‘In the end we go back to those who were the beginning.’772Please respect copyright.PENANAGso5Y251y8
“The queen is seething, what did you say?” Adian seemed both irritated and curious as they paced through the halls. “What did you do?” Calysse chewed on her lip as she brooded over all the words spoken in her encounter with Nesami.772Please respect copyright.PENANAP0XCql4nD0
“I just demanded that she’d make me champion if I returned from Indignor.” She spit as they walked down a corridor she’d already seen. Adian had claimed he was escorting her to her bedchambers, but they must have been striding the same halls for hours. It had become eerily suspicious how no servants had come down this way to confront them. 772Please respect copyright.PENANA7RuIMdFBGk
“You shouldn’t have spoken to her that way, and why in the world would you want to be champion?” He was right, but she didn’t regret asking to be champion. It wasn’t just a stupid childhood fantasy, at least not to her, carrying the title was just the beginning of her ambitions.772Please respect copyright.PENANA9onKCNl0ck
“I know, it was the only thing I deemed worthy for what she asked.” Calysse flinched with each step she took, as the shoes she’d been given cut little marks in the back of her heels with every pace. It was as if Nesami herself had demanded these be made especially for her, as a little was of punishing her for talking out of turn. Calysse waited to inquire about Aislin, and if the queen had been bluffing when she threatened to kill the wolf, but something told her Adian didn’t know. 772Please respect copyright.PENANAK0aIipcm5l
“Your ambition is going to be the end of you, from one non-Tyzalian to another, don’t get to bigheaded.” The way Adian spoke, as if he’d been broken in after a lifetime of being told he had to yield to what the royals thought of his blood. Having Golden Eyed blood but not inheriting the trait was possibly worse than not having any lineage at all, as was being born outside the country.772Please respect copyright.PENANAqbe8Ssr6o0
“Is she your sister?” There was little to no resemblance between the two, and Calysse found it hard to believe siblings would find each other dispensable, but there was always a chance. Adian’s eyes flashed, perhaps she shouldn’t have asked?772Please respect copyright.PENANAtTyPJrriDU
“No.”772Please respect copyright.PENANApedvndZcDy
“You said your sister is the one who knew I was here.”772Please respect copyright.PENANAs1Ry3o6Sy6
“I’m not going to tell you anything, so stop asking, you aren’t a welcome guest here anymore.” Adian stopped going in circles and stalked down a side hallway. He was acting like she had begged him to bring her to the castle to speak with Nesami, which was exactly what she didn’t do. Calysse wished she knew how to unsheathe her claws, because if she did, she’d be sprinting over his unconscious body.772Please respect copyright.PENANAvVqvibec0H
“Seems like you aren’t either.” Calysse breathed, Adian whipped around, cocked his head, and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something in retort, but instead, only swerved into a smaller chamber. Even though it was lit by torches that lined against the wall, the room still carried a gloomy freezing temperature.772Please respect copyright.PENANAbHqVk60vLs
“Narunis,” He called, his hands cupped to his mouth. There was no reply. The chamber had widened considerably, and was now identifiable as a living space. It looked like a more sophisticated version of the chambers she’d seen in the passage to the throne room, except less dull. There were three different rooms branching off from the center, which were lined with gold crests and elaborate decorations. Wooden shelves that lined the walls supported a lifetimes worth of preserved food and drink, which was more than any person would ever need. Elegant tapestries hung beside every window, which was plated in extravagant stained glass. Calysse stiffly looked to the middle corridor, in which a figure had now occupied.772Please respect copyright.PENANAz1QwR3tzc3
“Why did you come Adian?” The girl stepped into the light of the window, despite her insensitive tone, there was a wide smile on her face. This must have been his sister. There was a striking resemblance between the two, except for Narunis had deep golden eyes that seemed to melt as soon as you looked into them. Narunis had hair that resembled golden locks of silk that framed her face in graceful waves. To be Golden Eyed and a Venefica was a rare, and she’d found another who possessed it.772Please respect copyright.PENANAp0Dpq7JqWG
“Calysse,” He stopped and motioned to her, Narunis nodded in understanding. “Is going to Indignor for Nesami in a short time, she needs someone to keep her in check since she obviously can’t handle talking to royalty. If no one goes with her I’m afraid she’ll cause a scene.” Adian crossed his arms across his chest as he glared at her. Calysse just snorted in discontent, biting her tongue.772Please respect copyright.PENANAgklI2veNnJ
“And no one else can do this?” Narunis raised an eyebrow, her eyes scanning over Calysse’s body. Adian seemed to tense as he saw his sister’s reaction, he wanted some way to get out of the palace too, but why? If he really is so disliked by the queen, why couldn’t he just leave?772Please respect copyright.PENANAZlHgtnGJC3
“I thought you might want an excuse to get away from the queen that you love so much.” Calysse watched his exchange between the two siblings, her eyes narrowed. It was clear neither of them thought very fondly of Nesami. She could see why, but Narunis would naturally be a favorite of Nesami, being a Venefica and Golden Eyed. Calysse couldn’t help wondering what rank their family held to reside in the castle.772Please respect copyright.PENANATVSM766bWJ
“Didn’t Nesami want her to go with just you?” Narunis folded her arms, her nose wrinkled in disgust. That was likely her way of gesturing to Calysse that she smelled foul, as if she hadn’t noticed. Calysse just huffed again, shuffling her feet on the floor.772Please respect copyright.PENANA1jgSlPcG5L
“Nesami doesn’t trust non-Tyzalians, if I go she'll suspect I want to get free of the obligation I owe her."772Please respect copyright.PENANAV3mQusJoFh
“Fine, she’d better tidy up though,”772Please respect copyright.PENANAfCFFRnYs49
“Of course, the servants will tend to her.” Adian flicked his wrist condescendingly. How many moods did he have?772Please respect copyright.PENANANJuhpWZk1N
“I think I can-“Calysse rushed to interrupt, she wouldn’t stand to be pampered like a royal cat. Adian braced his hand against her waist, holding her back from stepping towards his sister. Calysse hissed at the gesture, did he think she was going to attack his sister? On second thought, maybe he was right to keep her a good distance from Narunis. So far she couldn’t stand any of the royal Golden Eyed.772Please respect copyright.PENANAyiWzF1Vk8h
“Hush, if you’re going to pretend to be a royal advocate you have to living like one.” Narunis brandished a commanding finger at her before stalking back into the shadows.772Please respect copyright.PENANAmWGERcFM3b
*****772Please respect copyright.PENANALtl6ZGjHqC
Adian Fonneraeru marched out of his sister’s chambers, making sure Calysse was close behind him. Adian didn’t trust the girl not to try and attack anyone in the castle, he didn’t trust what she had been taught growing up. The way she walked made him bristle to the very core, how she acted out in front of Nesami was just the surface of this girl’s arrogance. He hadn’t expected a girl from the slums of Indignor to have her dreams blown out of proportion. Champion? The word tasted sour on his tongue.772Please respect copyright.PENANA6hRnUupT84
“You don’t seem to be very fond of your queen.” Calysse inquired, her gaze fixed to the floor as he led her to the lower rooms. She asked too many questions for his liking, it was natural for her to be curious, but her disrespectful tongue made him all the more reluctant to answer.772Please respect copyright.PENANAGglIVZhK3W
“It’s not your business to know what I’m fond of.” He rasped coldly, his hand clenching tightly as it fell upon the bag. Thank the gods his sister hadn’t noticed, if Narunis had found out he’d smuggled Nux out again she’d…772Please respect copyright.PENANAd8CwiCWZP5
“I can’t figure you out,” She interrupted his thoughts, her hand falling on his shoulder. Adian felt the urge to pull away at the touch, but he resisted. Through the dirt that had gathered on her palms, he could see patches of coarse skin.772Please respect copyright.PENANAF7OckAksTc
“Excuse me?”772Please respect copyright.PENANAQhlwMfkLuv
“Back in the forest you were more of an open book.” Calysse sighed glumly as Adian came to a halt in front of a large curved oaken door with a brass door knocker. The hallway was illuminated by only a few torches between the other empty rooms.772Please respect copyright.PENANAEXlQ2ztAsm
“Was I? My mistake.” Adian snarled and opened the door. Calysse just stuck out her tongue slightly, her eyes squinted in little slits. As much as she most likely wanted to slice her nails across his face, he wanted to strangle her.772Please respect copyright.PENANA7MaO2CArwg
“Why do you even stay here with Nesami when she obviously distastes you? And why is this castle so damn silent and gloomy all the time? ”Calysse placed her hand on her hips as she inspected the room. Adian knew better then to tell her the castle was only silent when something big was happening. He noticed how cold she seemed as she shivered, her clothes were atrociously stained and torn, it was no wonder the castle was too chilly for her.772Please respect copyright.PENANA57uUIHDwwt
“Why don’t you stop asking questions?” Adian pulled his cloak around his shoulders and breathed out. Maybe he wouldn’t have been so harsh if he wasn’t teeming with anxiety. Nesami had summoned him to the dungeons that night, and whatever it was for, if it took place in the dungeons it wasn’t something to be eager about.772Please respect copyright.PENANAyQJHujmAxV
Adian followed after Calysse like a shadow as she bounded into the room. Hers wasn’t nearly as big or as grand as Narunis’ was, there were a few sun faded tapestries hanging high above on the sides of the room, the bars on the window openings were rusted. Unlike his sister’s, there were only two connecting rooms which led into a bathroom and a bed chamber.772Please respect copyright.PENANAZXYmicRKjr
Adian’s brows rose as Calysse fell backwards onto the bed, a deep sigh escaping her lungs. It must have been ages since she’d embraced anything soft. The blanket were embroidered in a lush forest green with decorative beads on the outside. Together, they looked like some kind of design, but no one had ever bothered to look that closely. All the rooms had different tapestries, as they were all artistic originals, most depicted the Nytteot race. The horned beasts that had once dominated the earth had been reduced to a fraction of their glory when the Indignor house rose into power. 772Please respect copyright.PENANAmds4OtXCg4
“My feet hurt in these shoes more than they ever did when I didn’t wear any at all!” She frowned in a pitiful outburst, her lips curving as she tilted her head back towards him. Wasn’t Calysse grateful she even had something on her feet? Her whiney nature astounded him as she ripped the shoes from her feet.772Please respect copyright.PENANAK4b0RrnCdj
“I doubt they hurt that much.” He crossed his arms, letting his shoulder lean against the arched doorway. The hint of respect he held for her snuffed like a weak flame with every second he spent with the clawed Venefica only to be replaced with something different, something more menacing. It wasn’t loathing, or jealousy, or any general emotion Adian could pin down. His heart skipped a beat as his eyes locked with Calysse, her eyes were intoxicatingly beautiful, and that was what he despised. 772Please respect copyright.PENANAZwjKDIcEJB
“I don’t lie.” She stiffened, the way her legs hung off the bed reminded him of an old doll.772Please respect copyright.PENANAx30OoOrWlB
“I doubt that too.” His heartbeat steadied.772Please respect copyright.PENANA8YNwHa0LYS
There was a moment in which neither of them dared to make a sound louder than the slight whisper of breath. A moment where Adian forgot his envy of her blessed birthright, when he just looked, and saw. Then that moment, like all things when they go up, came crashing down.772Please respect copyright.PENANAkE8oawMYBm
“Adian, Queen Nesami has-“A servant waited for him out in the hall, the young man was trembling as Adian cut him off.772Please respect copyright.PENANATFQVqShfVs
“Yes.”772Please respect copyright.PENANAPWDM1AN0uf
772Please respect copyright.PENANAzwhiW0V8Mi
772Please respect copyright.PENANAyaswDi0K8o
Adian treaded further and further down the narrow stairwell. In one hand, he gripped the dim lantern that provided him his only hope of finding his way through the catacombs, and in the other, he held the latch of his still rustling bag. The murmur of many voices mashed into one hummed from the bottom of his path like a swarm of locusts. What could have gotten the prisoners riled up like this?772Please respect copyright.PENANAH9nu09jQlQ
As he stepped down into the catacombs, Adian felt sickened by the fact that on nearly every side of him sat row upon row of filled cells. It seemed like there were more people under the castle then in it. He took the middle path that lead straight to the center of the prison, it didn’t seem likely that Nesami would want to meet at the end of either of the others. The left path ended at the torture chambers, and the right would put you right in the middle of the mass graves. Even though Nesami seemed to have a taste for anguish, there was no place for a meeting.772Please respect copyright.PENANAwByhDFSbgu
He could hear the prisoners banging on the cells as he proceeded down the nearly endless pathway. They called out for someone to save them from their eternal darkness, for a chance at redemption from whatever had landed them there in the first place. Most of them weren’t even criminals, some were Tezalians born either outside the country or without golden eyes that hadn’t pledged themselves to Nesami’s citizenship qualifications. The Venefica detainees were tortured, usually until they were to broken inside to use their powers, which was what likely would have awaited him. Adian would be rotting with them right now if he hadn’t given in, and no matter how much he wanted to deny it, he too would be begging for a release from the darkness.772Please respect copyright.PENANAG4YFRuFhru
A clapping noise nearly sent Adian sprawling out of his skin, he’d reached them. About ten paces ahead, there was a large circle of small candles that illuminated a wide area. A revolting feeling rose in his stomach as his eyes met Nesami’s golden gaze.772Please respect copyright.PENANAeXH120SX7A
“Go get the prisoners Marleya, the executioner has arrived.” Her voice felt as if he’d shot his own ice down his back. Marleya shuffled to a metal cell and twisted a key inside the lock. The door creaked as it opened, the prisoner’s steps were slow.772Please respect copyright.PENANAJXiT4AwZET
“Nesami, I don’t do killings,” Adian grated his teeth.772Please respect copyright.PENANAdtDNV0qXfq
“You told me you wanted to show you were worthy of being a Tyzalian, you said you’d do anything it takes, I assumed I could count on you for anything.” Nesami took a few steps forward, was this a test? This was a sick test. The queen hadn’t given him a task like this since…772Please respect copyright.PENANApFgy96Aqfz
“There was a day when I thought that was what I wanted.” He felt his knees go weak as the memories he’d shoved so far back resurfaced, a demon wreaking havoc on his thoughts. The look on her face when he-772Please respect copyright.PENANAomaLWllYxP
“You know the consequence of disobeying me Adian.” Her eyes flickered to the line of cells. In the faint light, his eyes caught sight of an axe.772Please respect copyright.PENANA2fkXWl0pXZ
“What about Waylar?” Adian’s nails dug into the palm of his hand as the guard, Marleya, held one captive by a chain.772Please respect copyright.PENANAk7tuu6dTNR
“He left the castle to find better work, and I’ve yet to find a replacement. I don’t like doing this but, again, I thought I could count on you for anything.” Somehow, he didn’t question that the former executioner had abandoned his post, as most lasted a few months before bailing. Adian shook his head and scowled,772Please respect copyright.PENANATTRBy3DRX5
“I thought I proved that to you.” Marleya’s eyes glinted gold as she shoved the female prisoner down on the ground. Adian noticed two horns that grew out of her head, she was a Nytteot. But what was a Nytteot doing here? A spy perhaps?772Please respect copyright.PENANAgGQDXdotWA
“You’re all sick if you think this is justice!” A voice cried out from the shadows. Adian tilted his head, the girl on the floor looked up at him. Long mangled locks of platinum blonde hair fell to her waist, Adian traced his way up her body, finally resting on her face. He found it hard to breathe as he looked into the Nytteot’s eyes. They were an otherworldly shade of red-gold, something only present in the half blood race between two unnatural pairs. These girls were both Nytteot and Tyzalian. They didn’t hold the terror and distress that most prisoners did, instead they had an untamable and wild glint.772Please respect copyright.PENANAO2NjUe2wSa
“They are sisters, both caught exchanging information about possible war movements with a fellow Nytteot within the city.”772Please respect copyright.PENANAwFgJdQMtIK
“Was there a trial?” 772Please respect copyright.PENANAiU2ksFj8ZM
“Whether or not these monsters got a trial doesn’t concern you.” Marleya suddenly spit at Adian, her lips pursed. He wasn’t surprised, he’d known Marleya long enough to know how detestably she thought of the other races.772Please respect copyright.PENANAfVxJa3NgRq
“Now pick up the blade Adian, we don’t have all day.” Nesami growled impatiently.772Please respect copyright.PENANAaiZBbAQLu6
“Find some other slave to do your dirty work.” He may not have been in chains, but he was just as much in Nesami’s possession as any of the people down here.772Please respect copyright.PENANApR7sZY6TOD
“Adian, its two lives for an eternity of darkness.” Nesami stepped closer, so close he could feel her breath on his shoulder as he looked down on her. Her smile made the knots in his belly so inextricably tight he wondered if he’d ever get rid of it.772Please respect copyright.PENANAW81J4esu5E
He wanted to scream, to tell her what he truly thought of her. But to do that, he’d have to pay for it with his life. With that thought, he knelt down selected an axe that hung from a rack. In his distraction, Adian hadn’t noticed his hand slip from the bag, he also hadn’t noticed as a shadow crept from the satchel.772Please respect copyright.PENANAg6n2283b3e
But he did notice when he heard the gentle sound of wingbeats in the stillness of the prison.772Please respect copyright.PENANAzPGee1Uy3M