7th Century, 632, Mournful 21st
Southern edge of the Elven Forest
Sayana rode up front with Draak on her right side as the horses slowly made their way forward on the road. The forest was ending and trees became more and more scares. They were reaching the end of Elven Forest. They had spent half a day riding already. After spending three days in Ramstead. Sayana had spent most of it with Karle, that lord they found the Heart shaped ruby for. They had a heartwarming hug and he gently kissed her cheeks. He offered her a Red winged hawk to keep in touch with her other.
Sayana immediately named him Benjie, right out of the blue. The red feathered hawk was sitting obediently on her right shoulder. He didn’t as much as croak without permission. Sayana had quickly falling in love with her new pet hawk. Her gorgeous auburn braids was gripped by the soft wind.
Draak laughed at something Archon said, causing Sayana to get thrown from her fantasy world and back to reality. She looked at her Drakken best friend.
“It was not intended to amuse,” Archon noted.
“I know,” Draak bellowed. “That’s the best part!”
Behind Sayana and Draak rode their Druid friend, Archon, Tali, Fallon and their new comrade, Ruby. The young Aeyaen rode in the back with Fallon next to her. The wind gently grabbed the Aeyaen’s mess of long beautiful hair.
“What I miss?” Sayana asked.
Draak looked at his High Elf best friend.
“Lost in thought?” He assumed smugly.
“Mmmmaybe…” she replied, slowly.
“Probably thinking about Mr. Perfect,” Fallon said with a grin.
“W-was not!” Sayana tried to say and sound adamantly. But she failed.
Her thieving best friend giggled.
“At the very least you fell for someone that adores you back,” Tali added her two coins to it.
Fallon and Draak both laughed.
Sayana glared daggers at her childhood best friend.
“Traitor,” she hissed.
Ruby looked inquisitively at the scene in amongst her new travel mates. Fallon noticed her look.
“Ah, right. Sorry, Ruby. You clearly have no idea what we’re referring too,” she apologized. “Since we hooked up with, Sayana, she’s fallen for a bunch of different guys-“
“Has not!”
“Not all guys,” Draak reminded.
Sayana’s cheeks turned a shade of pink.
“-And…” Ruby continued, glancing from Sayana to the Aeyaen mage. “…she’s constantly fallen for folk who either didn’t reciprocate her emotions or, just bad people who actually were assholes, portending to be good.” She then grinned from ear to ear. “Hey guys! Remember that Goblin-”
Sayana’s cheeks turned a hard shade of red.
“Pion,” Archon remembered in a monotone voice.
“H-h-he wa-was excellent w-w-with a-a violin,” she stuttered embarrassed. Why did they have to do this to her? “His Du’ural Mountain accent was so-so delightfully beautiful.”
“He was a fucking Goblin!” Draak laughed.
Even Archon cracked a smile. A tiny one.
“Everything has its beauty,” Ruby stated simply.
Fallon and Draak sighed at her boring statement. Tali didn’t seem bothered at all.
“Exactly!” Sayana exclaimed in agreement, thankful someone supported her side. Finally!
Ruby tilted her head right.
“Although I think Goblins might be the exception,” she theorized, stepping carefully.
She breathed in relief when Fallon, Tali and Draak burst into a fit of giggles and laugher. Sayana sighed and let her shoulders sink in defeat. So close. So close to win this for once.
Ruby smirked, pleased they had accepted her statement and allowed her to join with them in this joking matter.
Tali quickly caught herself and stopped the giggling. She regained her monotone facial features.
“I’m sorry, Sayana, I shouldn’t joke about your love life,” she apologized.
“Thank you,” Sayana said.
“Even though ya love life is hilarious,” Fallon added snickering.595Please respect copyright.PENANASQQS37novr