alone, I think you have enough girls on your arm already." Then Reece pulled Luna out of Heath's embrace and started to pull her down the hallway. Whispers followed them down the hallway along with squinting eyes.
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"Who are they?" Luna asked Reece, as he pulled her by the wrist, out the building.
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"They're the five, and they think they own the place and everyone in it. They're complete asses." He replied, still staring ahead of him.