Name: Miki'ik-Reh801Please respect copyright.PENANAO7qrGm6EMQ
The name means "knowing/calm Mhim'ik tribe warrior is Lost".801Please respect copyright.PENANAfuwnDhXyza
When he was born, the tribe priests sensed that he would be very knowledgeable, so they named him Miki. He became a warrior, and that is explained below with the 'ik. Then, his tribe was burned by a rival tribe's drake deity, so he wandered around the Living Lands lost, so he named himself -Reh.
Titles: the Assistant, the Roaming, the Lost
Species: Xaurip, specifically grassland Living Lands Xaurip801Please respect copyright.PENANAaMM4g4JqC7
Xaurips are sentient though primitive lizard creatures about half the size of Humans. They are tribe-like and speak in a language consisting of clicks, throat-rolls, hisses, etc. They travel lands looking for a wurm, drake, or dragon to worship. Rival tribes are common, and often the greater tribe burns the other with their more powerful drake or dragon. The power of a tribe reflects the power of its deity, a large tribe of hundreds worshipping a dragon that sacrifice daily, a small tribe with thirty-three worshipping a wurm that feed, not sacrifice, whenever needed.801Please respect copyright.PENANAid2YMHIkoJ
Xaurips consist of five caste types: priests, the ones 'communicating' with the deities, a champion, the military leader and mightiest of all warriors in the tribe, warriors, those who protect their draconic god to the death and take all orders from the priest(s) and champion, skirmishers, the hunters and ranged warriors of the tribe who do a warrior duty as well as hunt, caretakers, who caretake the young hatchlings of the tribe and teach them the ways of living (commonly caretakers are veterans of a previous profession in order to train the young in that profession), and the young, the hatchlings of the tribe that are in their learning stages.801Please respect copyright.PENANABJ6mPz6t1r
Priests' names end in their tribe name, such as Hiiris Mhim'ik ("Qik'Ris Mhim'ik" tribe) or Irnh Mhim'ik ("Qik'Ris Mhim'ik" tribe) or Hiiris Nhis'is ("Tsinh'Qis Nhis'is" tribe); warriors' and the champion's names end in the tribe surname, such as Miki'ik ("Qik'Ris Mhim'ik" tribe) or Irnh'ik ("Qik'Ris Mhim'ik" tribe) or Hiiris'is ("Tsinh'Qis Nhis'is tribe); skirmishers, caretakers, and young only have given names.801Please respect copyright.PENANA35Wj317CJy
Tribe names consist of the main deity's name followed by a given'surname tribe name. Such as "Tsinh'Qis Nhis'is", the main deity is Tsinh'Qis, and the tribe given name is Nhis, and the tribe surname is 'is. The tribe's priest(s) name the deity. For the deity, 'Qis means "drake", 'Qhiis means "young drake", 'Ris means "wurm". A dragon has no indication, and is just named its given name. Such as, when Tsinh'Qis becomes a dragon, he will be named "Tsinh" only. Though, very rarely does a drake become a dragon.801Please respect copyright.PENANA981PC9llRe
Fun facts: Qik'Ris means "Wheatgrass Wurm", Tsinh'Qis means "Treeroot Drake", Tsinh'Qhiis means "Treeroot Young Drake".801Please respect copyright.PENANAsRkJnsPDd9
(Based off of Pillars of Eternity Xaurips (wiki post) and dragons; awesome game, though I made the language stuff and some of the caste system stuff)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Measurements:801Please respect copyright.PENANAlt7Rrne7kn
98.4 centimeters tall (38.7 inches, about half of an adult human when he hunches his back like any normal Xaurip), weighing 45.6 kilograms (100.5 pounds, due to scales and lizard stuffs, it isn't equivalent if you half an average human's weight)801Please respect copyright.PENANAKGVFPLPtab
Looks: Wheat-colored scales with red complexion on his nose and cheeks, brown featherhair
Personlity: Calm, thoughtful (for a Xaurip), very protective of what he is fond of
Backstory:801Please respect copyright.PENANA11bvw8Orsp
From a Living Lands tribe of thirty-three known as Qik'Ris Mhim'ik, they were a smaller tribe compared to the Tsinh'Qis Nhis'is, a tribe of sixty, though mostly priests due to the healing powers of their deities, and the Mhim'ik often had small skirmishes with the Nhis'is. For a good while, the Nhis'is made sure not to kill any Mhim'ik, and vice-versa, because the Nhis'is only wanted a message to be conveyed that they owned the grassland and small mountain in the area. One day, though, two Mhim'ik warriors came upon three skirmishers, and they fought. The Mhim'ik killed all three skirmishers, but one Mhim'ik warrior was wounded. Word came to the Nhis'is, and a war ensued.801Please respect copyright.PENANAwspXvrZR09
The war was quick, and Tsinh'Qis burned the smaller tribe to ash, and the few warriors in the Nhis'is easily dispatched the rival warriors and skirmishers through the help of their deity. Tsinh'Qhiis, Tsinh'Qis's little brother, kidnapped Qik'Ris, the Mhim'ik's wurm deity, and flew off with her. Miki'ik saw this all happen, and he was motioned by the champion to find Qik'Ris, and Miki has taken that small note as his life's course. He must find his deity, even if it is the last thing he does.801Please respect copyright.PENANAgpsodzqm37
But he became thirsty as he was traveling through the Living Lands, and he also starved. He was in a desolate part of the Lands, and he needed desperate help. He thought he was going to die, but an Orlan named Ieris'il saved him and put him on the back of her stag, Mairnea. Miki'ik took this as a sign from the champion's spirit to find Qik'Ris with the help of allies. After all, he would have to fight a whole tribe of Xaurip.801Please respect copyright.PENANA4ywlaTgna6
He is now Ieris'il's friend and assistant. Ieris'il is a mercenary, taking up arms for coin in colonies that need defending. She's spent a few years in the Living Lands, and practically calls it her new home. She used to live in the Aedyr Empire as an indentured servant, but bought her way out with a slave and trekked to the Living Lands. Her friend joined a Druid order, but she went on as a lone wolf with her new hart, Mairnea, and eventually found Miki. She taught him how to write Aedyr runes crudely and understand the Aedyr language, though it is impossible for him to speak it due to his lizard snout, teeth, and tongue. Nevertheless, through runes and images in earth and spilled grains, Ieris'il learns a lot about Xaurip culture, and Miki learns a lot about Aedyr culture. The two are good friends not only because of events and time, but also because of their similarity that they are outcasted from intelligent societies as stereotype barbarians. Of course, Xaurips are indeed primitive, but Miki is a more intelligent and passive one.801Please respect copyright.PENANAcu1YapNB0V
The two live off of the land, and are accustomed to fighting strange creatures. They have great times together, and every day is routine, except when they're hired to fight or go on adventures. This is the point at which Miki'ik-Reh's life-adventure begins. His hunt for the lost Qik'Ris. The beautiful Wheatgrass Wurm.
Ieris'il and Mairnea:801Please respect copyright.PENANAsgZBjMrBY4
ages: Ieris'il, age 20; Mairnea, age 8801Please respect copyright.PENANAyzZ3rHv2Qg
measurements: Ieris'il, 87.1 cm, 26.3 kg; Mairnea, 185 cm, 208 kg801Please respect copyright.PENANAXpgdDK8DeJ
species: Ieris'il, Orlan (wiki post), specifically Aedyr Empire Hearth Orlan; Mairnea, Stag, specifically Living Lands Stag801Please respect copyright.PENANAHEyxfNiD5C
looks: Ieris'il, light skin with light brown fur-fuzz patterns, short dark brown hair, large hair-covered ears, green eyes, little nose, stoic look; Mairnea, like a red deer stag with young antlers801Please respect copyright.PENANAjclyFg7Cht
equipment: Ieris'il uses a bow commonly, but also a shortsword (always kept on her) and spear & shield (kept on Mairnea often); Mairnea keeps a small saddle with two knapsacks on it as well as weapon holsters801Please respect copyright.PENANAn9kqRuef2o
bonus Ikisnh info: Miki's best friend from the tribe, who is now dead due to the attack; had spikey, pinprick hair upon his head, instead of feathers, and a significantly less violent look about him than other Xaurip; he was outcasted from a cave tribe because of his looks, and the peaceful wheatgrass-worshipping tribe welcomed him in, Miki'ik especially once he learned that the little Xaurip could sling and think; had a son-father relationship with Miki'ik801Please respect copyright.PENANAe5UVtgYPJA
Weapons:801Please respect copyright.PENANAzISw0qc0AT
Stone-tipped hookspear and a rock slinger.801Please respect copyright.PENANA4eR1achuUr
The hookspear is his former spear during his tribe warrior days. It has some of his own featherhairs and Ikisnh's, his late friend who was one of the three tribe skirmishers, needle-hair tied by the speartip.801Please respect copyright.PENANAYmg18vX6Zc
The sling is Ikisnh's skirmishing sling.
Attire:801Please respect copyright.PENANAcjpJgPSnSO
Cloth undergarments, rough leather kilt, braided leather belt with a small creature's dried skull on left hip side, and a long deer hide collar with folds to put rocks, snacks, and other loot in (though not so securely).801Please respect copyright.PENANASYhZqogAym
Formerly wore a hide cover around his waist and the skull tied by braided leaf-string around his neck (the necklace being the tribe's late champion's trophy). Before his tribe was burned, he wore only a hide cover and his spear in hand.801Please respect copyright.PENANA1U2mBMGWOW
Story: Miki'ik-Reh the Xaurip [very original :D ]
Story Genre: Fantasy
Fan Fiction Base: Pillars of Eternity (find the game here and the wiki here)
Notes:801Please respect copyright.PENANAi26RpxvemJ
Xaurip in Dyrwood, where the game takes place, do not have feather hair. However, in the Living Lands, everything is unpredictable. I took Xaurip's love for feathers, and added that to be their instinct to look like their cousins in the Living Lands. Just some fan fiction logic there. Same logic with the language and culture, besides a few points.
This is all based on Pillars of Eternity, but I still made a lot myself. I hope you enjoyed my submission (a bit of an eyeful, but I enjoyed it anyways! I used up a whole 2 hours and 35 minutes on this entry, but weeks on my own made-up lore and backstories).