Harry woke up the next day almost exploding with excitement. He couldn't wait to learn how to do all the tricks and spells James had shown him, and he'd loved watching Severus brew over the summer. Now he'd learn how to do that and more! Harry leapt out of bed and onto Ron's bed.
"Ron! Ron!" he said, shaking his best friend. "Get up get up get up!"
"Whasit, Harry?" Ron mumbled.
"It's almost breakfast!!!" Harry said, punching Ron in the stomach.
"Gbacktsleep, Harry." Ron muttered, rolling over.
Harry got off his friend, then decided to try a different tactic.
"If you don't get up now, you won't have time for breakfast."
Ron sat bolt upright and jumped out of bed.
"Hurry, hurry!" he moaned, tossing his clothes on and dashing out of the dormitory. When they reached the common room, Natalie looked up from the book she'd been reading on the couch.
"Where's the fire?" she asked, seeing Ron's frazzled look.
"We're gonna miss breakfast!" Ron hollered, sprinting past Natalie.
"Ron, breakfast doesn't end for another hour at least." she said. "Why'd you think you were gonna miss it?"
Ron stopped halfway out the portrait hole. He turned slowly, his ears glowing red. Harry backed away slowly.
"Im gonna kill you, Harry!" he shouted. A seventh year in a corner gave him a dirty look, while Harry managed to shove past Ron and run down to the Great Hall without being caught.
The pair ran through the Hall and Harry jumped onto one of the benches in between Neville and Seamus.
"Harry, what are you doing?" Seamus asked. When he saw Ron coming up behind them, he quickly added, "Never mind. You might want to pick a better spot to hide."
Dean and Seamus scooted down the bench to make room for Ron to sit next to Harry.
"Why did you wake me up so early, Harry?" he demanded.
"Because. I was excited. And it's no fun being excited with nobody to be excited with." Harry explained.
"Well, next time, don't get up so early." Ron said irritably, scooping porridge onto his plate.
"There won't be a next time." Harry said, making a point of making it sound as though Ron was stupid. "It will never be my first day at Hogwarts again."
Ron dumped porridge on his head.